Fifteen // We Did It For Them // P.C.

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There were nights after nights we would stay up talking about this exact moment. Hours upon hours, the topic never died out. We'd go to some of our favorite spots and it could be the only thing we talked about.

I had known the Curtis boys most of my life, as I was the same age as Ponyboy, the youngest of the brothers. I was a grade ahead because I started school early, so I shared numerous classes with Ponyboy's best bud Johnny Cade. I had occasionally hung out at the Curtis house, usually to do homework or before Mister and Misses Curtis passed, I'd go next door to their house if my momma was gone working late, before her own death.

The following school year after Johnny and Dallas Winston's deaths, Ponyboy had isolated himself, and quickly had stopped talking at school all together. Until, I started to set with and talk to him. It was hard to get him to open up, but within months he had.

We became best friends, constantly spending time together. Next, Sodapop was drafted and Steve went with him, stating he would be lost without his best friend, Evie and he married just after her 18th birthday, weeks before the boys had to leave.

But not too many months after they were gone, I had been at the Curtis house while Darry was at work and Ponyboy was showering. I had been the one to answer the door to them. Ponyboy's shower was cut short and I remember we cried for hours on the couch, until Darry got home.

The second Darry stepped through the door, Ponyboy launched himself into his arms, making his tools crash to the ground and the pair fell out the door, Darry barely steadied them enough to not fall off the porch. Steve came back within two weeks' time, missing one of his legs, causing him to be honorably discharged and had been diagnosed with PTSD. Evie and he had become pregnant the following year, when I was a Senior and Ponyboy was a Junior.

I stayed in Tulsa after my own graduation, working at the Dingo or watching some of the middle-class youngsters. But once Pony graduated, he had been accepted to New York University for a writing program, and I had applied just before him, being accepted to New York University for Business.

We had celebrated together with Darry, Steve, Evie, and Two-Bit. Steve made Ponyboy cry, but not in the usual, over the top teasing way. He just told him he knew Sodapop would be proud of him, and he was too. We sat at the cemetery where Dallas and Johnny were buried right next to one another, directly behind the Curtis parents. I gave Dally a cigarette and beer, and Pony gave a cigarette to Johnny, placing it on the old, ruined, worn down copy of Gone With The Wind. It seemed dumb to others, but that was our traditions. Dally had told me if I brought him flowers, he'd come back just to beat me up because tuff guys don't dig flowers, that's when we were coming to visit Mister and Misses Curtis', and I brought some flowers I picked on the way.

As I looked around the small New York apartment, I grinned. Evie and Steve were playing with their new son, Robert Sodapop Randal, or Robbie. He was just barely walking now. Darry and Two-Bit were setting on the open window seal, letting fresh air in and talking softly to one another. I frowned at the knowledge that my boyfriend wasn't around, but just as I turned my head, I felt familiar arms slighter around my waist.

I grinned and leaned back a bit, my hands placing over his as he kissed the side of my head. "What are you thinking about?" he whispered, just loud enough for me to hear. "We did this for them" I stated matter-of-factly. He moved his head off my own, but I kept mine on our friends. Our Family.

"For Darry and Two?" He asked, confused, I turned to look at Ponyboy with a small smile as I bit my lip, "No" I said gently, "We did it for Johnny. He wanted to leave, he thought there was something better out there, for kids like us. We did it for Dally. He thought there was nothing better out there for kids like us. We did it for Sodapop. He would be so proud of you" he breathed in deeply before closing his eyes, exhaling a shaky breath as he leaned his forehead on mine.

"We did it for them" he whispered against my lips before smiling the smallest bit.

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