Bad or Worse News First? //K.M.

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I felt terrible ignoring my boyfriend and the gang for so long, but I needed my alone time, and it sounded like they all understood. I could hear them occasionally come by and talk to my parents in the living room, staying anywhere from minutes to hours. It had been a week, but I finally decided to leave the house and head down to the Curtis'. It was still early, so I knew Keith wasn't there yet, but it would give me a chance to maybe talk to Darry if he wasn't leaving for work yet.

I quickly got dressed after my shower and made my way out the door, tossing a bye to my mother in the kitchen. The walk wasn't far, but halfway down I spotted Tim Shepard and he dropped me off in front of the house before heading off. I sighed as I jogged up the porch and entered the house. "(y/n)'s here!" Darry shouted as he tucked his work shirt in, giving me a small smile. "Where ya been, kid?" I gnawed my lip as my heart started to pound, and his smile dropped as he turned his full attention to me. "What's wrong?" he asked softly. "You headed to work?" I asked, and he nodded as I heard Soda coming out of his room.

"Why, you need something?" I shook my head, giving a small smile. "I'll see y'all later, have a good day, both of you" they thanked me before walking out the door. "What's wrong, (y/n)?" I turned to see Johnny on the couch and gave him the same small smile as I walked towards him with tears building in my eyes. He sat up as I plopped down beside him, burying my head in his shoulder. "Just give me a hug, kid" I mumbled, and he did.

Ponyboy came out of the kitchen and sat down while giving us an odd look. I nodded my head to the side, "c'mere kid" I said as I grabbed his arm and pulled him closer. He let out a small laugh as I made him plant his face in my back before moving, leaning against my side as my arm wrapped around his neck. "Can I tell y'all something?" I asked quietly.

"Course you can" I let out a shaky breath.


The three of us sat in a hugging position on the couch when Dally and Two came through the door talking loudly. "Baby! Hey, get off her! I don't wanna have ta skin ya for puttin' the moves on my girl" Two teased as he moved closer to us, bending down to scoop me up, spinning us around. I waited until he sat me down to open my eyes, giving him a small smile as his was large. "You sissies been cryin' or somethin'?" I threw a glare to Dally as he dropped into Darry's chair, "Shut up Dal!" I shouted, making a sad attempt to defend the boys and myself.

"Woah, baby, he's just teasin', calm down" I rolled my eyes at him and pulled away, making my way back between the boys. Johnny put an arm over my shoulder, and I leaned against him while Pony moved closer again. "We was just fine til the likes of you two got here" I complained with a small frown. Dally muttered something I couldn't hear, and I didn't care to. But Keith came back with a beer and sat down in front of me, facing me with a grin.

"You feelin' better since goin' to see the doctor? We ain't seen you since" Two reminded as he moved his free hand up to my denim clad calf, rubbing gently. My eyes dropped to my lap as I made an attempt to avoid eye contact, or even conversation. "Awe hell, baby what's wrong? Come here" I watched him stand before Ponyboy moved away, being replaced by my boyfriend who pulled me against him. "You wanna talk somewhere else?" I shook my head and he mumbled an okay, giving me a moment to start talking.

I released a shaky breath as I blinked back my tears, letting out a small laugh as I turned to glance at the boy, "You want the bad or worse news first?" I asked, and his brows furrowed. Suddenly he looked serious as his small smirk dropped and back straightened as he moved to the edge of the couch. "I-I don't know, I just-" he cut himself off, inhaling a breath before looking directly in my eyes.

I stared into the gorgeous gray eyes I had fallen in love with, causing me to smile a bit as he stared at me. "Does this affect me? Can I leave? I don't like this... whatever's goin' on here, too much-" "Shut up, Dal" my eyes widened as I turned to look at Johnny, and he was looking at his hands. "The hell'd you say to me?" I turned to glare at the older boy, who was glaring at Dally. "This ain't no joke, Dal" Pony said solemnly.

"Alright, you guys are freaking me the hell out. (Y/N, what's going on?" Keith said, grabbing hold of my hand, squeezing tightly before releasing a bit. I glanced at Ponyboy, and he nodded before I looked at Two-Bit. "I'm pregnant" I stated. His eyes widened a bit, and then brows furrowed, and his face quickly kept changing, like it did when he was confused.

"Baby, you said bad or worse news! That's great news, what do you-" "I also have adrenocortical carcinoma, and the doctor estimated I have six months to live, while the baby is only two months in my stomach, so-" "What the hell you mean only six months to live?" he asked quickly. Suddenly I heard Dally's rocking of the chair had stopped, and Two was staring at me with wide eyes, with tears slowly building in them.

I blinked, causing a few of my own to roll down my cheeks, "I mean" I gulped, "that I ain't gonna be here in a year, Keith" "You're lyin', right? Please, tell me you're joking, (y/n)" I shook my head, and he was quick to wrap his arms around me, holding me against him tightly as we leaned in the back of the couch. "What do ya got?" Dally asked, but Pony answered, "adrenocortical carcinoma, it's cancer of the adrenal gland" "What the hells an adrenal gland?" I let out a giggle, sniffling as I started to lean up, pulling away from Keith a bit as I sat up. Pony started to explain it while Two-Bit got up, pulling me gently with him outside.

We sat on the porch, his arms tightly around me as we sat in silence. It must've been an hour because soon Sodapop and Steve came home, leaving us alone with a hello before entering.

"Six months, but the baby won't be here for seven?" I shook my head, "It could be premature, but Keith I don't think-" Keith lightly cupped my mouth, resting his forehead against the side of mine, "Please don't say it" I gripped his wrist, pulling it to my lap, "I don't think they'll make it, Keith" and just like that, he deflated. He buried his head in my neck, pulling me to him tighter, but gentle of my stomach. One hand around my back on my hip, and the other on my stomach under my shirt. His tuff guy act had fallen, at least for the time being, as he whimpered into my neck just for me to hear.

My own tears fell as I leaned against him, one of mine atop the one resting on my belly, and the other on his thigh. Soon, we had been sitting there for three hours. How'd we know? Darry pulled up from work.

He got out, and he gave us a tired smile, but it disappeared when he seen both of our tear stained faces. Two didn't try to hide it like he had when Dally came outside to leave, after giving me a pat on the shoulder without words. I assume Pony and Johnny were smoking on the back porch since they can't smoke inside, but never came out here.

"What's wrong?" I let out a small laugh as I made eye contact with the eldest Curtis, "I'm dying" Two's hand tightened on my hip as he held me to him tighter, almost like he thought the tighter he held me he would be able to protect me from it. "Good news though," Two's raspy voice came out as he turned his head to his buddy, Darry looked at him as he neared us slowly, "We're having a baby" "Keith-" he shook his head, cupping my mouth once more, "Just- please, let me have this (y/n), please" I nodded, removing his hand as he pet my hair, holding me against his chest as his eyes closed.

I glanced at Darry who shook his head, bending down to kiss my head. "If you need anything, you know where to come. I'm gonna start on dinner, you two come inside, it's cold out" I nodded as he walked inside, and pulled a bit from Keith, who released me after a kiss to the temple. I stood up, and he stood with me, grabbing my hands as he looked down at me.

I moved my arms around his neck as his went around my waist. I gave him a small, sad smile as my fingers woven into the back of his greased hair. "I love you" I smiled, nodding, "I love you too" I promised as he leaned down to kiss me gently, as if he would break me.

And it was true. I would love him until the day I died, and even after. I hoped the baby would make it, that way he wasn't alone, and it felt like we were still together. I just hoped he wouldn't turn out like the typical alcoholic father with a child reminding them of what could have been. 

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