Too Early // P.C.

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It was the first Sunday morning of June, so we were having breakfast at the Curtis house. I wasn't sure how it started, but every first Sunday of the month, we went to have breakfast at the Curtis house.

So after having a shower, getting dressed and ready, I left my house and started the short walk to Ponyboy's. On the way there, I was stopped by some of the Shepard's gang, questioning me until Tim told them to lay off. See, I lived by their gang hang out, and to get to the Curtis house quicker, I cut through the tracks, which Tim was fine with since he knew me since we were little.

Nothing was helping wake me up this morning. Not the coffee I had, nor my shower, or the walk I had. I sighed as I jogged up the steps of the front porch, entering quietly, like always, and there was shouting and laughter that made me smile.

"Awe, c'mon Ponyboy! Tell us the truth!" I heard Two-Bit as I opened the door, I smiled at the boys. Ponyboy's back was towards me, and he seemed tense as Dally sat in Darry's chair, Two and Steve standing just in the dining room smirking at Ponyboy. Johnny on the couch, Sodapop on the opposite end, and I heard bacon in the kitchen, meaning Darry was in there.

"Shut up, Two!" Pony said with annoyance, and I raised an eyebrow as I looked over to Dally with curious eyes, he only smirked, looking from me to Ponyboy. "Come on kid! We all know you do! Johnny even told me so!" Dally waved towards the dark headed boy, making Ponyboy let out an angry noise before shouting "Fine! I like (y/n)! So what!? Big deal! She ain't like me back!" my eyes widened as I heard the boys snicker, besides Sodapop who told them to lay off, and Johnny who stayed silent.

Two looked over Pony's shoulder at me with a grin, and I shook my head as my face scrunched up, "Nah, it's too early to deal with this" I said before passing by a stunned Ponyboy and entering the kitchen, after shoving past the asshole twins. Darry gave me a smile as I entered and I grabbed a mug as I poured some coffee into it, "Morning (y/n), how'd you sleep?" "Terrible, it's too early to be awake" I said into the cup before taking a drink, making the eldest Curtis snicker at me.

"Breakfast is almost ready, go sit the table, would ya?" I hummed as I started to grab plates and utensils and carry them out, placing it around the table. At the sight of me doing so, it told the boys breakfast was nearly done, so they started to enter the kitchen as Darry moved food to the table. Starting at the head of the table was Darry, then me, Steve, and Soda, at the opposite end of the table beside Soda was Two-Bit, then Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dallas beside Darry, across from me.

It was mostly silent besides the snickers from around the table between Steve, Dally, and Two. Ponyboy had a permanent pink tint on his face, and Darry had yet to notice the awkward state his little brother held.

As we ate, Steve moved an arm around my chair as he leaned back, rubbing his belly with his other hand, complaining he might've eaten too fast. "Let me punch you in the stomach, you'll throw up and you can eat more" "Don't even think about it" Darry said, ruining my plan. I mocked him quietly before he tossed a biscuit at my face, making me laugh before taking a bite from it after picking it up from my lap where it fell.

"So Pony! (Y/n)! You guys going on a date now that Pony's secret's out?" Dally asked before shoveling eggs into his mouth. I rolled my eyes as I ate more of the biscuit, watching Ponyboy sink into his chair while dropping his fork on the plate.

"Leave 'em alone, Dally" Soda said while getting up to get more chocolate milk. "Oh! Or does the middle Curtis brother want to ask her on a date?" "What!? Shut up Dally, (y/n)'s like my sister, she ain't my type anyway" I rolled my eyes, "Gee, thanks Sodapop, you know how to make a girl feel good about herself" I said before taking a drink of the slightly cold coffee.

Soda laughed before saying he ain't mean it that way, but I only ignored it while finishing my food off.

"C'mon, Ponyboy! This your chance to ask her out" Two chuckled a bit to himself, but Soda jumped back in, "Maybe he ain't wanna ask in front of all of us" "Or maybe he realizes I'm a little too old for him" I said as I rolled my eyes. "You know what, Ponyboy" I said as I turned to his red face, as he slowly looked at me, "When you're finally 18, fine, we'll go on a date, but until then, I'm not getting arrested for dating a 14 year old" he gave a small nod, and I rolled my eyes a bit.

Sure, Ponyboy was mature for his age, a sweet kid, and he was cute for his age, but I was already 18, and to me it just wasn't worth getting arrested for.

But after four years, we had actually gone on the date. At the time, I was seeing someone, but it ended quickly after the date because Ponyboy and I decided to go out more. Maybe, just maybe if I knew it would've ended this way, I would have risked those years for the kid.

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