Drink // S.C.

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I exhaled the last bit of smoke before stomping out the cigarette with my heel. I took another glance up to the bar before I started to walk in, seeing as it was only a Tuesday night, it wasn't too packed. Hardly any people at all even. Buck caught my sight and nodded at me as I walked to have a seat at the bar top, where only one other person was. I knew him, we went to school together and I knew his friends since I came to Bucks just as often as the next teenager. I sighed as I sat a seat away from him, Buck instantly sliding a beer down towards me.

"I didn't know you drink" I said as I gave the boy a glance before taking a drink from my own bottle. He let out a small laugh as he shook his head, "I don't" he said hoarsely before finishing off the glass in hand. He must have been here for a while because Buck shook his head when we made eye contact as he neared to pour more whiskey in the glass.

I stayed quiet for a moment, just observing him. I got two more bottles of beer myself while Buck was down at the other end before I turned to the boy. I tugged his sleeve as I got up, "Come on," I said. He looked at me over the glass, and I nodded my head, "Just come on, kid" I stated with a small laugh before he stood up, sliding the empty glass down. I grabbed his wrist and started to pull him up the stairs.

He slowed us down, "Look, I'm sorry. I'm sure you're great, but I'm not really looking to-" "Shut up, Curtis" I rolled my eyes as I passed the hall of rooms and made it towards the last room, not a bedroom. "How do you know-" I turned to him as I leaned back against the door, pushing it open slowly. "We were in school together, from Kindergarten until you dropped out." He frowned a bit and looked like he was shuffling through memories.

Once the door opened, I pulled him again towards the ladder. "I-I'm sorry, I don't recognize you" I shrugged as I started up the ladder, using one hand as the other gripped the necks of the bottles. "It's fine, not many people remember me" I let out a small laugh, but it stung, "Not even people they were friends with years prior" I made it up top, and waited for him to join me, and he quickly did.

I walked carefully towards the end, sitting down and patting the spot next to me and holding the beer out for him, which he gladly accepted with the seat. "What's your name?" "(y/n), (y/f/n)" he stayed quiet as we looked out towards the road, watching people walk and cars pass.

"I heard about your buddies a few months ago, Dally and Johnny" I stated quietly, "Is that why you're here? Drinkin'?" he let out a small, sad laugh. "Yeah, kinda. I uh, I also got this" he leaned up, reaching into his back pocket before handing me an envelope. I nodded, not even needing to unfold it, but I did anyways. "That draft's taking' everyone, huh" I mumbled, and he sighed before I handed it back.

"Guess so. My buddy Steve's talkin' about goin' with me. He ain't getting' drafted since he's the only boy in his family, but he said he ain't wanna be here without me" I nodded, "They're takin' Tim, too." I stated before taking a few gulps from the bottle. "Shepard?" he asked, turning to me with his head cocked slightly. "Yeah, he told me when he got the letter" "How do you know Tim?" he asked while taking a drink from the beer.

I chuckled a little, running my fingers over the condensation on the bottle. "He's my cousin, I live with em" I tell him. "He gonna make a run?" I shook my head, "Nope, said maybe he won't end up like Dally this way. He probably ain't want me tellin' people about that much, makes him sound soft" I joked. He let out his own chuckle, nodding, "Yeah, he'd probably skin ya" I shrugged as I shook the empty bottle in my hand before throwing it as far as I could across the street, landing in front of a few people walking, a girl let out a shriek as I snickered at them.

I sighed, pulling my knees up and resting my arms on them. "You gonna run for it?" I asked, he shook his head as I turned to look at him. "What's the point? They'd catch me" he let out a sigh before making an attempt to let the bottle drop off into the trash can below us, only to miss and land a foot in front of it. I leaned back against the roof, and he copied my actions. "Hell, maybe you'll come back a hero" I try to reassure him, he only moves his arms to rest under his head.

"What're you doing at Bucks tonight? Ain't you got school tomorrow?" I shrug as I look at the sky, stars were out but only few visible because all the lights around us. "Needed to get out of the house for a bit. Curly ain't around since he's still in reform school, Tim had some broad over, and Angela is- hell I don't even know where that little broad is" I start, "and I do, but I don't really sleep until early morning anyway."

We stayed in silence for what felt like hours before we could see the sun rising and decided to leave the roof. We walked down the same broken path before we needed to separate. "See you 'round, Curtis" I said as I turned to make my way, only for him to grab my arm, causing me to stop and glance at him with furrowed brows.

"You gonna be at Buck's tonight?" "Depends," I shrug as he released my arm, and he furrows his brows, tilting his head, "On what?" "If there's a reason for me to go there" he smiled a bit, nodding, "Wanna meet on the roof later? My shift ends at seven tonight, I can be there by eight?" I smile as I start walking backwards, "We'll see! Show up, and we'll both see if I'm there" he laughed, nodding as he started to walk the opposite way. We shouted one last bye before I spun around and continued down the path to school.

Oh, I'd be there tonight alright.

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