The Kids (pt.1 v.2)

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Two boys, one girl-

Leeoni "Lee" Shania Curtis (right)- 18 years old, senior. Her current plans are to move to Texas for College and become a high school History teacher and remain there. She's a good kid, and always does anything her parents may need, but she will put herself first if it means her future or present. She doesn't want to change something just to fit her parents plans for her.

Darrel "D" Shayne Curtis III (middle)- 16 years old, sophomore. Quarterback on the Football team and has plans to get a full ride and play ball. He doesn't have a direct path and states he may just teach football if he can. He's a pretty steady B student in school, but he's rowdy. He has untreated ADD, and the teachers tend to be a bit hateful when he gets rowdy. He won't know until his later adult life about the ADD though. Lastly, D is, not so openly, gay. He knows his cousin is an out lesbian, and can hear the things said about her, and is afraid to so much as look at another guy outside his family for more than a few seconds, feeling as if it would be obvious. But he comes out to his dad first, when he decides to have the "talk", but Darry didn't mean THE talk, he meant the talk. He had known since he was younger that he was a bit different than the others but loved him all the same.

Darin Leon Curtis (left)- 15 years old, freshmen. He plays football as well but focuses less on the sport and just keeping dad happy. Darry doesn't force him to it, but he also doesn't know just how much Darin doesn't like the sport- at least not until an argument his senior year where they're only screaming at one another about his future with his scholarship. Darin plans to just go to college, without a ball scholarship, he doesn't want to play anymore, and wants to be an art teacher for kids.

His favorite pregnancy photo

His favorite pregnancy photo

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His favorite family photo

His favorite family photo

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His favorite young photo

His favorite young photo

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