Don't Judge a Book by the cover // P.C.

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I'mmmm about to hurt someones feelingsss, oh I'mmm about to hurt someones feelin'sssss 

(to the tune of "I'm about to whoop somebody's ass"


Ponyboy Curtis was a junior, along with me. For the last few months, I had randomly asked him to come hang out, though he always denied. I wished him a happy birthday, and he ignored me. The last two times I asked him to hang out, I pointed out that I meant as a date. Today, he denied and told me his older brother said he wasn't allowed to leave this weekend, so I pushed it off with an okay and moved on with my day.

At first, I really believed his brother had just become stricter since the incident with Johnny Cade getting paralyzed, but when I shown up to the Drive-Inn with my own gang, I realized he had been lying the entire time. With an eye roll, we made our way to some seats in front of them, catching eyes with the other greaser, as his widened and mine hardened. I sat down between two of the boys and kicked my legs up on the chair in front of me, leaning back as my arms crossed over my chest.

Of course, before I sat down, I realized he was with Johnny, Dallas Winston, and I think his brother Sodapop and his best friend Steve Randle, who weren't exactly quiet, but they stayed quiet enough for me to not care about it.

About a quarter through the movie, a few of the guys spotted some greaser girls, either a girlfriend or a fling, and got up to join them at their car. This left me and two of the younger greasers, a boy and a girl, who moved closer on my left, but soon their older brother came back, giving them popcorn and sitting on the other side of them. As I paid attention to the film, I spotted someone sit beside me out of my peripheral, instantly noticing it was Ponyboy by the clothes he wore to class today.

He started with my name before beginning to tell me his brother decided to let him out of the house since he finished his homework and pushing a bit. I rolled my eyes, ignoring him as my head lulled, trying to listen to the movie instead.

After a few more minutes, I grew impatient, and turned to glare at him suddenly, my feet dropping to the ground at the sudden movement, and his eyes widening as his mouth clamped shut. "Can't you leave me the hell alone already? I don't need a god damn explanation or apology, Curtis. I get it" I seethed, and his brows furrowed, "you do?" he asked, and I nodded, turning my head and motioning towards a group of Socs, teasing somebody in a car. "Yeah, you ain't any better than them" I stated, turning my head back to him just as I hear the conversation between his gang pick up.

He looks confused, glancing at the boys, and back to me, asking the silent question of how. "You're a greaser. Yet, you look down on the greaser girls. Why? We ain't good enough for the likes of you?" his brows lift as his eyes widen in shock. "We're just like you, Ponyboy, and you don't like that!? Do you think you're some special cased greaser? Cause you ain't!" people around my shushed, but I ignored them, "You look at us the same way all the socs look at you!" I laughed bitterly.

"You don't want me, you don't want any other greaser girls because we're low class and white trash, but what soc girls want a low-class hood like you?" I grit. I wait for a moment, before scoffing and shaking my head before standing up. I move around him and take the first step to leave the seating area, before I feel a hand grip my wrist and spin me around, "You're right! You're right, (y/n)." I nod, yanking my arm free, "I know I am. I'm smarter than I look, I guess... At least to you" I shake my head, nearly vibrating with anger.

"Sorry, Ponyboy. Sorry the rest of us girls in Tulsa that aren't Socs didn't get the chance to be soft! I've always been bloody knuckles and broken glass! Because I wanted others to be afraid of hurting me, and I succeeded. I guess I just forgot to add to the equation that it might push away others JUST like me!" I finish before making my way towards where I spotted some familiar faces. But, not without noticing many sets of eyes set on us.



So, I decided to get on my shit, and start uploading at least once a day, or every other day. It just depends if I have anything written or not that day. I'm trying to work ahead of myself so I can have extras for when I do not feel like writing.

I would also like to mention, I have a *very short* *very rushed* *very bad* Sodapop story. I was writing it, and lost intrest half way through but decided "I'm fucking doing it, I haven't committed to any of my other Outsiders stories, so this one is going up no matter what" so I fucken rushed through it so it's not *GREAT* but it's on my profile, it's called "Unlucky"- and maybe one day I'll decide to rewrite it, the way I wanted it to be, but for now I'm just working on my two one shot/shit books. Would anyone be interested in an 80's/90's imagines book, or nah? Also, if you guys are into Slashers (like... movie slashers- Ghostface, Leatherface, etc), you should check out my OTHER one shot book. At the moment, it is mostly House of Wax, but I will be doing more.

Do you guys like this typa of stuff, or prefer when I do soft-gushy ones? Also, what about the other stuff, besides one shots, that I do?

Lastly, if you guys would like to request something specific, let me know and we can talk about it (I'll more than likely do it). 

Let me know.


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