Thirteen - Heartless // D.W.

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(im writing a FF for dallas, and this is kind of a sneak peak into it I suppose? This is what I want to write it like, but I don't know if I will. Id like to know if anyone would like it if I did)

Nobody ever thought they would see the day Dallas Winston was heartbroken over a girl.

A girl introduced to Dallas through Sodapop and Steve, her dad owned the DX the two boys worked at, and she was spending the day with them out of boredom when Dallas shown up with the two youngest Curtis members in tow.

They met in March 1964, in April they had an agreement of their relationship; hookups. Everyone called her Dally's, and called him (y/n)'s. In September it had became an official relationship, though her father looked down on it. He was a no good hood, that didn't bother him, no, it was the fact he wasn't good enough for her. He liked Steve, hardworking, good looking, enthusiastic, tuff and tough. But he knew his daughter well enough to not push it, knowing it wouldn't last long anyway.

It wasn't that she was just some broad jumping from man to man, it was that she had less feelings then Dallas himself.

Dallas had become clingy, when they weren't together, he'd ask the inseparable boys where she was, ask who she was with, even call her dad to ask the same questions. He'd drag someone, usually Ponyboy and Johnny but occasionally Tim or Curly, along with him to find her.

He never started an argument, or at least tried not to. He didn't like arguing with her, not the way he and Sylvia used to. Hate-sex didn't come after their arguments, their regular sex seemed like hate-sex, at least on her end. She wore his ring and had even managed to get his necklace around her own neck one night, and he never took it back, he loved showing off that she belonged to him.

At least in his head and most of Tulsa's head she did, not her own. She wasn't two-timing him, but she did flirt with any guy she needed to in order to get her way. In a weird way, Dally enjoyed it, because whatever she received from them, she shared with him, but also the fact knowing she was going home to Buck's with him, and of course the sex that came with it was better than their usual.

It had been nearly a year since they first started to fool around, and he was constantly bragging to his boys about her. They all loved her, and Johnny didn't want to admit it, but he had a small crush on the girl.

She arrived to the Curtis house sometime after dinner, and she was wearing one of Dally's white shirts and jeans, underneath her red bra shown off pridefully, but most of it was covered by her own jean jacket. Johnny and the girl were smoking on the porch together, before Dallas replaced the younger boys spot. His arms wrapped around her waist gently as she leaned against his back.

"Hey man, I been meanin' to tell you somethin'" Dally whispered as she flicked the end of her cigarette towards the empty street before turning to him with a grin. Her eyes shone brightly as she stared up into his blue eyes, "what's up, darlin'?" she asked as she kissed his jaw gently before moving towards his neck.

He released a shaky breath as her lips latched to his pale skin as she quickly found one of the sensitive patches. He rested his head on hers, eyes resting as he moved his hands to her waist, rubbing small circles in her hips.

"(y/n)... I love you, man" the small kitten licks stopped, and she froze for a moment before pulling away form the purple spot on his neck, looking up at the man in front of her.

"What did you say?" she asked, if it was anyone else they wouldn't have noticed the hint of anger in her voice, but he did. "Listen" she yanked his hands off her and threw them into him, making him stumble a few steps as he looked at her in annoyance, confusion, and hurt.

"What the hell are you doing?" he asked as she started to walk off the porch. "Leaving" she stated simply.

"You're leaving because I love you!?" he shouted angrily. If he wasn't caught up in the moment, he would have heard the elephant herd running to the door to see if they heard right or not. She spun around to face him, "You're an idiot if you think you love me! No good, punk!" she shouted in anger.

"How do you know what I feel!? You dumb broad! Heartless bitch!" she grinned, taking a few sweet steps backwards as she kicked the gate open, taking a step out, her eyes never leaving his own as she tore the necklace off from around her neck.

"I may be heartless, but at least I'm not naïve"

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