hustler // D.W.

191 5 0

Tulsa was so far, a pretty decent place to be making a living.

I've been staying in a motel room in the middle of town, but nightly I would make my way to a guy's house, Buck's. Every night it seemed like there was a party, and it was packed there. I had easily started to make money from cocky men that acted as if they had something to prove but didn't. And I knew exactly how to play them.

Now, I was setting at the familiar table, two men sitting around it with me as we played Poker. They weren't betting much, a cigarette and maybe a quarter every now and again, but nothing worth even winning. So I continued to "lose" for three rounds, with different people.

"For hustling, you sure are bad, aren't you?" I turn my head as I shuffle the cards, glancing to see four guys watching me, all with different grins and looks. They had been watching most of the night, and I had an eye on the boy who spoke.

He had blonde-white hair and blue eyes with eye cheek bones. He wore blue jeans, a black shirt, and a leather jacket, with a Saint Christopher around his neck. "Wanna play?" I offered them, motioning to the table before I turned back to the empty seats, but they were soon taken by two of the guys.

The blonde, and one with dark brown hair and dark green eyes, wearing jeans and a denim vest. Let the games begin.


Two rounds with the blonde boy, who I learned was named Dallas, had been winning. Their friend Two-Bit, a deep red headed boy, joined in as their friend Sodapop sat and watched in amusement. They were getting a little overly cocky, and I knew it would be the long haul essentially.

The first to go out was Two-Bit, leaving the original three of us. Dallas had the most out of all of us, roughly three packs of cigarettes and twenty-two dollars. Steve had the least with three cigarettes and four dollars.

Slowly, I started to amp things up and they did too. Next to break was Steve, his winnings split between Dallas and I, though they all set around to watch, along with another man Dallas referred to as Tim.

Dallas became overly cocky as we started to make bets over the table, sliding our money and cigarettes in until all our things were in. I smirked as I took the diamond ring from my finger, the one I won hustling two months ago, setting it atop the pile. It caused Dallas to toss his own ring in, along with a switch blade.

"C'mon Doll, you've been losing all night, what makes you think you'll win now?" Dallas teases as I pull the last fourteen dollars out of my bra and add it to the pile, as he matches it with money given to him by Two-Bit moments ago.

"That's max" I motioned to the table and he gave a small nod while laying his hand out flat revealing a straight flush (5 cards in a sequence in the same suit). I nodded my head as his friends cheered for him, giving premature high fives as I leaned up, one by one placing my cards down.

Ten... Jack... Queen... King... Ace...  "Royal flush" I smirked as the Tim boy started to laugh at Dallas' angry face, his friends just staring as I stood up, placing my purse at the end of the table and swiping everything off into it.

I leaned closer to him as I took the shot of tequila, my eyes never leaving his as I slammed it upside down on the table as I swallowed the sting.

"How's that for hustling?" I whisper. I could tell he was angry, but he smirked anyway. 

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