Seventeen // jealousy pt. 1 // D.W.

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Requested by @Lilly_is_crazy

I hissed out in pain as Curly yanked my hair. "Shepard!" I shouted as I swatted at him. He let out a laugh, apologizing as he did so and releasing me. "That was an accident" he said as he pet my hair to flatten it down again. I rolled my eyes and clutched my book. "Sure it was" "It was! My ring got stuck!" he defended, holding his hand out to show me the ring hugging us pointer finger. Angela and Ponyboy walked ahead of us, attempting to escape their smothering older siblings.

But Darry told me to not let Pony out of my sight when Angela was with him, and Curly wasn't going to give him the chance anyway.

Curly and I were Seniors, while Angela and Pony Sophomores, (I know ages aren't correct, but go with it for my sake) so we walked them to and from school, and even occasionally monitored dated, depending on everyone's mood. Tonight was one of those nights. Ponyboy had previously asked if they could go out to the Dingo, and Darry was fine! Until he heard Ponyboy had made a D on a math quiz, and then said I had to monitor them, and usually I drug Johnny or somebody with me to them. Tonight it happened to be Curly.

I sighed as the four of us started to enter the Dingo. The couple sat at a booth quickly, together on one side, and we sat at the booth in front of them, across from one another. Stella, a young greasy waitress quickly made her way to us, taking all our orders before going leaving again.

Curly and I jumped from topic to topic, a few greasers greeting us as they entered or exited. We sat around for about an hour before I spotted him. I dropped my sentence to stare at the boy just feet away from us.

As he laughed and joked with Curly's older brother Tim, and a few other greasers, I could feel my heart swell and my hands sweat the slightest bit. My skin was hot, and I felt like I was on fire. "Lilly! Lilly, what are you- oh!" my head shot to Curly, as he slowly turned to me smirking. I leaned up and peeled my ratted jean jacket off my shoulders and laid it in my lap. I reached over for a drink of my water as he snickered, shaking his head. "What" I asked in a defensive tone as I leaned back.

"You. You're practically in love with the guy, and everyone knows it. Hell, even he does." I rolled my eyes, "No I don't" I said in annoyance, but my flushing face betrayed my words. "Yes you do. I heard him talking to Tim at Buck's the other night! He said he knows about it and does some stuff because he knows it gets to you, just to see if you'll break" my eyes widened, and I glanced over at the elfish boy.

As his head turned, he locked eyes with me and smirked, nodding his head. Without a response, I turned to Curly again, leaning forward, "So he likes me?" I could see the small teasing glint in his eyes leave, and his smile fell slightly as he leaned back, sighing as he played with a piece of napkin.

I swallowed and leaned back in defeat, "So, no" I mumbled sadly. "No! No he just. He didn't say really. But he had the same tone that Pony's got when he talks about Angela" I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms. "Lilly... I mean. Come on. Did you really think he would show feelings? Mostly with Tim? I mean, it's Dally" he said, leaning up to come closer to me.

Without a response, I glanced over at Dally again. He had Stella in his lap, and she was rolling her eyes while Tim was messing with his hair. My skin heated up once more, but now out of pure jealousy as I watched the pair.

"Lilly, stop looking over there man" I ignored Curly as he sighed. As Dally's head lifted a bit from the girl's shoulder, he reached a hand up to grasp the side of her neck. Our eyes connected for a few seconds before my nightmare happened just before me.

Dallas was kissing Stella. One of my friends. Of course she didn't know I liked him, but still. Unless Curly's being honest, and everyone knows about my oversized crush on the boy.

I felt bile build in my throat, my eyes stung with tears, and my mouth became dry as I clenched my fists tightly. After a few seconds, it turned to them making out and I stood up abruptly, yanking my jacket on, "Make sure Pony gets home safe" I rush out before spinning and jogging towards the door.

I heard Pony as what I was doing, but before he finished, I made it out the door and took off dashing for the house. I just wanted to get away from the Dingo, away from Curly, away from Stella, and mostly away from Dally.

The run wasn't too long, but I could hear the others loudly from inside. A few stray tears had started to race down my cheeks moments before I aggressively burst through the front door. The loudness of the boys stopped after something hit the ground roughly.

No words were said as my eyes slowly looked around. Soda and Steve were mid wrestling match in the floor, Johnny on the couch, Two-Bit standing by the best pair, almost like he was being a referee and Darry drying a plate by the kitchen door. As my eyes locked with my oldest brothers, I burst into tears and started to slowly make my way towards him.

He quickly handed the plate to Two and the rag over his shoulder as he met me halfway, wrapping me up tightly in his arms. He started to whisper things to me as he moved us out of the living room. I was in hysterics still, but Darry only spoke softly with each question, while mine boomed through the entire house.

"Where's Ponyboy at?" "He's at the Dingo with Curly and Angela" I cried while gripping his shirt between my fingers tightly.

"So they're okay?" I nodded this time. "So what happened?" and it was word vomit. I spoke quickly, stomping my foot every now and again out of anger and sadness. I wasn't even sure what I said, but Darry had grown up with knowing my crying talk for 18 years now.

"Okay, Curly and you were talking about Dally when you seen him, and Dally seen you and kissed Starla" "Stella!" 'Stella! Stella. I'm sorry" I whimpered in his chest more, shaking a bit. But he only held me tightly to his chest, letting me cry.

(1141 words)

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