Twenty-Six // Photographs // S.C.

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The races tonight were a little less packed than normal, but probably because it was cold out. It even rained earlier, and we were thankful it ain't snowed. I was walking around for a while, occasionally stopping by to talk to people I knew, which were mostly greasers. I was a middle-class, but I didn't really like Soc's all that much. I came to every race though, and that's how I met most of the people I knew. My dad was the announcer, my mom worked the concession, and I usually took photos of the cars, or the people. During races, I stood at the end by the line, along with an official who called winning cars. I helped capture who was winner by taking a Polaroid picture of it.

My parents were both heavily into cars, and so was my older brother and I. My brother worked at a mechanic's shop in the town he lived in, a few hours from Tulsa. Dad worked at one in the town over, but mom was a schoolteacher.

Since the weather was cold, I was in jeans and one of my dads old leather jackets over a hoodie. It was way oversized, but it was cozy, so I wore it anyway. I stood at the finishing line with Paul Bolin, one of my dads best buds who happened to be a greaser, father of two young boys. He sat in a chair behind me, while mine was straight, directly with the finish line with my camera propped up, ready for me to shoot.

It was one of the last races, and I was feeling tired while Paul went to get us hot chocolate and food, we were in a short break. Paul's dog was tied up to his chair, and I moved so I could pet him.

The mutt let me, becoming greedy with the attention as I giggled. "(y/n)" I looked up to see my dad smiling, and two boys standing with him. I got choked up when my eyes locked with his.

The boy was about half a foot taller than me, nearly my dads height. He had muscles but wasn't built. He had dark golden, combed back greased hair and had dark brown eyes that complimented well with his bright smile. After a moment I coughed, blushing and standing as I forced a smile on my face, "What's up, dad?" I asked, slowly tearing my eyes from the brown ones that stared right back.

"This is Steve and Sodapop, they were in the race, they wanted to see the photographs of them both winning" I gave a nod and moved to sit down, grasping the wooden box that sat on the ground by my feet, opening it to grasp the photographs. As I flipped through them, dad said he had to get back and left the boys with me. "What're your last names?" I gave a small, sheepish grin, "That's what I usually write with your first initial" the other boy, the one in all denim with dark green eyes and wisped, greasy hair and a snaggletooth replied for them, "Steve Randal, Sodapop Curtis" I hummed and started to flip the photos again before finding the two races.

I handed them to the boys who started to examine them. They mumbled to one another excitedly they had the proof of each win. Sodapop, the hunk, looked up at me with a killer smile, motioning to the photograph, "You mind if I go show my brother?" I shook my head, giving a shrug, "Keep em, I don't really need it" he smiled, and his friend hollered before they started to walk off, he mouthed a thanks before turning completely.

My heart fluttered before I exhaled a sigh, shaking my head and repositioning to get ready for the next race as Paul came up with chili in a bowl, a bag of chips, and two cups of hot chocolate. I chuckled, "Mom has no idea huh?" she'd kill him if he stole an entire bag of chips and only got chili. He shook his head with a crooked grin, making me laugh as he moved to share with me.


A few races later, everyone was getting ready to leave. I took photos of people leaving as I neared my dads car slowly. I knew they weren't ready yet, so I had time. I walked to stand in the middle of the drag strip, facing towards the starting line as I took a photo, hoping to catch the rubber burnt and stuck to the road along with the occasional stains and trash scattered out that we'd pick up tomorrow morning.

That's when a hand placed on my shoulder, startling me a bit. I jumped back, mumbling a swear as I turned to them. Instantly my heart rate increased, and eyes widened at the sight of the boy from before, Sodapop. He smiled at me, "Didn't mean to scare ya" he laughed, and I did the same, nodding as I shook the photo in my hand, "It's fine, what's up?" he sighed, looking around a bit before back to me.

He bit his lip for a second, making me furrow my brows before he sighed once more before speaking, "Would you, maybe wanna go get dinner at the Dingo tomorrow night?" my face flushed, and I smiled instantly. I hesitated as I thought if I had plans, but nodded, "Yeah, that sounds fun" "I can come pick you up at seven?" I nodded again, "I'd like that. I uh, you need my address" this time he flushed, nodding. I looked around a bit before motioning to the stands where my dad and Paul were, "I'll get a pen" I offered, and together we walked towards it. He waited for me outside as I snuck in behind them talking.

I quickly scribbled my name and address on the back of the last photo I took with silver sharpie before carrying it out to the boy, handing it to him. He smiled, "I'll be by at seven then" "Goodnight, Curtis" he smiled as he started to walk off,

"Goodnight, (y/l/n)."

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