Twenty-Seven // Run // K.M. (&S.R.)

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The Curtis house was empty for the first time in days, finally giving my boyfriend and I alone time. We could have gone to my house, but the old man was there, and neither of us wanted to deal with him, and his mom and sister were home, so the only real option was the Curtis house. It was one of the only places we could be alone together and not look suspicious to my brother, Steve.

Nobody besides the eldest and youngest Curtis brothers knew of Keith's and my relationship. Steve knew we had gone out on a date, but he didn't really like the sound of it. He had nothing against Keith, he was just more worried about if we did go out and if we split up, what would happen between them. But we were all, mostly, grown. It was Keith's idea to keep it a secret from Steve for a little while longer, that way we could have time without the bother of them. Darry and Ponyboy knew because we were constantly at their house. Darry woke us up before Sodapop got up for work since we had fallen asleep together on the couch numerous times.

Ponyboy had gone on a few of our dates if we went to the movies, it wouldn't look suspicious to Steve or the others and Pony wouldn't forgive me if we seen something without him, mostly if he was talking about it.

Mickey Mouse was playing in the living room, but Keith and I were in the kitchen. I had come to get us both a drink but ended up being set on the counter while making out. Keith liked to use the alone time to our advantage, not that I was complaining.

One of his hands gripped my hip, and the other was gripping my thigh tightly on the outer side. One of my hands were tangled in the back of his greased hair, and the other on his chest. We had been there for a little while, and I don't think either of us planned to move.

Until we heard my full name being shouted, "(Y/N) Randle!" I pulled apart just enough to look at Keith. Our noses touched as I stared down into his gray eyes. "If we ain't look at him, he won't notice" he said against my lips. I could hear Sodapop laugh from beside my brother, and I had to hold back from laughing myself.

"Son of a bitch" I heard Steve mumble before his heavy footsteps near us. "Time to go, baby" Keith said quickly while grabbing me by my waist and running for the back door, just off the kitchen. Keith sat me on the ground quickly as we took off running down the street, hearing Steve shout at us to come back, but we only laughed and ran down the street faster.

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