Eleven - Please // D.W.

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Eleven – Please // D.W.

I've never been so angry, at anybody. But here I am, storming to the bar my boyfriend lived at. Tim, my year older brother, opened his mouth at the wrong time, not realizing I was around to hear him tell Curly about a girl that Dally was talking to earlier tonight.

I didn't bother knocking, and ignored the people shouting at me from hitting them with the bar, stomping straight up to the rooms.

When I got to Dally's bedroom, I didn't bother knocking on it either, instead pushing it open quickly. He jumped up from his bed, hiding something to his side. "Are you kidding me!?" I screamed in annoyance. He sighed and got up, pushing something into his jeans pocket, and I only realized his shirt was missing now.

He walked over to me, pulling me in gently before shutting the door, "Doll" "No! Don't call me that, Dallas!" "(y/n)" he sighed, and I dropped my jacket that was in my hands and started to punch him in the chest and upper arms as tears brimmed my eyes. "I can't even talk to your damn friends without you getting jealous, but you're aloud to flirt with other girls!?" I shouted.

After a minute, he grabbed my wrists and pulled me into him, my back in his chest as he kept me from hitting him, but he stayed quiet. "Why? Why do you always do this?" I asked in defeat as I stopped trying to pull away, my head dropping to stare at my feet.

"Doll, it didn't mean anything. It was harmless" "Like I said, you can flirt with everyone, but I can't even ask Two-Bit how his day was?" "He was flirting with you!" "And YOU were flirting with someone else! I didn't flirt back with him, so how does it make sense to get angry at me!?" I shouted, yanking my wrists from him and turning to stare at him.

There were red spots across his chest from my fists, and a few darker marks from his ring on my finger. "Are you going to keep being a psycho broad or will you listen to me!?" without a thought, I reached up to slap him across the face. He knew how I felt when he called my a broad, and he knew I didn't like it, that it made my chest tighten and bile build in my throat. "Screw you, Winston" I said through gritted teeth as I grabbed my jacket and stomped towards the door, facing to him, yanking the ring off my hand.

Dally POV

She took my ring off her hand and threw it at me, hitting me in the collar bone with it before yanking the door open. I wanted to stop her, and I don't know why I didn't, but I made it worse. So much worse.

"Get the hell out already!" I roared at her, waving her off. "I will, as long as you do me one last favor" "What?" I asked in annoyance, but not at her, with myself.

"I don't care if you hang out with my brother, but never, ever talk to me again Dallas. I mean it. I don't want you in my life anymore. I've had enough" her voice cracked, and I could tell she was about to start crying, but she didn't show me. Instead she slammed the door, and I could hear her running down the stairs.

I could feel my chest tighten and I huffed, reaching down to grab my ring before setting back in my bed like before, sliding the ring on my hand before I leaned back enough to pull the black velvety box from my pocket.

I opened it up, looking at the ring again. It was a simple, singular diamond ring, small, like she told Angela she'd want if she was proposed to.

"Shit" I murmured before slamming it closed and tossing it to my dresser.

I screwed it, royally.

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