Seven - Time's Up // S.R.

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I sighed as I entered the grocery store, grabbing a cart and starting to push it around after setting my purse inside. I started down the first isle, sluggish. I hated grocery shopping, mostly alone.

I stood in the middle of the second isle, grabbing a few things to set in my cart as I heard someone clear their throat. I turned around, spotting a male, he gave em a smile, revealing a snaggletooth. He had a handsome face, and greased back hair, I instantly could tell he was a greaser for that reason alone. I smiled back as I tossed the items into my cart, "Can I help you?" "I have a real weird request" my smile dropped, and I sighed, "What?" "Can you, for just give minutes, pretend to be my girlfriend? I'll walk with you, hell I'll push your cart, just please" "Oh" I said, realizing that totally wasn't what I assumed he meant.

"Yeah, okay. But afterwards, I want to know why" I chuckled, and he smiled with a nod. After grabbing a few more things, we started to walk through more isles. I kept a close eye on my watch, and soon five minutes had turned into twenty. We talked a bit, but it was mostly a comfortable silence. As we walked, he used my cart to lean against as I pushed, and I stood beside him, my hand resting on the cart also.

We glanced at each other when there was running from behind us, and someone repeating "Steve," gradually getting louder. We turned at the same time, and two more boys came up. Both about our age, one more handsome then the other, and the second had sideburns. "We've been looking for you in the whole store" "My bad, I've been walking around with (y/n)" he grinned at them, and I chuckled before extending my hand out to the more handsome of the pair who I didn't know, "Hi, I was pretending to be Steve's girlfriend" both boys started to laugh and I turned to Steve with a smile.

He had a pout, "You were, what happened to it?" "Your five minutes finished" I said with a wink, as the pout turned to a smile as he chuckled, shaking his head just a bit.

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