Twenty-Eight // Ruined // D.C.

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Darry POV

My heart pounded as I made my entrance into Ponyboy's new house, earning an instant greeting from everyone. I gave a grimace just before plastering on the fakest smile I could as my pregnant wife came waddling to me with her arms outstretched. "Hi baby, how was wor-WOAH, you stink" (y/n) shielded her nostrils and mouth with her hand as she stepped away from her hug, causing the others around to laugh.

I gave her a sheepish smile, "Sorry, work was a little late and I didn't have time to go shower" I lie easily, why did that come so naturally? She dropped her hand with a smile, grasping mine and pulling me towards the dining room where we were having dinner. Ponyboy and his girlfriend had just finished college, and is temporarily staying at home again, until they find a house in New York, where Pony's got a job offer, but he's hesitant still.

Months pass, and the guilt had started to eat at me. It was noticeable by everyone that I had been on edge since I snapped quickly at people recently, including (Y/n), which only caused a fight. I had been sleeping on the couch for a few days now, but it made me feel the slightest better.

But soon, our daughter was born, and when I was crying in the hospital room, the doctors and her had assumed it was of joy, no, it was of guilt and hatred, directed at myself.

Six months later, I was back in bed, Ponyboy and Jenny had moved as soon as they had a confirmed apartment and jobs. (Y/n) could tell, without the company of others now, that I was distancing myself from her and picked up more jobs for work than I needed. It's what caused her to have Steve and Evie take Charlotte, our daughter, out for a little bit. When I walked in the door, she stood directly in the middle of the newly rearranged living room, glaring with her arms locked and hip popped. I sighed, glancing away from her as I made a pass for the bathroom.

"Hello to you too!" she shouted from behind me, venom dripped with each word. "Hello" I mumbled as I entered the bathroom, closing and locking it quickly. I stared at myself in the mirror for a moment as I let out a sigh, my head dropping as I tightly gripped the sink, my knuckles turning white.

After a shower, I made my way to the bedroom, to be greeted with the same angry stare. I avoided her (e/c) eye's and dug through my side of the dresser. "Are you even going to talk to me?" "What do you wanna talk about?" I asked, turning to look at her face, but avoiding her eyes as I slipped my boxers on. "We can start with why the hell you are avoiding me" she gritted out while moving closer to me.

As she moved to grab my arm, I moved under it and moved towards the closet, grabbing the first shirt and walking out the door, sliding it over my head. I heard her stomp her foot and let out a few noises before following close behind me. I opened the ice box, only for her to kick it shut harshly, moving to block it.

Spinning on my hills, I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and moved to fill it up under the tap. "Why the hell are you avoiding me!?" she screamed. "I'm not" I reply as I start to chug the water. "You're avoiding me like the plague, Darrel!" she shouted more.

It went on for about an hour. Wherever I went, she was there asking me questions, turning the television off, closing the ice box, tearing the newspaper, hiding my shoes and both of our truck keys. That's what it took for me to start yelling back finally.

"Just tell me what the hell is going on! We're married, we're supposed to talk about things, but you won't even give me the god damn time of day!" "There's nothing to talk about! I'm tired, I'm home and trying to relax but you won't leave me the hell alone, (y/n)!" we were standing in the bedroom, across from each other on our sides of the bed. "You're lying! I've known you my whole life, I know when the hell you're lying! Just tell me!" and I did.

"I slept with another women while you were pregnant! Is that what you want to talk about!? How I cheated on you while you carried our baby!?" and I could see the light leave her eyes as tears filled them.

My hands were on my hips, and I was angry. Not with her, with myself, like I had been for what felt like a year. It took her moments to recover, blink even, and when she did tears spilled over on her cheeks as she looked at me. "Do you love her?" it was quiet, barely above a whisper, and it made more tears fall as she stared at me.

"No! No, I didn't-I don't. It was one time, and I-" she was quick to shush me, shaking her head as she moved to me, placing a hand over my lips. "You don't love her, that's all that matters" she shook her until she wrapped her arms tightly around my midsection, burying her head into my chest as she let out sobs, shaking as I moved to hold her body.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for whatever I did. I'll get better, I'll change, I'll fix w-whatever it was! Just don't, don't leave me, Darrel." My brows knitted together at her words, she had thought she did something for me to cheat, that it was her fault and not mine. "(y/n)" She lifted her head, shaking it again as she cupped my mouth again, "It's done, forget it! Steve and Evie should be here anyway. That's it. We're done with that now." She didn't let me respond as she pulled away, tippy toed to place a snotty, teary kiss to my lips before quickly exiting the bedroom.

Even weeks later, she still told me she loved me. Nobody knew what happened besides the pair of us, and the other woman. We never talked about it, and if I try, she leaves the room for different reasons. Every night since, as we lay in bed and she has me wrap around her like we would before the pregnancy, after she thinks I'm asleep she cries herself to sleep. The one time I said her name, tried to talk while she cried, she pretended to be sleeping.

I ruined her. 

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