Smile // J.C.

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Tears brimmed my eyes as I made my way into the hospital. It was cold and smelled of antiseptic, of course. I made familiar eye contact, giving a small, sad smile as I entered the room. The nurse gave me a small nod before exiting. Johnny was now face up on the bed, and he looked worse than before. I bit my lip as I sat down in the chair, placing my hand on the unburnt skin of his arm.

His eyes shifted towards me, and he breathed out my name. I gave a nod, leaning down to place a kiss to his temple, "Hi, Johnnycakes" I whispered.

"Did you sleep?" he asked quietly, breathing heavily. I nodded. He and the nurse forced me to leave late last night so I could rest. Tonight was the rumble, and the doctor had already told me he thought he wouldn't make it until morning, so I came as soon as I woke up.

I was careful as I rested my hands on him, watching for his burns or any injuries as I did. I was examining his body and he whispered my name, causing my eyes to snap up towards his, he gave a small hint of a smile, but it quickly fell, "I love you" my eyes watered, and I nodded as I rested my head beside his on his pillow, "I love you too, Johnny." I stated. "Always will" I whispered before placing a soft kiss to his temple again.

We stayed in silence for a while before I left and came back, this time with a coke for myself and the nurse was doing something. She quickly left when I came back, which I ignored.

"(y/n)" my eyes lifted to his, and he breathed out raggedly, "I miss your smile" I gave him one, but it was sad. He closed his eyes for a moment, "No," I sighed, sitting down as I attempted to give him one as he opened his eyes.

"C'mon Johnny, you'll see it when you're out of the hospital" I whispered, more so to myself. He stayed quiet as we stared at one another.

We sat there in silence mostly, my hand rubbing where I could without hurting him, and his breathing was the only sound that was consistent. If we spoke, it was a confirmation of love for one another. It wasn't long before Dally and Ponyboy stumbled in, beaten and battered. I listened quietly as I stayed in my seat, Dally taking the one in front of me, clapping my thigh as he announced they won the rumble.

As Johnny spoke, I could feel the knot in my stomach build.

"Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold" he breathed out just as we watched him exhale his last breath. My head dropped as I felt tears starting to spill from my eyes and a lump rise in my throat.

This wasn't like the times he passed out from exhaustion or pain, this time he wasn't coming back. Dally left, leaving Ponyboy and I alone as I stood up to comfort my younger friend. We clung to one another as the nurse entered, spoke few words before we had to leave. We stopped by a bathroom and cleaned most of the blood from him before we calmed down and headed towards the Curtis house.

As we entered, eyes were set on us as Ponyboy spoke, nearly breaking down again. I sat down on the couch quietly, holding myself in my arms as my head lulled back.

His very last words to me were the same first words he spoke to me, two years ago on our first date, set up by Steve, more so as a joke that turned serious.

"Man, you got a pretty smile" 

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