Twenty-Four // Ride // D.W

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            The rodeo in Tulsa was tonight, and I managed to get a riding spot just in time. I wore darkened blue jeans, a silk black button down, tucked in. My feet were covered by my red snakeskin square toed boots, and my hair was down in slight curls before I was topped off with a cowboy hat matching the maroon of my boots. Every time I'd bend down to the ground, my belt buckle would dig into my stomach a bit, but not enough to cause pain.

There was a cigarette between my lips, I squinted a bit so smoke didn't get in my eyes as I carried a barrel of hay to my mother and two sisters horses. Mom gave me a smile of thanks as well as tipping her head, the white hat tipping along with it, but she never stopped brushing the golden horses Maine. "Your friends were lookin' for you!" I gave a nod as I exhaled some smoke, "Check the stands" without a word, I turned and started to make my way towards the Greaser stands. But not without grabbing one of my sisters ropes, throwing it over my arm and neck to go over my chest like a satchel. My family fell in Soc category, but we all had Greaser friends. Hell, my parents hated hanging out with Soc's themselves!

I heard my dad's hearty laugh as I jumped up to climb over the railing. I caught sight of him standing with my friends, beer in his hand. I rolled my eyes and locked eyes with Angela Shepard, who gave me a smile which I was quick to return as I jogged up to stand with them, Curly Shepard quickly reaching out to snatch the pack of cigarettes from my pocket as I scoffed, giving him a shove.

"Where's your little boyfriend, Angel?" dad asked Angela. He always called her Angel and referred to Curly as Tim junior. The dark headed girl blushed while looking at her hands, making us all laugh before dad said he needed to get to the other men and left. Curly handed me my pack and stood up, causing Angela to do the same. "We got someone for you to meet" I nodded and started to follow them, but we made a detour to my dad's truck for the beers. I had four, two in each hand, one stacked on the other. Double fisting the top two, the other two teased me but Curly had two himself, Angela only having one.

"Ponyboy! Dally! Two-Bit!" Curly shouted loudly. I looked around a bit before I spotted a group of boys, all watching us as we neared them. There were eight of them, none that I recognized. "Hey kid, one'a ya got a weed?" the blonde boy asked, turning to us as his eyes racked over me slowly. He was a hunk.

"(y/n) might" I turned and held my hip out to the boy, "Grab em! I got my hands full" I shouted while taking another drink of the fuller can. Angela grabbed them and let the boy take two, he handed one to another, smaller boy, who offered a small smile and nod of thanks.

"Now if you was a blonde, you'd be perfect for me" I raised my brow as I glanced at another boy. He grinned at me with slightly imperfect, but still cute, smile. One hand stuffed in his pocket, the other holding a beer, and wearing a light blue Mickey Mouse shirt under a leather jacket. Curly snickered, "You ain't her type, Mathews. Guys this is (y/n), (y/n) this is the Curtis gang. Ponyboy, Sodapop and their older brother Darry, that's Steve, the little one is Johnny, and that drunk is Two-Bit, lastly, the worst for last, Dallas Winston" I gave a nod to say hello just as Two-Bit opened his mouth once more, "How come I ain't seen you at school?" Angela jumped in, "She's homeschooled" I gave a pointed look before tilting my head back and downing the rest of one can before moving for the second one.

"You a soc?" the one Curly pointed out as Steve asked. He had a stern look to him, his thumbs hooked into his belt loops as he looked at me. "To some I am, to some I'm not" I shrugged while using one hand to open both cans at the same time. "I just fell in love" Two-Bit said as he grasped his chest, making some of us snicker.

"What side of town you live on?" Winston asked with a small glare as he smoked the weed still. "Soc" I said, hearing my own twang was enough that I shivered a bit. I went to speak again, but I felt arms wrap around my waist as I was picked up, spun around and dropped back on my feet. I was a bit dizzy as I turned to see Tim giving me a smirk as he walked off with some of the other Shepard's outfit, but not without a wink.

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