Six - Oh My God // T.S.

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"Why are you in such a rush?" the younger male Shepard asked with a laugh as we walked from the school grounds, towards his house. I groaned and pulled his wrist tighter, just hearing him chuckle more. I wanted to get to the Shepard house so we could start working on our project, that way we could have it done with early.

At least that's what I kept telling myself, but not so deep down I knew I just wanted to see Tim, Curly's older brother I've had a crush on since I was fourteen, and he was sixteen. After Tim left school, I didn't see him as much, unless I was hanging out with Curly or Angela. You'd think with Curly and I being nearly inseparable I'd see a lot of his brother, but not really. This year was our senior year, so it was a four-year long crush. Even though I knew he'd never even view me anything more then his siblings annoying friend, I still never dated, in the chance that maybe something would happen. Angela knew about it, but she found out when we were drinking a lot, when I was sixteen, and she was fourteen, and I admitted it to her, hoping she'd forget, but she remembered, and she'd the only person who was aware of it.

Curly opened the door to his house and I followed closely behind him. Tim sat on the couch, a small "hey" escaping his lips as he barely glanced away from the paper he read. I scrunched up my nose, looking at him, "Only old people read the paper, Tim" he rolled his eyes at me, but I seen a small smirk tug at his lips. That was the joke between us, I teased him for being old and he teased me for being short. In reality he wasn't old, and I wasn't actually short, but he was older than me and I was shorter than him.

"Is it already Christmas? I thought elves were supposed to be in the workshop at this time" he said, glancing at me from over his paper as I shrugged my leather jacket off. I glared at him and mocked his words before flipping him of and going to the kitchen, where Curly had made his way without me.

My heart was racing when we joked, but the further I got, the more it calmed down. "Want a drink?" Curly asked as he opened the fridge, and I nodded at him. He stood up and tossed a bottle of beer towards me, and I caught it in one hand as I dropped my bag on the table with the other. "Let's get this done with" I sighed, and he walked over, setting down with me.

The assignment was an English assignment, and we had to write a little short story about a made-up city, the history of it, and then draw up said city.

We sat in the kitchen for about an hour, writing and drawing up ideas of things on a paper, before I started to draw it.

"What if we called it Sheprad's Land?" I scoffed as I started to draw another building, "That sounds like what Tim would the fantasy land in his head with just him and a whole variety of broads" Curly let out a laugh and leaned back from the paper he was drawing on. Sudden footsteps came into the kitchen as Curly attempted to suppress his laughter, face turning red as he covered it with his hands, shoulders shaking as he giggled a bit.

Tim came into my vision, but I just continued to draw. "The hell's he laughin' at?" "You wouldn't get it" I shrugged, and Curly snorted a bit before standing up from the table. It wasn't that funny, but there are some things that sets Curly off with laughter. He made his way towards the bathroom as he held back more laughter, two clear veins on the sides of his neck pultruding from his neck.

Tim ignored it and opened the fridge. I erased some outline lines and went on to start in the middle of the park I had drawn in front of the city buildings. Tim went back to the living room, and Curly returned with a non-pink face, watching me draw.

"Hey, that kinda looks li-oh my god" I furrowed my brows and looked up at Curly, pink cheeks and trying to contain laughter. I gave him an unenthused glare as my shoulders slumped and I stared at him, "What?" "That looks like Tim!" he whisper shouted at me. "You look like Tim" I said defensively, which wasn't untrue. I turned to the paper and realized.

Holy hell. It really did.

Quickly I started to erase the head so I could restart, but it only made Curly start to cackle loudly. "Oh my god! You're in love with him!" I gave him the same unenthused look, "What are you talking about?" I asked in annoyance, and it probably would have worked had my cheeks not turned the colors of cherrys. He started to laugh harder and leaned back, so I quickly kicked his chair over, making him fall and slam into the wooden floor.

He laughed still, rolling from his side to his back. "Shut up, Curly!" I hissed while erasing the face quickly as I heard Tim's quick footsteps come into the room.

"Okay, what the hell happened?" Tim asked, referring to his brother who had tears streaming from his eyes, and his beer emptying onto the ground beside him, soaking into his shirt, but he didn't even care. "She's-" I slipped to leap over the table, jumping on the boy and covering his mouth. "I'll kill you" I whispered, faces only about an inch away from one another.

I felt arms wrap around my waist and somebody hoist me up, of course it was Tim. Had I not been so annoyed and afraid of his brother at this moment, I'd be internally screaming. I thrashed in his arms, attempting an escape. "She's what!?" "She's in love with you!" my heart stopped, my legs and arms stopped fidgeting and I stared at the boy on the ground with wide eyes.

But only for a moment before I started to thrash more, "Let me go! I'm gonna kill em! He's a deadman! Oh my god, I'm gonna freaking – I-I-I don't even know, I'm so angry at you right no- oh my god, I'm telling Olivia you had a dirty dream about her!" I screamed. He stopped laughing, staring at me with pleading eyes.

His brother still had hold of me, but his arms had slid to my ribs, pulling my shirt with it, and my feet barely touched the ground. "You wouldn't dare!" "I wouldn't!? You just told your brother about my stupid crush!" "Four-year long crush!" my eyes widened, and I turned to see Angela standing by the front door, Ponyboy Curtis to her side. "You guys are the worst friends ever, oh my god!"

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