Chapter four

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Amaani's alarm woke her up from her deep sleep,she quickly woke up and said her morning Dua's,massaged her face and stretched out her hands in the air,she quickly went to the bathroom,brushed her teeth and performed ablution,she quickly came out of the bathroom and spreaded her praying mat on the floor,wore her hijab and prayed two raka'ats of salatul Fajr,she did her Dua's and supplications and stood up to get ready to take her bath since it's a Monday morning,she undressed,put the pyjamas in the laundry basket and entered the bathroom. It took her five minutes to take her bath and came out of the bathroom,she dried her body, rubbed some cream, oiled her hair and combed it neatly,she tied it in a neat low bun and went straight to the closet to pick up her uniform, she wore her uniform, brought out her black loafers,her white neat socks and her school bag. It was 6:30am,she quickly ran to the dining area,ate and hurried to her bedroom,she buttoned up her white long sleeves, adjusted her knee-length skirt,wore her short shoulder length white hijab,wore her ankle socks and her black loafers,she picked up her school bag and moved out of her room to the fridge in the kitchen,where she picked a cold Chapman drink and her girly water bottle. She checked her wrist watch,it was quarter to 7:00am,she quickly went to Ummu's room where she met her Mum still sitting on the praying mat saying her Dua's,she greeted her Mum, Ummu smiled at her daughter and answered her sweetly by cupping her face with her palms,she prayed for her daughter as the prophet used to do to Hassan and Hussain saying; U'izukuma bi kalimaatillhit taammat,min kulli shaidin wa hamma wa min kulli ainin laamma". She kissed her mum on the right cheek and said Ummu I'm running late and you know I'm the head girl, Ummu said okay be safe my baby,be a good girl huh? She ran out of the room to her Dad's room,but she met him in the veranda placing a call,he put the call on hold and hugged Amaani by the side,they exchanged greetings with his daughter and said; my very own Daughter,I see you are in a hurry,she said Yes Dad,I have to go,Abbu kissed her on the forehead and told her to be safe,he said; I wish you all the best! She replied; thank you Abbu and ran to the parking lot where she met Malam Lawan inside the car,she greeted him and he answered her back politely. He drove out of the gate to the silent streets of Kano,she looked at the silent streets of Kano as they passed,only the chirping of birds can be heard.
Suddenly, yesternights memories came to her mind,she wondered who that person was,but the other side of her was reminding her that Ya Ayman has been so nice to her yesterday,he has totally changed,he wasn't the Ayman he was,he was so strict before,he doesn't laugh always neither talk all the time,but he was so different yesterday,maybe he has changed to a soft person while the other side of her was telling her that maybe it's someone you know that has been crushing on you since,or maybe it's someone that you bumped into that stalked you and find your number somewhere,she thought for a while before brushing it off her mind. She shrugged her shoulders and sighed heavily saying; whosoever it is will definitely show himself up so far he loves me ,but I pray it's someone that I will love back.
They arrived at the school at 7:10am, she saw her squad; Hafsat Bashir,Husnah Hassan,Amra Khamis,Mariya Ado,Aysha Umar,Fatima Hassan and Ayra Ammar all seated in the garden in front of the cafeteria,she sashayed to where they were sitting and hugged each of them, Mariya said; Amaani you are looking breathtaking today,is it because your only Ya Amaan is back? Amaani smiled and rolled her eyes and said; I dunno too,but maybe. They all laughed before Amra said; we've been waiting for you to come so we can go to the class all together,Amaani said; Oh wow!! Thank you BFF and hugged her by the side,the eight young ladies sashayed to the class gisting and laughing.
They attended three classes before going for lunch,the bell was ranged by the time keeper,they went out of the class in group as usual to the cafeteria,they all ordered shawarma and soft drinks of their choices but Amaani has her half iced chapman with her,they all ate happily before a guy in their class came to the table and interrupted their conversation,it was this school crush that all girl is crushing except their squad. Hafsa who was a no-nonsense girl quickly said; hey is everything alright? Are you here to see someone or stare at us? He stammered and said; Y...Y...Yess I'm here to see your friend Husnah please, Husnah raised up her head and said; you can see me here, we are all family here,he pleaded with her before Husnah stood up and went away with Mubarak A.K.A Muby crush, Fatima sipped her coke and said,this boy really has issues,they all chorused and said; he do have!! Amaani checked the time which shows fifteen minutes past 12,Amra looked at her best friend and mumbled, something is wrong with this Dumbo. Husnah came back and at the same time the bell was ranged, they stood up and walked back to the class, on their way to the class,Husy told them that Muby collected her number that they would be chatting, he wants to be her friend,Aysha said friend indeed,we all shall see.
It was the government teacher that came to revise with them,they answered questions and attended two more classes before closing for the day. Five among them left for home and three among them remained, it was Amaani,Amra and Ayra that remained all waiting for their drivers to come pick them up,Amra noticed that Amaani was deep and lost in her thoughts,she interrupted Amaani and said; hey weirdo! Is everything alright with you? Amaani stammered I...I...I...I am fine, Amra moved closer and said don't lie to me, I know you very well,hope it's not a family issue? She asked, Amaani answered; No it's a personal issue,Amra said; I have to know what it is please, you know I promised to be always there for you, Amaani smiled and said; okay,I will tell you everything. She narrated everything that happened to her last night and Amra asked her if that is something to worry about, Amra said to her; your issues are special but anyway you are new to that,it's okay to be worried, you've never experienced such a thing that's why,so it's okay to feel somehow. Amra said but I'm smelling something fishy but I'll wait for the right time to come, I'll think about it deeply, Amaani nodded in agreement. Ayra who has heard everything sighed and said; this person knows you very well,you too knows him but maybe he's afraid to express his feelings or he's waiting for the right time to do so,they both chorused we shall see.
They sat for a moment before the two left her and later Malam Lawan came to pick her up too.
They arrived home safely,she entered through the front door tiredly,she threw her belongings on the carpet and fell asleep without removing any of her uniform,she was deep asleep when Abbu came back from office and passed her lying on the ground,he knew that she was tired, Ummu wasn't at home she was busy with her business, Abbu ate alone in the dining room while Amaan sat next to his tired sleeping lil sister,he brought out his phone and and took a photo of Amaani while she was asleep and uploaded the picture in his status with the caption " hello,meet my lil sleeping beauty,blood",his aunties, cousins and other family members were commenting but Ayman replied Amaan with; why are you advertising someone's wife on the media? I don't think it's proper, Amaan saw the reply and laughed hysterically,Amaan replied back with; come and beat me,I'm sitting right next to her in Ummu's parlour. Amaan said; Ayman we need to talk because you've been so overprotective over Amaani these days,you aren't the Ayman you were,you were a strict person,but now you're soft maybe it's because my lil sis is turning into a beautiful lady, anyway I will come to your house this week by God's grace, before then we will talk.
Amaani woke up from her deep sleep,she opened her eyes and saw Amaan by her side busy chatting,she sat down and said; Hey Ya Amaan,so you've been watching me sleeping like a baby right? Amaan said; you are more than a baby but a sleeping beauty,they both laughed,she stood up and asked him if Ummu is back yet,he said; No she just called me that she's on her way back home,she said okay, the what of Abbu? He said; yeah he's back,maybe he's in the room or parlour,she moved to Abbu's parlour and saw her m watching news,she went to where her Dad was and said; Assalamualaikum",he answered; "Wa alaikumussalam Amaani",she asked him how his day went, how was work and everything? He answered; Alhamdulillah everything is fine and smooth but only now that I have a problem, Amaani was surprised,she asked him what the problem was with her face full of help, he answered with a pity face,that he missed Ummu,Amaani patted her Dad lightly on the back and said; she'll be back soon,don't miss her too much.
The scene Ummu saw made her eyes become watery,she said in her mind; so my daughter is now old enough to comfort her Dad in my absence,I'm grateful, thank you Allah, Ummu mumbled. She quickly dropped her handbag and car key on the table and invited them for a group hug,it was then that they noticed Ummu's presence,Amaan who has followed his mum with her shopping bag saw the eye catching group hug,he quickly ran to them and joined the hug. Their cute family of four was so beautiful.
Ohh God!! I'm sleepy and tired 😩 a long chapter too,who can guess what is gonna happen in the next chapter??
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