Chapter Twenty Two

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In the morning, Amaani woke up from her sleep but the strange, aching, pounding and strong pain she felt from her head giving a painful feeling to her eyes which she couldn't open them in peace,her body was very hot,hot enough like an oven, she thought to herself that she has fever because her temperature is higher than normal. She tried to stand up for so many times but she failed,but her brave enough heart encouraged her to stand up,so she finally did,she moved slowly to the bathroom and performed ablution,she came out and decided to pray while sitting,after praying she memorized her adhkars and Qur'an because she was unable to read directly from the Qur'an and was unable to see it clearly because her eyes were paining her,after that she laid down on her bed covering half her body with a duvet,she was staring at the ceiling for so long and yester night's thoughts came rushing down her mind,she remembered each and everything and said to herself; so Ya Ayman has feelings for me? All the kindness he has been showering me with is all love,do I deserve his love?? In my plans,I don't plan marrying my cousin but it is almost gonna happen to me,I promise not to love him back no matter what!! I have my Ahmad, Abbu said we should give a second chance to his mum . Amaani's phone beeped a message and she checked,the message she saw almost made her jumped on the bed but instead of jumping she covered her face with her palms and thanked Allah for the blessing, she wanted to stand up and go to Abbu in order to break the news but she couldn't because of the pain in her head,so she texted Abbu and in few minutes he was in Amaani's room all worried and eager to hear what stopped her from coming to him by herself,he moved closer and sat by the end of the bed and in a pity, worried and helpful voice he said; my dear Amaani,what's wrong with you?? You're looking pale and sick and you have also lost a lot of weight,I guess there's something wrong with you,Abbu used his hand to feel her body temperature,he felt that it was higher than normal which made him more worried again,he asked her several times about what was happening to her but all she could do was cry and cry non-stop, Amaani noticed that Abbu was very worried,she was afraid of something to happen to him out of worry, so she passed him her phone which was still in the text she saw in the morning,Abbu quickly collected the phone which he thought would solve everything,he read the text message which read that Amaani has been offered Admission into the university to study B.A English and literary studies but she wanted Mass communication but she believed in Allah's choosing so she relaxed herself. Abbu smiled happily and said; congratulations Amaani Khaleed Khaleel,this is just the beginning,you have a long and smooth way to go inshaALLAH, Amaani smiled back and squeezed Abbu's hand and said; inshaALLAH Abbu, thank you very much. They were silent for some moments before Abbu broke the silence and said; Ermmm... Amaani,I don't think this message would make you cry and look sick like this, there's something behind this situation which you're hiding from me, Amaani do you know that you are not supposed to hide things from me,I'm your Dad and also your best friend, Abbu's words were so sweet to Amaani's ears and the words encouraged her,so she quickly wiped off her tears and her nose with a tissue paper,she picked up a throw pillow from her bed and used it to rest her elbows, she started telling Abbu everything that happened last night,she told him about Ayman's love,she told Abbu that she's not ready to love her cousin who is like a brother to her,she told him that she'd rather not get married to anyone than getting married to her cousin not only Ayman but her cousins in general,but Abbu the only thing I'm afraid of is becoming a nuisance if I reject Ayman,Abbu are you aware that Ayman had an accident because of me? Abbu he saw us in the restaurant during the date night,he heard all we were saying with Ahmad,so he became shocked,he drove out of the restaurant shocked and angrily without letting us talk to him,he had the accident on his way back home and was thinking about me when he had the accident,that was why I was worried since when he was in the hospital so Amaan was. Luckily,when Ayman regained consciousness he wasn't angry with any of us but rather we became more closer to each other that's why I respect his maturity,dignity and self respect. Amaan knew for a long time about the love Ayman has for me but he didn't tell me, I would have find a solution or tell him my choice about marrying my cousins but he told me when the time is late,he left me started another fire without fighting the other one,she stopped and swallowed a big lump in her throat and anger strangled her soul into sadness,she continued; Abbu are you aware that all the Abdulhakims and the Khaleeds are aware of the love Ayman has for me excluding you,I learnt that Ahmad too has noticed it but didn't show anything to me,he is still the Ahmad he was. Abbu smiled,shook his head and said; Amaani I understand what you just finished saying,you see your mother and mummy do not like Ahmad's mother because of her evilness,it's not Ahmad that they hate,it's his mother and you know an elder sees what a child could not see, "A person's attitude would never be changed because it's like a handwriting carved on a stone or rock" and "it is also like a smoke,it comes out even if it is covered with the most thickest and heaviest fabric on Earth" and don't make a promise about not marrying your cousin,it not Haram in Islam and we don't know if what we like is not the best for us and what we hate might be the best for us and karma said; you'll fall in love with someone who doesn't love you for not loving someone who did. Amaani was quiet for a while, her father's word really made her sink in her thoughts,it digested het so much,so she said to Abbu; "Abbu perhaps the saddest thing, is that one moment you're in love or you're best friends or you are in a committed relationship and the next: you're a nuisance you're blocked without any good explanation, you're just another stranger or worse yet you're forgotten completely. Amaani moved closer to Abbu and shook her head and said; Abbu that's what I'm afraid of in this life!! You see now that I've gained admission, I have to concentrate on my studies,if I must be in a relationship I would know how to tackle it for it's an easy task to me,Abbu smiled an cupped Amaani's face and said; Amaani my dear,i have no choice about your relationship,Ayman or Ahmad but we'll definitely find the best for you through prayers and no matter who it is,please don't be mad at it just take it as your destiny,just put it in your mind that you two are Destined to be and that's all,okay?? Amaani forced a smile and her mind was bringing Ayman's thought to her head which was very strange,Abbu reminded her not to hate Ayman for loving her,he told her that love is not forced,it is in the mind,the forced love belong to the two hearted people which are called players nowadays, he told Amaani that he both love Ayman and Ahmad and he prayed for the best for her,he told her that all she needs now is prayer and they would surely help her with the prayers she needed and also tell her that he's here  whenever she needs something,Amaani thanked Abbu very much and he stood up in order to bring a pain reliever for her and some water,but he met Ummu standing by the door weakly and full of pity, Abbu was very surprised to see Ummu so Amaani was,Ummu couldn't say a thing but walked into Amaani's room and sat on the couch opposite Amaani,she was wearing a face full of help,She told Amaani that she has heard everything right from the beginning and what Abbu told her is what she would also tell her,so she doesn't have to repeat herself, she should stick to Abbu's advice, Amaani shook her head in agreement and said thank you Ummu. In a jiffy, Abbu was back with some golden morn,pain reliever and some water, Amaani looked at him full of love, she dropped the try and hugged Abbu,he hugged her back and asked Ummu if she could feed Amaani but Ummu laughed and said; complete your work since you served her,Abbu was feeding Amaani and in some minutes she was done and has taken the Medicine,Abbu asked her to rest or sleep if she could and Amaani agreed,they left her in the room in order to rest, Abbu and Ummu prayed to Amaani for a quick recovery,Ummu told her to stop worrying about things that are not worth worrying, Ummu teased Amaani and said; see how you're looking like a broom stick,with your bones on the neck looking ugly and you cheekbone all showing,you better stop disturbing yourself and recover soon and don't forget to put back your weight baby,  Amaani was happy and now feeling okay since she has talked to someone that would make her feel better, Amaani felt the pain disappearing slowly and she started to fall asleep, finally she was in La la la Land.

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