Chapter Thirty Two

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Still at Ahmad's house
My friend,this is easy to deal with just make a big step that will leave everyone in shock and bewilderment!!! You just have to do this,look at me!! Fahad moved closer and held Ahmad by the chin and asked; you love Amaani right? Ahmad nodded his head, Fahad asked again; are you ready to make a step forward to make it 30 out of 100?? Ahmad looked up puzzled and said; I don't get you!! Fahad laughed softly and asked; are you ready to spend the rest of your life with Amaani? Ahmad rolled his eyes and said; what a rheotorical question!! Your question doesn't deserve an answer Fahad!! They both laughed before Fahad said; Ahmad make it official before she leaves for London with Ayman,she won't be so free with him whenever she remembers that she's almost someone's wife and do you know she'll be very happy about this, not only her but her parents!! Ahmad looked up and stammered; Fa..Fa..Faaaahad,make me understand please,what should I make official?? Fahad laughed and said; your head is still in darkness my friend,send your elders to Amaani's house to meet her elders for introduction,if possible let them go with some sweets and kola nuts and the bride price (kudin na gani ina so). Ahmad smiled at the idea and side hugged his best friend,gave him a thumbs up and said; you're indeed a friend,when do you think this would happen? Ahmad asked, Fahad answered; make it in fortnight after talking to your elders and her elders too but I want you to make it a surprise to her,Ahmad grinned and said; Amaani likes surprises and I hope she'd like these too,Fahad grinned and said; may Allah make it go  smooth for us Mr Ahmad, Amaani's soon to be husband!! They both laughed and continued talking about other things.

Amaani laid on her back on the bed with her face facing the ceiling,she forgot everything that happened between herself and Ayman and continued having the feeling that something good is coming her way,she kept thinking what that was but continued to pray to Allah that no matter what it is may it be forever and a happy thing for everyone not only herself,she was still deep and lost in her thoughts when her phone started ringing,the caller ID she saw made her smile more and more which gave her too much goosebumps more than ever,she stared at the caller ID which shows "Baby❤️✨🍯" for some time before she picked the call and in her melodious, sweet voice she said; Assalamualaikum warahmatullah,she waited for his response but all she heard was soft laughter full of admiration and love which made her let a small smile and batted her eyelashes,after some time he answered; wa alaikum assalam Hunny Boo, how is my baby doing? Hope she had a good day?? Yes yes your baby is doing good and she had a good day only that ya Ayman ruined....she stopped mid-sentence and kept quiet, Ahmad bit his lower lips and said; what did Ayman do to my baby?? Hope you're not angry at him? Umm,I was mad at him but I'm no more because things like these happens between close cousins,she said. Ahmad smirked and said; okay then. They talked about many things before Ahmad asked Amaani if she's interested in a truth or dare game and Amaani quickly agreed,it started from Amaani who chose truth,Ahmad asked her if she's ready to spend the rest of her life with him in a year time or less than, Amaani kept quiet and later answered Yes Ahmad!! That's the best thing for two people who love each other,marriage is the best solution!! Ahmad was very happy to hear that from Amaani,so he has now confirmed that Amaani really loves him and is ready to spend the rest of her life with him which made him happy to the extent. They continued with their truth or dare game before Ahmad told her that he'd be having a meeting early 7:00am in the office,they said goodbye before they both travelled to Lala land.

In the morning Ayman woke up having a kind of bad feeling that something is gonna happen,so he kept reciting his adhkars and drove off to office,he wasn't that good at work that day but tried his best to avoid everyone from noticing and it worked. He kept thinking of Amaani,the love he has for her keep multiplying itself and the feelings he has for her started to become out of control, anytime he thinks of her he feels something new in him,he has never in his life felt  this for any lady other than Amaani,he promised and prayed that Amaani would inshaAllah be his first and last love,so he made up his mind and continued praying to Allah azzawajal to make Amaani his in the future. Ayman put his head on the table and at the same time stamping his feet on the floor,he didn't stop reciting the adhkar until he felt his self cooling down slowly....

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