Chapter Twenty Six

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In a blink of an eye,there was light but her eyes were still closed and she was sweating,the person released her from his grip and he said Alhamdulillah,the voice she heard made her sweat more and more,her heart racing fast,cold shivers going down her spine, butterflies started moving faster in her stomach, goosebumps appeared on her skin,she opened her eyes and raised up her head,there gaze met and he gave a kind of smile which could make the leaves in the forest bow down for the princess and which will make the birds sing sweet,the two of them started their gaze work which is unstoppable.

He loosed her from the grip and sighed heavily,she looked at her hands which were on him few moments ago and stepped back,she stepped back again in order to lean against the wall but before she could make a step backward again,she let out a loud scream and shouted: my hair,it hurts...Ahhh! It's stuck on your T-shirt button, how did this happen?? Lemme try and unstuck this stuck hair, Amaani tried but it was tangled up,he raised his hand up in order to stop her and she stopped,he tried to unstuck it and luckily it was unstuck, Amaani has been staring at him since when he was tryna unstuck her hair from his button,their gaze met and she thanked him. Amaani turned to leave but he gripped her wrist and said you're welcome Princess Amaani,I hope my pancakes are ready? Amaani rolled her eyes, brushed her hands into her hair and said; Nah Ya Ayman,was going to the kitchen to make it when this happened, Ayman smirked and said; Okay then,shall we? Yes we should,she muttered. He followed her behind to the kitchen,Ayman was carried away by Amaani's body structure and good heart,he prayed that they are destined to be together.

They entered the kitchen and Amaani started mixing the pancake, Ayman sat on a chair and brought out his phone while Amaani was doing her work and at the same time Ayman has been looking at Amaani's work which seemed to be magical to him,in some moments the pancake was ready but not yet glazed,she picked out some strawberries, grapes and Nutella and peanut butter from the fridge,she turned to Ayman while keeping the items on the kitchen cabinet and said; Thank you for helping me, thought you said you're gonna help do it?? She rolled her eyes and pouted. Ayman stood and shushed Amaani,he apologized for not fulfilling his promise,Amaani smirked and muttered; how I wish I knew your future wife, I'd have told her that her husband isn't romantic enough to help her in the kitchen,all he knows is to sit and stare at someone like a lost chicken,she rolled her eyes and pouted. Ayman laughed at what Amaani had said all and said; do chickens go lost? I've never heard of this but had it been they're humans and knew what it is to be lost in someone's thought I would have agreed with what you said. Amaani understood what Ayman was tryna say,so she ignored it and continued with the glazing and Ayman helped her in slicing the strawberries,she didn't look at his direction but continued what she was doing,he glanced at her for several times and noticed that she has ignored him totally,while he was thinking he forgot that he was cutting something with a knife,he cut his finger which made him let out a scream which brought Amaani's attention to where he is, she quickly moved to where Ayman was,full of worry she held the hurt finger,she quickly let go of the finger and ran out of the kitchen,in a jiffy she was back with a first aid kit,she opened it and started treating the cut, Ayman was making some small noises anytime she cleans the cut with spirit and she whispers sorry to him in a voice full of care and affection,she finished treating the cut and she caught Ayman staring at her and she asked him if something was wrong but he nodded and said; Nah it's okay,I'm appreciating you indirectly, thank you Amaani,how I wish I could tell Ahmad that he's lucky but he knows though.

The pancake was ready,Ayman and Amaani were sitting in the parlour watching "The rich kids of Beverly hills" in channel E! While Ayman was eating his pancakes slowly because of the wound,Amaani turned and saw him eating slowly which she pitied him so she moved closer to him sat close to him but not too close for their shoulders to brush each other,she collected the knife and fork from Ayman and cut a piece of pancake,she signalled him to open his mouth which he did,she kept saying sorry to him which made Ayman act like a baby. She continued feeding him till he was full,she fed him the hot chocolate and packed the remaining left pancakes for him,she cleared the plates but the figures she saw made her freeze in surprise and embarrassment,but the people she saw were smiling at her full of impression,the smile they gave her encouraged her to go to them,they enveloped her in a hug and she whispered; I love you Abbu and Ummu,thought you're angry with me, Abbu and Ummu chorused; why my dear? It's nothing to be mad at,he's your brother.
Ayman turned and greeted Ummu and Abbu respectfully, they answered him full of love and asked him about the family,he told them that they're doing good and told them that they asked him to extend his greetings to them, Ummu asked them to extend theirs too. Ayman stood up to go,he said goodbye to everyone and Amaani accompanied him to the parking lot with his pancakes,Ayman thanked Amaani and appreciated her kindness, Amaani pouted and said; don't mention that Ya Ayman,you deserve more than this,Ayman stared at  Amaani for long and told her how beautiful she looked tonight and she told him that she forgot to told him how he looked to,he told her that he knows that she loves sweatpants that's why he wore it, Amaani smiled and batted her eyelashes, Ayman alighted out of the car and said; since we both love each others dressing tonight,why not snap some selfies,he brought out his phone and took some crazy and beautiful pictures of themselves, they said goodbye and Ayman drove outta the parking lot happily.

Ayman arrived home and went directly to the main building of their house,he met Daddy in the parlour,he greeted him and they talked about business and work, Ayman asked for Mummy and he told her that she's in her room with Amal and Laila, Ayman walked to the room and salamed them all and they answered,he sat on the couch and let a sigh of relief,Amal sat beside him and snatched the pancake away from him,they started running around Mummy's room till Amal got tired and fell down,she was breathing heavily and was tired so she told him to give her the pancakes since he made her run around with it,Ayman laughed so hard and said; You and your cleverness,I don't know who is better than who between you and Amaani,all of them laughed in unison. He passed the pancakes to them and they ate like hungry brats while Mummy laughed at them and thanked God for blessing her with such happy and lovely kids. Amal finished the pancake and was licking the remaining chocolates in the foil paper when she asked Ayman the person that gave him the tasty pancake, Ayman laughed and said; is it now you're gonna ask for the person that gave me the pancake when you've finished it all and yet to eat up the foil paper!!? Guess who gave me,we made it together with the person,I even injured my finger in the process,look here,he showed them his hurt finger, Mummy kept quiet staring at the children with a deep smile on her face,Amal told Ayman that she has no idea who the person is and Laila said so. Ayman told them that there's a very big gift for anyone that said the answer correct,they asked him what the hint was but he refused to tell them.

Amal and Laila in their mind all wanted to say Amaani but they thought it was impossible regarding what Amaani is going through now,so they removed Amaani's name from their option.

Ayman told them to go and think deep because he's gonna make the gift a surprise,Laila rolled her eyes and said; what if we discussed the answer and say it correctly together,Ayman shook his head and said okay then the gift goes for both of you, Amal and Laila slapped their hands up at shoulder height in a high-five, jumped up and hugged each other in a bone crushing hug, Mummy has been laughing together with Daddy who came in without the children's conscience, Daddy hugged Mummy by the side, wrapped his hands around her waist and she rested her head on his shoulder and finally chorused; we all shall see the winner and the gift coming after it.

Hello my patient readers,how are you all doing? Hope you had a beautiful Friday?? I wish you a happy weekend ahead 🎊✨

How was the chapter?? Too short right?? I'm sorry please...Who saw this coming?? What do you think is the gift that Ayman will be giving out? Who do you think is the winner? Or do you think both of them would win?? Answer down there in the comment section.

Thank you for everything dear readers and don't forget to vote,make that star shine by tapping it once ⭐

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