Chapter Thirteen

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Hello beautiful people,I noticed that there are some typing errors in some chapters,I'll inshaALLAH edit each chapter that has an error, please bear with me,it's not easy 🙏🙏😢

      Early in the morning,Ummu couldn't wait to hear about the guy Amaani met and also the girl Amaan met,she was happy about the good news, finally her children are all in love, she thought something was wrong with them about not falling in love for so long like that,but she never gave up in praying,she thanked Allah for everything. She quickly rushed to Amaani's room to hear everything about her in-law,she opened the door and entered,she found Amaani still on the praying mat praying praying to Allah, Ummu was very happy on seeing Amaani praying,she was happy to see her daughter being very religious as she is,she sat down on the couch opposite Amaani, Amaani looked up and saw her mother staring at her full love,she smiled sweetly at her mother, Ummu said to Amaani that she is looking so beautiful this morning, Ummu mumbled; Islam is beautiful, Ummu said to her daughter that she should hold her Deen very well and tight,she told Amaani that she'd thank her later,maybe when she's dead,Amaani looked up and said; Ummu stop talking about dead early this morning please, Ummu said to her daughter that it's good to always remember dead,it adds iman  ( faith ) to your heart and makes you a faithful Muslim, Amaani listened to her Mum attentively and thanked her afterwards. Ummu cleared her voice and said to Amaani; Amaani you'll be surprised to see me early this morning in your room, please don't be surprised, I'm here to talk about our new found in-law with you,tell me about him Amaani. Amaani covered her face with her palms and said; Ummu I'm shy, Ummu said to Amaani that she should remember that she's her Mum and her best friend also, Amaani smiled on hearing that from her mother,she moved closer and hugged her mum thanking her for being in her life,Ummu hugged her back and said; it's nothing my daughter,you deserve more than that. Amaani told Ummu everything about Ahmad,how they met on the first day on her graduation,how she has been desperate to meet him once again,how they met again on the graduation,how he met Amaan first before coming to her in order to seek permission and approval from her brother,the gifts he gave her which she refused to collect but later collected at the end,his text messages, his love,care, attention, affection and understanding,about his family,work and educational background and so on. Ummu was very happy to hear that from her daughter and she told Amaani that she deserves someone like Ahmad,Amaani showed Ummu Ahmad's picture and Ummu liked him at first sight, Amaani was very happy that Ummu liked Ahmad,she loved Ahmad more and more.
          Amaan entered Amaani's room without knocking,he met his mum and Amaani together in the room,he raised his eyebrow and pouted his lips and at the same time patting his beard,he said in his deep masculine husky voice; Ummu I've been looking for you since,so the other side of me told me that you must be here in this little girl's room, she's tryna take you way from me,you know that I'll be leaving for London in few days,so I need you by my side Ummu,he went to where Ummu was sitting and sat on the arm of the couch, he wrapped his arm around Ummu's shoulder and greeted her, Ummu wrapped her hands around his waist and answered him sweetly, Amaan quickly asked if he missed something that they've talked about in her s absence, Ummu told him that they only talked about Amaani's new found love, Amaan rolled his eyes and said; ohh our new found in-law, remind me of his name again please, Ummu answered in a loving and caring voice and said; He's Ahmad!! Would you please tell us about your new found love too? Amaan smiled and at the same time winked and raised his eyebrow at Amaani and said okay fine! I'll tell you about my new found love Aysha Basma,he called the name Aysha Basma again and smiled sweetly,he closed his eyes and opened it, Ummu nodded her head and said; my Amaan is madly and crazily in love with a Princess, Amaan quickly said; Yes Princess she is!! He told Ummu and Amaani everything about Aysha Basma,her educational and family background,how they met and were desperate to see each other again, how he finally met her on Amaani's graduation dinner and rushed to her,how they were happy to see each other,how she first told him that she loved him,the love they have for each other and all the care, Amaan finished telling them about Aysha Basma and he finally closed his eyes and whispered; I love you Aysha,may Allah never separate our bond,be in my life forever,I promise to be your King,he opened his eyes finally and saw his mum and sister all looking at him full of surprise, Ummu said; Ameen,he was surprised on hearing Ameen from Ummu,so he looked away shyly, Amaani smiled and said; Ya Amaan is in love!
          Abbu who has been looking for them joined them in Amaani's room and said so you all are here? Okay then tell me what I've missed,they all laughed in unison. Ummu told him about everything the children have told her, Abbu was happy about it and said to them; may Almighty Allah all bless your relationships, they all chorused Ameen.
            They all went to the dining room to eat,after eating, Ummu whispered something to Abbu which Abbu nodded in agreement and they both smiled,she cleared her voice and smiled before saying something,the children were all desperate and eager to hear what their parents whispered to each other and were happy to announce,the children all payed attention to their parents and were waiting for them to talk, Abbu told Ummu to go ahead and talk, Ummu was smiling happily,a sign that it was something worth being happy for that is gonna happen,she stopped smiling and said;

Amaani and Amaan I would like you all to organise a date for your new found loves,you two should take them out on a date in order to understand each other more and more,you can propose to your partners on the day,you two should decide on where to go,the time and date, but it should be before your leave, Amaan. You all should inform them so that you'd be able to discuss and plan on the day of the outing and venue,but I think it's be better at night and both of you and your partners should be in thesame venue,I want you to build a good relationship with each other, Amaan and Ahmad should be friends while Basma and Amaani too should be friends,I think it would be a good idea, am I talking sense at all?? The children answered in unison; Yes Ummu you are!! She blessed them and prayed for them finally,Abbu too did thesame.
          Amaani and Amaan moved out of the dining room to Ummu's parlour,they jumped up and hugged each other so tight,they were all happy and couldn't thank Ummu enough,they started planning how the date would be before informing their partners.

The smile and happiness on their faces could also make you smile!😊

The end..............

Not the end....was kidding 😂

Hello beautiful people,hope you're good?? Sorry for not updating on time,this is also a short chapter!! Who saw this coming?? Ayman's people where are you? And Amaan would be leaving for London soon😭 How would Aysha cope with missing Amaan 😢 I've started missing him seff💔 Ummu is back,the old her is back💃Yay!! It calls for a celebration 🎉🎊
The date is coming soon💃I can't wait🍾🥂
Who likes Aysha Basma?? And also who likes Ahmad??

Stay tuned for more updates to come,keep sipping your cool or hot drinks along with your popcorns or cookies and rest on the couch with legs crossed comfortably 🥂😎

Reederh loves you all❤️

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