Chapter Nine

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August 1st
           It was 8:30 in the morning and a beautiful morning,cool breeze blowing the leaves slowly,birds jumping from one place to another, the place surrounded by fresh scent of flowers,the nature was so beautiful. Today is Amaani's graduation and Amaani was sleeping like a Princess on her queen sized bed looking beautiful and glowing with a small smile on her face,her graduation event would start by 11:00am.
             Ummu didn't go back to sleep after praying in the morning,she was busy with preparing for the graduation,so she couldn't get the chance to sleep. Her thought was all about Amaani and yesterday's night, still wondering what was wrong with her daughter,she quickly dropped the box she was holding on the table and quickly rushed to her daughter's room to see if she's sleeping or not,Ummu went into Amaani's room without knocking,she opened the door and to her surprise,she saw her daughter sleeping peacefully and even putting on a smile,Ummu sat beside Amaani and touched Amaani's cheeks by the side, Ummu was wearing a sweet and beautiful face because she always wants to see her family happy. Ummu stood up to go and continue what she was doing,as she stood up to go, Amaani grabbed her by the wrist, Ummu turned in surprise but only to see her daughter smiling beautifully and worry free, Ummu was very happy to see her daughter in that happy mood,she helped her daughter sit-up and hugged her tightly but sweetly. Ummu told Amaani that she came into the room and saw her smiling while sleeping and asked her if she dreamt about something happy,Amaani said to her mum that she dreamt that today would be a good,lucky and unforgettable day in her life,she dreamt that something great which has never happened to her would happen to her today, Ummu smiled in awwww and said; may all the good things in life come to you today and forever and may Allah protect us from all the bad things that are coming our way, Amaani said Ameen thumma Ameen Ummu. Ummu cleared her voice and said; Amaani how about yesternight's thought?? Amaani replied and said; Ummu forget about that talk, Allah has shown me the result in my dream and I'm very happy about it,Ummu asked Amaani if she has prayed the tahajjud and Istikhara, Amaani told her mum that she has prayed and she believed in the power of it maybe that's why Allah has changed her bad situation into the good, Ummu said to her daughter that there's no second thought or maybe, the truth is Allah has changed the good to the bad. Ummu said to her daughter; Amaani hope you have seen the beauty of Islam,hold your Deen ( religion ) and nothing will bring you hardship in your life but only when Allah wants to test you,He will test you in different ways because he wants to see if you will win the test which makes you a good Muslim with full and high level of Iman ( faith ) and Amaani,never complain or say something bad because of the situation Allah has put you in, it'll lead you to a bad situation from Allah,hold your religion tight and well and be a very good muslimah,I hope you will take my advice? Amaani nodded and said; Ummu I have accepted this with an open heart and a welcoming hand, thank you very much Ummu, you're such a good mother,only rare are like you,Ummu said; You're welcome Amaani and start preparing for your graduation, it's few minutes to 10 already and we haven't gotten ready yet,so go and prepare for your happy day. Ummu went out of the room to where she was in order to continue with her preparations.
            Amaani stood up and went to the bathroom in order to take her bath and prepare for the day. Amaani came out of the bathroom and went to the dressing table,she cleaned the water on her body,rubbed some cream and some light makeup,she tied her hair in a high neat bun, she went to the closet and picked out her new clothes, she wore a black pencil skirt,a white shaky material top,she tied her head tie in a turban style which showed her curled baby hair on her forehead,she wore a thin silver chain with a beautiful heart pendant,a dot earring with a heart shape,a bracelet,ring and a bkack swavrosky wristwatch,she picked her new black Prada loafers and side bag,the shoe fitted her fair skinned thin legs,she changed her phone's case to black and finally sprayed an Arabian and Italian perfume,she looked really beautiful and attractive. She picked out her well ironed graduation gown and cap from the closet,held it and went out to the sitting room,she met her family in the dining room all waiting for her to come so they would start eating,she rushed to the dining room and joined them. Abbu, Ummu and Amaan all said wow at the same time because Amaani looked very beautiful and breathtaking,Ummu smiled at Amaani and said to her daughter that she looked very beautiful like always,Abbu who has started eating said to his daughter too that she looked very nice. Amaan winked and said to Amaani; that's my lil sister,the ritzy and fashionista,keep it up dear. They finished eating and Larai cleared the table.
            Ummu looked so ravishing,she applied a light makeup,her skin was glowing very beautiful,she wore a royal blue cotton material decorated with red stones all over, she wore a red veil,red nine west shoe,red Prada handbag,red jewelries and other matching accesories, Ummu looked classy and beautiful.
             Abbu wore a white cotton yard with black embroidery, he wore a black shoe and cap along with a black swatch wristwatch,he looked gentle and classy too.
              Amaan wore a black getzner, a black cap,a black shoe and a black swatch wristwatch,his airpod on both ears,his silver ring on his left hand finger,his beard well shaped and trimmed which was eye-catching and attractive to some girls. Amaan looked so good and breathtaking.
              They snapped some pictures before going out to the parking lot,after snapping the pictures,they all went out to the parking lot,Abbu and Ummu entered Abbu's car while Amaan and Amaani entered Amaan's car,they drove out of the house to the school where the graduation is going to hold. Amaani on the way called Amal to ask her if they've gone to the school,Amal said that they are on their way to the school, Amaani was very happy on hearing that,she said to her cousin that she can't wait to see her, Amal said to Amaani that she can't wait too,they hung up the call.
             Amaan cleared his voice looking and concentrating on the road and said to Amaani; Amaani now you're done with the first step of education and going to a higher level,this is how things happen in the blink of an eye, things happen so fast and the world is going fast,I hope you'll soon bring an inlaw too so fast and in a blink of an eye?? Amaani was surprised on hearing that Amaan was talking about starting a relationship, she said; Amaan I don't have have to rush, there is nothing like rushing when it comes to marriage,you have to choose the right spouse and the right father for your children,when my time comes I'll start and when the right person comes, nothing can stop him from coming to me,we just have to keep praying for the right person both me and you. Amaan was very surprised on hearing his sister's talk full of sense and maturity,she is smart and thinks wisely before making any decision,he was proud of her and was very lucky to have her as a sister,he told her everything he said in his mind and Amaani was very happy to  hear this from her very own other half,she thanked him and they continued talking about everything and whatnot. They arrived at the school on time, Ummu and Abbu too arrived at the same time with the children and surprisingly Aunty Aisha and her family too arrived at the same time,they were all surprised.
            Aunty Aisha wore a pink and blue lace bubu gown and a matching veil and shoe along with other matching accesories and jewelries.
             Amal and Laila wore the same Atamfa but of different colour sewed in skirt and blouse which fitted them beautifully.
             Ayman who drove and came out of the car last dragged all the families attention because of how handsome and gentle he looked, he wore a black cotton yard sewed in Babbar Riga,a black matching cap and shoe,a black swatch wristwatch and silver ring,and his airpod on both ears,his beard full and shaped,his pink lips adding more handsomeness to him,he wore a sunglasses which balanced on his long pointed nose,he was looking like a groom,Amaan shook hands with him and said; Up up up Brother,keep giving them an assignment, Amaani looked at Ayman and smiled because she can't hide the smile that was coming from inside her,she greeted him and said; Ya Ayman, you are looking like a groom,he said to Amaani; I have to look good because I'm coming to My Princess's graduation,she covered her mouth and said; you'll never stop your habit huh? He winked and shrugged his shoulder meaning maybe. They snapped as many pictures as they could before moving in to the school premises,the event was about to start, so Amaani joined her fellow colleagues where they were all sitting next to the staffs.
               The event started and they were different programs before the graduates were each called to collect their certificates, gifts and awards, Amaani was the second person that was called out, Amaani Khaleed Khaleel was called by the principal,she moved out to the stage and was smiling,she was so confident because she didn't has stage fright,she collected her certificate and gifts and later on she was announced as the best student in English, Government,Economics,Hausa and Literature and was given award for each, she was the second best student in their class and the overall best in art class,her parents,family and teachers were very proud of her performance,her family joined her on stage and rejoiced with her,Ummu and Abbu hugged their child,Abbu brought out a box from his pocket and gave it to Amaani,it was a latest Samsung because he knows that she didn't like iPhone, he also gave her a new Canon camera because he knows that she likes snapping pictures,she was very proud of her Dad and thanked him, Ummu moved closer and handed a paper to her daughter to go and improve her cooking skills in a cooking school since she knows her daughter loves cooking,she also handed a new wristwatch and a box of perfume and other fashion items to her since she knows that she loves fashion very much, Amaani was very happy and can't thank her parents enough,Aunty Aisha gave her a 2 one thousand wrapper note, one from Daddy and one from her, she thanked her and hugged her, Ayman gave Amaani a box of perfume,a wristwatch,box of jewelries and gave her a #500 wrapper note, she thanked Ayman and smiled. The photographer ummu called for the graduation was snapping them pictures at every moment of joy.
             The graduation was over and they all finished eating and drinking,the photographer too finished snapping pictures. They all got ready to go home before Amaani told Ummu that she wants to collect something from Amra, Ummu told her to do quick, Amaani said okay Mum,she was rushing to go to her best friend before a guy stopped her on the way and told her that he'd love to talk to her,she told him that she was in a hurry,but he told her to spare him 2 minutes from her time,she said okay,the guy was very handsome, he's neither dark nor fair in complexion,for long  she has never seen a handsome guy like him,he cleared his voice and said; ummm I'd love to have your contact so we'd continue talking, Amaani was lost in her thought,she admired his beauty and attraction,his deep and husky voice was so melodious to her ears,she called the digits to him and he saved it. Amaani met Amra in the front of their class,she told her everything that happened and Amra said; congratulations Amaani for falling in love, Amaani said; Amra who told you that I'm in love with him?? Amra said to Amaani that they shall see and hear,it will definitely come out,she collected her earpiece and said goodbye to Amra, Amra said goodbye too and started smiling happily that her friend is in love finally,she noticed how happy Amaani is about this guy,she noticed that she felt in love at first sight.
          Amaani rushed to the car where Amaan has been waiting for her, Ummu and Abbu were tired of waiting so they've went he already, Aunty Aisha and her family too have gone home. Amaani entered the car and apologized to Ya Amaan for staying long,he said to her that it's nothing. They talked about the graduation and how it went,they enjoyed it very well. They arrived home after 3pm, Ummu and Abbu were resting in the parlour looking tired and talking, Amaani and Amaan went into the house and greeted their parents, Ummu and Abbu congratulated Amaani once more,she thanked them and gave each a bone crushing hug. They all prayed zuhr and also prayed Asr when it was time. In a blink of an eye,it was maghrib,they all ate their supper,prayed isha and talked for some time before Amaani said goodnight to her family.
            Amaani changed into a knee length pink snow-white pyjamas gown,she untied her hair and let the hair brushed down her shoulders, she lied lazily on her bed admiring her new Samsung phone and gifts, she remembered everything about the graduation and also the guys incident came back to her mind,she started recalling his beauty and deep voice which melted her heart,her heart has never melted like this in the presence of a guy, she too knows she was a hard girl before but now the appearance of an unknown person has made her soft,she remembered yesternight's dream and said to herself that this is the happy and lucky event that was approaching her,she thanked God over again,but the other side of her told her that what if all she's doing was imagination and nonsense? She has fallen for the guy that didn't tell her that he loves her,what if he collected her number to ask her something about another girl or another thing?? What if he wants to tell her something that isn't pertaining love?? Amaani became weak and started having mixed feeling and mood swings,she said her sleeping Dua's,chatted on her phone and slept off like a Princess.

Good evening to you all💕 hope everything is going well with you?? This chapter is somehow long though I typed it all today, I was busy yesterday with my sister's birthday party, thank you all for the prayers and best wishes,I really appreciate 🥂🙏

How was Amaani's graduation?? Do you all enjoyed it?? Hers wasn't grand as Amaan's own because it was her secondary school graduation,who do you think is the guy that asked Amaani for her phone number?? And what's his reason for collecting the number? Is it love or he just wants to ask her something??

Who crushed on Ayman today,he looked like a groom on his wedding day😂🥂 seriously I can't wait for Ayman and Amaan's wedding 🎊🎉
Keep sipping your chilled drink and eating your popcorn and stay tuned for the next update because the graduation isn't over yet🥂🍾🎉there would be a dinner for the students only, parents excluded❌
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