Chapter Twenty Seven

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Get your boxes and rolls of tissues ready because I think you'll hate me for writing this chapter 😢

The rays from the golden drop of sun radiate directly to Amaani's room which made her squeeze her face because the sunlight was disturbing her face,the sweet and lovely scent of flowers beat Amaani's nose,she stretched out her hands up in the air and massaged her face for some minutes before heading to the window where she opened her well drapped window and hanged it with the curtain hanger,she looked through the window and watched the beautiful canaries in admiration,she stared at the beauty of nature before she got lost in her thoughts,she started thinking of how close she's becoming with Ayman,she has started to become his addict but she said to herself that it isn't love,it's just their bond that is becoming stronger,Yes!! But she remembered a saying that says; the closer you get,the more stronger your bond becomes,she told herself that Ayman would think that she's giving him a chance,she thought of changing her behaviors towards him but the other side of her told her that,he would surely understand since he's matured enough to know everything,the other side of her reminded her that if she keeps getting closer to him day by day, she's getting closer to marrying her cousin which she doesn't like the thing,she remembered her friend Mariya Ado that admired and had a crush on them the last day Ayman took her to collect her order,she told Amaani that they look perfect together with Ayman,she remembered when mareeya teased her and said; something is fishy. She even noticed how her parents are always happy whenever they see her around Ayman,is it that they love Ayman with her? If yes not Abbu but Ummu. Amaani knew that Ayman had told his family members how they're becoming closer and she knows that they would be happy about it. Amaani remembered their call with Amra and Ayra which she talked to them about Ayman an she realized that they are all at Ayman's back not Ahmad even though they didn't tell her who they like together with her but she noticed.
Amaani became weak when something popped into her brain, she thought to herself that the parents are happy about her new extra bond with Ayman,what if they start showing her some green lights,what if they choose Ayman for her without her opinion?what if they start talking to her about getting married to Ayman? She said to herself that the reason why she is free with Ayman these days is to see her parents happy since she knows that it's all they want! But why is Amaan not facing such relationship challenges? She mumbled. The other side of her told her that everyone's destiny is different so everyone's journey is different.
Her head started aching her so bad and she started to feel dizzy,she started seeing a blurry vision which made her grabbed the window firmly, everywhere was turning round and round for her before she could see blank.

Ayman didn't go to work early,so he had breakfast with his family,after having the breakfast he cleared his voice and averted his gaze upon his sisters and asked them if they've found the answers yet,but they told him that they are yet to get the answer, Ayman shook his head and said; okay then I'm giving you now till when I close from office get the answer if not you're gonna loose a very big and lovely gift,they sighed okay. Mummy laughed,shook her head and said; they've passed out the pancakes from their body by now and Ayman is here making them crack their brain about the maker,how special is this maker to you? Mummy smiled. Ayman winked and smiled,he said; if I tell you any slight thing about it,you'll definitely get it Mum,so I think you should crack your brain too even though I guess you know the answer. Ayman stood up to leave for work,he said goodbye to his family before leaving.

Amaan and Basma were on video call since morning and it's now 12pm, Amaan doesn't have any class today till 4pm so he decided to spend half of his day with love of his life on video call. The two love birds shared thier happy and lovely moments,they told each other how much they miss  themselves,how desperate they are for the vacation to come so they'd see each other to they talked about studies,their families and whatnot. They also thanked Allah for bringing them together and also to the thanked Allah for making their relationship smooth without any challenges even though no one is beyond challenges in life,they prayed to Allah to make any upcoming challenge easy for them to handle. After that, Basma batted her eyelashes and smiled beautifully which drew Amaan's attention to her,Amaan cleared his voice and said; Hey cucu,what's up? She covered her face with her palms shyly and said; you're looking more handsome everyday,the environment suits you very well,look her your beard is shining and growing darker and healthier,look how you are looking like a Prince, so lucky to have this handsome and gentle guy as my life partner,thank you Allah,may Allah keep and make our bond stronger than ever,Amaan smiled and said; Ameen Hayati,you're looking more beautiful everyday I see you,don't worry when we get married we won't stay in Nigeria because it doesn't suit us at all,we'll have babies who are citizens of another country,Amaan blew a kiss to Basma,pouted and said; Wow,I'm so lucky to have you,I can't wait to start a family with this amazing soul,how I wish I could fly to Nigeria today and take you away as my halal partner,Basma smirked and rolled her eyes, she added; Don't worry baby,it's a matter of time,Allah's timing is the best. Amaan told her that he has to go because he needs to sleep before the class even though he isn't tired of hearing her voice and seeing his cutie pie,he grabbed his cheek and told Basma that this is how he would squeeze her cheeks whenever they meet next in person,Basma closed her face with her palms and said; Baby don't be naughty, Goodbye,she laughed hard before ending the call.
Amaan sighed a sigh of relief and nodded his head, he can't imagine his life without this lady, he tried remembering his life before meeting Basma,he asked himself so many questions like; was I happy like how I am now? How do I sleep without hearing from her? What makes my day bright? Who sings for me till I sleep? Who gives me this kinda feeling that I can't live without now? Who gives me this care,love, attention and affection apart from my family? Who spoils me with love? Wow!! He mumbled.
So this is how love is? My friends always tell me the sweetness in love,love is a special kind of feeling,love is a wonderful thing, I pray this is my first and last love,I find comfort in this girl. He prayed that those who are living happily with their partners,may their bond never be separated and to the ones who haven't found love yet,may all of them meet the love of their lives,Ameen. He kept turning from side to side on bed and smiling sweetly till he fell asleep.

Ummu was surprised to see Amaani still in her room and it was past 12pm, she stood up to go and check on her daughter but her phone started ringing which caught her attention and went back to answer it but her mind was in Amaani's room,it was Amaan,she picked the call and before Ummu could say anything,he stammered and said; Ummu is Amaani okay? Is she alright? Where's is she,please can you give her to me to confirm if she's fine? I want to have piece of mind please Ummu,I just woke up from sleep and had a very terrible dream Ummu,i also tried calling Amaani,the phone was going  but she isn't picking at all, his voice started to shake now, Ummu stammered and couldn't say anything but quickly dropped her phone on the tiled floor and ran to Amaani's room, Ummu's heart was beating fast and she started sweating all over her body,her head was pounding,she knocked Amaani's room but it was locked,she called Amaani several times and banged on the door but there's no any sign of Amaani nor any response,she ran to Abbu's room to get a master key which she would use in opening the door, finally she got it,she ran quickly and turned the keyhole, Amaani wasn't on her bed so she looked at the window and saw Amaani's body on the floor lying unconsciously in her pyjamas,Ummu screamed and called Allah's name,she ran to where her daughter was lying on the floor and shook her body which showed no sign of life because Amaani was not breathing,her body was weak and sluggish,Ummu shouted Larai's name for help,Larai came without wasting time to Amaani's room,she shouted subhanallahi when she saw Amaani's body,Ummu asked Larai to help her pick Amaani to the car,they carried Amaani difficultly to the car,she asked Larai to quickly go back to the house,bring her handbag,phone and veil,Larai ran back to the house to bring it,she came back with it and locked both the front and back door. Malam Lawal drove them to the hospital,Ummu was carrying Amaani's head while Amaani's legs were on Larai's lap, Amaani's phone started ringing and Ummu asked Larai to pass the phone,it was Amaan,so Ummu silenced the call. In the car Ummu called Mummy, grandma ,Abbu and rest of the family and told them what happened.
They arrived at the hospital and Ummu asked Malam lawal to quickly go and call for an emergency with a stretcher,in a jiffy there came nurses with a stretcher,they quickly pushed Amaani to the emergency, Doctors were surrounded by Amaani,the senior doctor who took care of Ayman came and ordered the other doctors to take Amaani to a single ward were there is no noise and distractions,Amaani was pushed to the single ward and she was surrounded by doctors and nurses, Ummu was sent out ,she was asked to go pay the bills but the senior doctor told them that she isn't in the mood to do those things,Ummu went out as ordered,she couldn't cry but she was in a situation that crying will be much better than it,she stood by the door and watched the doctors busy attending to her daughter who was lying unconscious,she saw the expression on Dr. Amin's face which gave her cold shivers, he was cleaning his face with a handkerchief and sighing,one of the doctors started using the defibrillator on Amaani after the nurse has connected the medical ventilator. Ummu's attention was brought back to where she heard Abbu's voice together with Aunty Aisha,Amal, Granny and Laila walking fast to where they saw her,later on,the families started flooding the hospital except Ayman who wasn't informed but later informed by Amal. In a jiffy,Ayman was in the hospital with everyone,they were all waiting in the waiting area,Ummu was with Abbu who has been asking her questions which she find difficult to answer,she stammered anytime she tried answering so he asked her to relax,so she did. Ayman was worried since when he heard the news,he couldn't sit down nor stand still,so he kept going up and down in the corridor.

Dr Amin walked majestically and in a somewhat quick way to the waiting area where the families where,he shook hands with Abbu,removed his glasses,wiped away sweats on his forehead,put his hands akimbo and sighed, everyone was eager to hear what it is,Dr. Amin cleared his voice and asked; How did you leave this happened to this young girl? Why so careless like that?? Why did you leave her unconscious for so long? Why didn't you do something to save her breath? Why didn't you give her a mouth to mouth respiration or CPR??  I'm sorry to tell you but your daughter is ..............

Hello patient souls,how have you been?? Hope all is fine?? I didn't update on time because I've been busy with registration,school is gonna resume very soon. May Allah see us through,Ameen.

Subhanallahi,who saw this coming?? We know that Amaani is suffering from a nervous breakdown and emotional disorder,could it be the NB or emotional disorder??I don't wanna loose Amaani too😢how would Ayman and Ahmad cope? Not to talk of Ummu,Abbu and Amaan 😭

How do you think Amaan is gonna take this terrific tragedy??

Anyways I should stop here and continue crying for Amaani 😭😭😭😪😢🤧

Stay tuned for the next chapter 😊
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