Chapter Fourty Seven

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Amal opened the note which was written in a very beautiful handwriting, she read it thoroughly and repeatedly, she didn't expect what she saw in the note, she was expecting something different, so she let the tears in her eyes roll freely down her cheeks till she was satisfied, she folded the paper quickly and put it in her bag. She was bewildered and shocked at the same time.

She looked at Laila and quickly wiped off her tears in order to prevent Laila from seeing her but Laila has stole glances of her while shedding tears. Laila has been wondering what is happening to her sister but she had no idea what it was because what confused her more was the paper that the stewardess delivered to her sister and the tears that rolled down her sister's cheek after seeing the paper and what is written in front of the paper, she kept asking herself different questions about it even though she knows that Amal would tell her no matter what it is but before that she prayed that it's something good to their ears.

Amal sighed and looked through the windows and stared at the sky while thoughts flooded her head, all she kept remembering was her moments with Farhan, the strange feelings she had, his looks and voice and finally the note he sent to her which she's still frightened to open and read what's inside but she expects something good. Amal also remembered that it's Farhan that is flying the plane they are inside which gives her goosebumps after remembering that he's the one flying the plane she's inside.

Amaani has been feeling awkward with Ayman by her side, she has gotten tired of reading novels and chatting because she's sleepy at the moment, so she rested her head comfortably and wore a sleep mask to protect barrier over her eyes and distractions, before she dozed off, she thought of Ahmad and the way she missed him and also her family, she also thought about what Amal was eager to tell her and what is inside the paper that the stewardess delivered to her but she ignored it and said.. "whatever it is, Amal will tell me when we land and I hope it's a good news."
Amaani drifted off to sleep while Ayman was using his phone without noticing Amaani.
Amaani was deep asleep when suddenly her head rested on Ayman's shoulder and her body rested on him, he looked up and see that it was Amaani's sleeping self on him, he let her be the way she is and even made her rest more comfortably on him by putting her head on his laps while he massage her forehead gently and caressed her face gently with full affection. He felt the love for her renew more and more and he imagined them going on a honeymoon.

Amal remembered what was written in the letter and smiled along with a shiny teary eyes, she covered her mouth while smiling so as to prevent Laila from noticing, but so unlucky of her that Laila has somehow understood what was going on because Laila is very sharp at grabbing things that are hidden from her. Amal once more opened her bag and peeped at the letter with a blush which in the front page was a super beautiful and bold handwriting which said..
"Do me a favour and read me, it's captain Farhan's thought and feelings on you, Amal"

In the next page was the body of the note and a phone number attached to it and the letter said...
"Greetings once more from the not-so-fabulous and not-so-kind pilot you've met earlier today that you bumped into and stained his uniform, whom you also offered to help and wished to hear his voice which you heard after the long wait.
I was so glad after you've helped me after that I felt so comfortable in being with you, I felt so attached to you, I never wanted to let go of you that was why I keep dragging the time and all, I cut my hands intentionally so that you would stay long and I would be able to confirm the sudden feelings you have for me which I confirmed it, Amal you're so kindhearted and soft, Amal you are lovely and beautiful, Amal words won't be enough for me to thank you for all what you have done to me.
Relax and stay happy as you enjoy my flight to London before you fly in my heart and soul, I'll be the pilot that will drive you crazy and fill your heart with unstoppable love and affection. Amal you're indeed a wife material as I said earlier and I won't stop saying it till I get you.
I would like us to meet when we land because I want us to talk, don't go without us talking because it's very important, expect something good and I hope you would accept it.
                                                    Captain Farhan

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