Chapter Fourty Two

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It was a beautiful Tuesday morning and the cool and gentle breeze of October hit Amaani's curtain, she woke up from her deep, restful and sweet sleep, indeed she slept like a log, the petrichor hit Amaani's nose which was her favorite part in rainy season because the love she has for the earthy smell is different,the sweet, fresh powerfully evocative smell of fresh rain. Amaani is indeed a pluviophile because she is a lover of rain, she finds peace, joy and happiness whenever it's rainy days. She rose from her bed and walked straight to the window, she opened the drapery and peeped in other to see the view of the nature and to inhale the petrichor very well, she closed her eyes and inhaled it as much as she could, she snapped the wet floor, the dark cloudy sky, the wet flower and trees which were still draping water down the wet pavement, she quickly ran out of her room to the kitchen,she made a hot steamy spicy tea and rushed back to her room, she sat on her study chair and still staring through the window, every sip reminds her of her Ahmad,her love,she imagined them gazing at the wet floor and the beautiful view of the rainy season. That time, Amaani wished she was married, she picked her phone quickly and dialled Ahmad's number, in one to two rings,he picked the call luckily.

"Hello, good morning baby" Amaani greeted.

"Hi baby, how are you doing? How was your night? Thinking about you when I saw your incoming call" Ahmad said.

"It was great and I'm doing good as you are, wow! Was thinking about you too baby, was staring at the wet places,the petrichor and the beauty of the rainy season and imagining us" Amaani said.

"MashaAllah, I know right and i know that you're such a pluviophile,so am I! Amaani I can't wait for us to get married soon inshaALLAH" Ahmad said sweetly.

"Awwwwn baby me too, may we witness this beautiful day healthy and alive, Ameen, called to say good morning, go back to your work and thank you for your time Baby, i love you" Amaani said full of love and affection.

"Ameen Ya Allah Habibty, I really appreciate, take care of yourself for me huh? Don't be stubborn huh?? I have to go, I have lots of work to deal with, talk to you later, Goodbye" Ahmad said.

"Umhm baby, I won't be stubborn, be safe too and I wish you the best, Goodbye" Amaani concluded.

They ended the call, they were both happy to hear each other's voices,they never get tired of talking to each other because every time they talk to each other they feel like they just met on the day because of the sparks and goosebumps they used to get, their love is indeed a beautiful one and they are very happy with each other and so blessed to have each other.

Ahmad sighed sweetly and smiled cutely, he felt a new type of love growing in his heart for Amaani, he forgot that Fahad was waiting for him. Ahmad rubbed his full grown dark beard and closed his eyes, he saw Amaani in his eyes, her beauty speaks too much, he imagined Amaani and his self married in the future, beautiful different things came rushing down his mind, Fahad got tired of his friends imagination, so he shook him by the shoulder in order to wake him up from the slumber, Ahmad quickly got back to his real self.

"Hey have you forgotten that I'm here waiting for you, go and get married that is when you'll know the sweetness of love, love is a beautiful thing indeed! You see we are expecting a baby soon and all those tantrums and dummy spit that my wife is throwing is not annoying but making me fall in love with her more and more, Ahmad love is a special type of feeling, love is beyond what you're thinking of, being with the right person makes you forget all your worries, may Allah bless you and your two wives to be Ahmad, may Allah join their heads, Ameen" Fahad said.

"What did you say? Ohh I forgot that I have another wife to be, Ihsan! She doesn't care about me, she doesn't call,she keeps giving me attitudes and she says everything that comes to her mind without thinking, in one word, Ihsan lack manners! you  know how she was raised, she was raised in a life of the higher class and elites who doesn't say a word to their children when they do something wrong but watch them and sometimes praise them, they only want their children's happiness. Amaani is far better than Ihsan, they can never be compared to each other because they have nothing in common, Amaani is a well-trained, decent, modest, religious, honest, kind, bright and easygoing person, she's the type of girl every guy would  dream of having, her only problem is jealousy and I don't include it as a problem because it is natural in women to be jealous over something they really love, like or want but you see Ihsan is never like that and she has too much of male friends in her life and she has given them too much freedom over herself, they act like her fellow females, Ihsan never gives me time to know her enough nor meet her, but you see Amaani knows how to treat me well, how to draw my attention towards her, she always wanna be around me, I am now like family to Amaani's family, her parents treat me like their own child, I have nothing to say to them but appreciation all the time and Amaani will forever be my number one, my superstar, my favorite, my first wife and first choice and I love her to the moon and back and nothing will separate us but death, I can feel it that I'll get married to Amaani and death will only be the thing that will do us apart inshaALLAH, we'll hold hands to the gates of Jannah and find our way to the gardens of jannah, I'll look into her eyes waiting for the time we chorus "we made it", I can't wait for that beautiful moment and when I finally get Amaani, I'll treasure her heart with love, care and attention because she deserves the best from me and from all and i know she'll treat me well and I trust Amaani so much that a fight won't start from Amaani in my house, she's too matured for her age, Amaani is still a teenager but thinks like an adult" Ahmad stated.

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