Chapter Fifty One

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Ihsan looked up, swallowed a big lump in her throat and tried uttering something but it slipped, she kept quiet and started playing with her fingers and rings with tears welling up in her eyes.

Suhail was eager to hear Ihsan's answer but she kept mum.

Ihsan looked down again and continued playing with her fingers and ring still nervous, she couldn't believe how her heart was beating fast, she wondered what it meant but she kept having strange feelings.
Anytime she tried looking up she stopped because when their gaze meets she feels something she has never fell for someone and also, anytime she looks up, he smiled at her a manly smile.

"This guy is seriously waiting for an answer, what should I say? Should I tell him the truth or not?? If I tell him the truth I'm doing it for myself and heart and if I didn't tell him the truth, I think I'll suffer and stress myself and heart" Ihsan soliloquized.

She made up her mind to utter something but she stopped.

"Look, what you actually love is right in front of you, don't let go of it because you'll regret it" her mind said.

Suhail stole glances of Ihsan and saw how nervous she was, he smiled and shook his head.

"Ihsan look here, I understand whatever you're going through and I hope you tell your parents the answer so they would get me, I can see that you're shy of telling me something positive which will change our lives for good, Ihsan do you know that it's a YES from me? Ihsan you are all I ever wanted but I'll preserve my words till the time you answer YES to me". Suhail said softly.

Ihsan covered her face even more and ran upstairs.
Suhail looked at the childish girl to she disappeared.

She opened her room and jumped on her bed, not knowing that her Aunt is in the room, Ihsan sighed a sigh of relief and lay on her stomach relaxingly.

"Why can't he understand that I love him but I can't say it, I love him with all my heart but he still didn't understand, how I was behaving was an answer to what he asked but still he didn't understand. Now what should I do?? Who do I send to tell him a these? Not Maama nor Paapa. Should I say it in a text message? Nahhh it'll be too rude I think. Gosh, I need to return down stairs, gather my courage and tell him to start eating and everything would happen after that". Ihsan soliloquized.

Ihsan walked out of the room, still unaware that her aunt was inside, she sashayed down the stairs but on her way downstairs, she met her mum who told her to allow Suhail to eat in peace, she could return afterwards.

Ihsan smiled and answered her mum, she followed her mum behind and then to her mother's room. Ihsan didn't tell her mum anything and her mum also didn't asked for anything but Ihsan's face could tell you Ihsan's answer and with that, she understood what her daughter is in. Maama went out of her room and on her way, she bumped into Ihsan's Aunt on the way, she told her everything she heard from Ihsan in the room and Maama was very happy to hear it.

"Now you have to be quick, by now he has finished eating I guess, so go to him and tell him everything, tell him that Ihsan sent you, tell him before he goes, he would be happy because I can see that he was having mixed feelings lately when I met him, save a soul dear." Ihsan's mum said.

They high fived and proceeded with their plan, Maama returned to her daughter while Aunt proceeded with her plan, she walked downstairs, salamed and entered the parlour where luckily he was done eating, they exchanged greetings before she tells him her message.

"Ihsan sent me here, she told me that she was too shy to tell you her true feelings but her answer is a YES, she is upstairs still shy and I heard that you have accepted her which I am happy about, you too are perfect for each other and Alhamdulillah. You're our soon to be in-law and know that you are accepted with open hands. Congratulations dear". Aunt said.

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