Chapter Twenty One

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Mummy said to Hajiya Ramla and her friend,I Hajiya Aisha Mahmud,an Aunty to Amaani who is also her mother promise you that my daughter would inshaALLAH not marry Ahmad,she would inshaALLAH find someone better than him,she would find someone to be happy with and which his mother would love him, please I beg you not to harm my daughter because as I can see you're very evil and wicked so your friends are, I've decided to separate the relationship between your son and my daughter because you ain't a good mother in-law from all indications,why on Earth would you hate an innocent and pure person?? I see no reason, please you should change and follow your husband and son's footsteps Ramla and I'll continue to pray for you. Ummu moved closer again and said to Hajiya Ramla to relax and save her money,she shouldn't go to the socerer she was tryna go because the relationship between her daughter and her son is destroyed,they have separated the relationship not because they don't love each other but because of her evil intentions towards her daughter.

Hajiya Ramla was silent and shocked because she didn't see it coming,so her friend is! They were all weak and couldn't say anything,in her mind she has started to regret her actions but it's too late,she didn't expect Amaani's parents to be like this,she thought that nobody would spy on their discussion. Hajiya Ramla was deep in her thoughts before Ummu said; And if you know you are here in the hospital to check on my son,kindly move out of here before I call the security,Ummu showed her the way out with by pointing her finger at the exit direction, Hajiya Ramla and her friend weakly walked out without hesitation and Aunty Aisha shouted at their back saying; shameless women.

On their way out, Ummu saw Hajiya Ramla wait for some minutes,stare at something and shook her head in regret and left,Ummu walked majestically to the place along with Mummy following her behind to see what Hajiya Ramla stared at, Ummu saw that it was Amaani in the place together with Amal, Amaani was crying heavily when their gaze met with Ummu and Mummy,Ummu was very angry at Amaani and she raised her hand in order to give a dirty slap to Amaani,but before mummy could stop her,another person held Ummu's hand, everyone was surprised and also Amaani who was protecting herself from the slap,she looked up and saw Ayman in his Johnny gown smiling and at the same time carrying an angry face,Ummu yelled at him and said; Ayman leave me to deal with this stupid girl,she's crying because she lost the son of that shameless woman,let her cry with a reason,just allow me to deal with her. Mummy and Ayman consoled Ummu and finally Ummu was consoled, Ayman dragged Amaani to his chest and hugged her,she found comfort,warmth and felt secured in Ayman,he wiped her tears off and at the same time rubbing her at the back like a baby, he was whispering somethings into her ear which she couldn't hear but she enjoyed hearing his husky deep voice in her ears, because it sounded like a lullaby to her,she batted her eyelashes and started smiling, on seeing Amaani smiled,Ayman said; now since my princess is smiling it's time for me to break the good news to you all,I just got discharged from the hospital, everyone was happy about that,they hugged each other and thanked Allah.

Mummy quickly called Daddy and announced the good news to him,soon the news was spreaded around the family, everyone was excited. They started packing their stuffs and started to load them in the car, Amaani brought out a new set of black Nike sweatpants and a White t-shirt and gave it to Ayman in order to wear it,Ayman was out of words,he insisted on wearing it before leaving the hospital,she was in the room with Ayman so she turned her face to the other side of the room but Ayman told her to come and help him remove the Johnny gown,she refused to do so until when Ayman screamed and put on an act pretending to hurt his hand which the cannula was removed a day before yesterday,she quickly ran to where he is full of help and she helped him remove his Johnny gown but she was closing her eyes while doing so while Ayman has been laughing and tonguing Amaani whose eyes were closed innocently,she finished removing his Johnny gown and luckily he was wearing a singlet inside so she opened her eyes and moved away in order to allow him to wear his t-shirt but he was back again, putting on the same act he put at first and Amaani pitied him and help him wear it,after helping him,she picked up some wipes and wiped his face,she wiped some chocolates on his upper lips and started saying; see...see...see how you're eating chocolates anyhow, spoiling yourself anyhow, you're just acting like a baby these days and you have to stop, remember you have two young sisters and they will laugh at you for being too childish,she punched him lightly by the arm and he screamed lightly,they took some selfies and video called Amaan to tell him about the good news, Amaan was very happy,he noticed Amaani's face was swollen,his face was puzzled so he asked her if she was okay,but Amaani kept quiet,he asked her again but she kept quiet,Ayman pleaded with her to tell him and she agreed because they were all listening to her attentively, she started from the beginning to the end and how Ahmad's mother hated her, Amaani bursted out crying immediately she finished narrating the story to them,Ayman felt sorry for her and he rubbed her at the back like a baby while Amaan was feeling guilty of not telling Amaani what's in his mind but he promised to let her know when she reaches home and when he knows that she is alone in her room,Ayman noticed Amaan's expression of regret and he knew what the expression was for so he acted maturely and ignored it and also pretended that he didn't noticed anything and Amaan finally felt secured. Ayman asked Amaan how London is and about his studies,he told him everything he knew about London and that studies is going smoothly,Ayman thanked Allah and advised him to concentrate on his studies, not to follow bad gangs and continue to keep their family reputation firm and strong,Amaan was very happy and thanked Ayman very well,he congratulated him once more on being discharged from the hospital,Ayman told him that he'd go back to work in Monday that the struggle continues,they all said Goodbye before they hang up the call.

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