Chapter Twenty Four

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Abbu rushed to the parking lot and stood near Ayman's car in order to stop him from entering when he comes, Ummu was still sitting where Abbu left her,she wished the floor could open so that it will swallow her up because of what happened,she has been thinking of what to say to Ayman since he knows that she's aware of the love he has for her daughter. Amaan has been calling Ummu but she didn't pick the call because she was nervous. Abbu on the other hand has been waiting for Ayman in the parking lot and he promised himself not to get tired.

Ayman and Amaani were still silent,Ayman's eyes were gradually turning to red,the veins on his forehead all were out,his teeth were gritted, his lips vibrating and his fist were clenched inward like someone who's ready to blow someone,his phone dropped on the floor which he didn't care about, Amaani bent down to bring the phone that fell down but before she bent down,Ayman stopped her without saying a word,she rose and looked at him in the eyes,her eyes was teary,her body was shaking out of fear,the deep fixed stare Ayman was giving Amaani with his chilly smoky hot red eyes made her have a shaky body the more,Ayman transferred his look to Ahmad who was puzzled but investigating something at the same time,he averted his gaze back to Amaani and said in a whisper,deep and shaky voice; Amaani I was eating when I stopped halfway,ask me why?? Amaani blinked her eyes and stammered; Nah,tell me why! Ayman moved a step closer and whispered in her ears and at the same time looking at Ahmad who was wearing a jealous face and wearing a sad face, Ayman whispered; I missed something,it's no order thing but your coffee you used to make for me and I missed you too because since when I came I've been looking around for you,my head and neck almost twisted because of searching for my Princess,Ummu and Abbu noticed everything which made me shy of course,I wondered where you at,so I decided to call you and look where I found my Princess all happy and sharing beautiful moments with her Prince charming also the love of her life. Amaani felt cold shivers going down her spine, goosebumps appearing on her skin and the butterflies started flying in her stomach disturbing her intestines,Ayman noticed Amaani's sudden change of mood so he held her by the shoulder, looked into her eyes and said; Why the sudden change of mood? Feel free I'm no other person but Ayman!! Ayman your brother,your mood supposed to be changed by the person over there but not me,he pointed at Ahmad who was still staring. Amaani thought and said in her mind; why did I even allow him to notice,he'd proof the feelings I'm slowly developing for him,she bit her lower lips and rolled her eyes. Ayman looked at Ahmad and said; excuse me please Amaani's Prince charming, would you please allow me to take Amaani for some minutes,I want her to make something for me,Ayman smiled and winked at Ahmad, Ahmad quickly nodded and stammered; Y...Y..Yess why not!! Ayman thanked Ahmad, Ayman bit his lips lightly and winked his eyes at Amaani who was lost in her thoughts,he dragged her by the shoulder and the other hand on her waist, Amaani felt the crazy butterflies again so she closed her eyes and bit her lips,her face was turning red but she tried to stay strong,they walked to the kitchen like that and Ayman sat on the kitchen counter, Amaani started preparing the coffee for him but at the same time lost in her thoughts,Ayman noticed and said to himself; Amaani has started falling for me to the extreme and I love that,he couldn't hide the smile so he started to pat his beard which drew Amaani's attention,she stared at him for so long before she let out a big scream,Ayman jumped from the kitchen cabinet and stood behind Amaani,he pouted and said; Auchh my Princess is hurt,he held her finger which was hurt,he took some honey and salt and rubbed it gently on the burnt finger,while he was rubbing the honey and salt, Amaani got a chance to look at him,she noticed that Ayman is looking more handsome and breathtaking everyday,Ayman felt that Amaani is looking at him so he gave her enough time to continue looking at him and he prays that she falls for him more and more,Ayman raised his head up and their gaze met,they stared at each other for some minutes before Amaani averted her gaze to the coffee she was making,it was almost done,at that time what Ayman was imagining was getting married to Amaani and having fun or cooking together in the kitchen,he wished he could change Amaani's mind and heart into loving him completely. Amaani finished preparing the coffee which was steamy hot, he collected it and sipped it and let out a big sigh of relief and said; Wow,I feel okay now,I love the taste of my Princess's coffee,I want to be taking this special treat everyday Amaani, Amaani batted her eyelashes and said in her sweet melodious voice; Okay then come back to this house,you are family too,Ayman winked and said I want to take you home as my Queen in the future if you agree, so we'd be making coffee together everyday Amaani,I'd be seeing you everyday without twisting my neck searching for you,I'd stay under the same roof with you Amaani, Amaani I just wanna say that I love you and you look beautiful tonight but I'm jealous because this makeup and outfit isn't for me,it's for someone else. Amaani has been listening to Ayman and each word from him breaks her heart,she wished she could tell him her mind,she wish she could tell him that she has started to have feelings for him but what about Ahmad?? Now her heart belongs to two innocent souls. Amaani listened to Ayman and all she could say was; "Ya Ayman you know what I'm facing right now,my heart is separated into two,one side for you and the other for Ayman,I don't know what to do but pray for the best,I never thought I'd be in such situation in my life talkless of being in love with someone,Ya Ayman right now my heart is so small,it's almost invisible,how can such big and painful sorrows be in it? If not God then who? He alone has the right to do this to me... He answered her; look Amaani,your eyes are even smaller,yet they behold the world, Amaani that makes you a strong person,you deserve a medal at the end of this battle,that makes you a Queen who is ready to take a throne and you'll be complete with me there and right by your side but Amaani all you have to do now is continue praying I know you don't joke when it comes to prayers and tahajjud. Amaani heart melted by the words Ayman said to her so she hugged him by the side and thanked him to n her sweet melodious voice,Ayman sipped his steamy coffee and said in his deep,husky and masculine voice; don't mention Princess Amaani you deserve more than that, Amaani you have to go now,your Prince charming is waiting for you and it's getting late,I have to go home too in order to sleep early because I have a meeting early in the morning at the office. Amaani felt the pain for Ayman when he asked her to go back to her Prince charming,they walked out of the kitchen,she made her way to the guest parlour while Ayman made his way to where they were sitting with Ummu and Abbu but he only found Ummu sitted worried and lost in her thoughts,her head in her palms like someone who's guilty of something,Ayman who was very sharp knew what she was guilty of,so he made up his mind not to show any change in him,so he went and sat beside Ummu wrapping his arms around her shoulder and said; Heyyo Momma,I missed you for these moments I left,why are you sitting alone and you seemed worried,Ummu looked at Ayman full of love and said; oh my son!! It's nothing,and where is Abbu? Ayman asked,Ummu answered; he'll come back soon, Ayman replied okay!! In a jiffy and luckily Abbu was in the parlour with them,he was happy to see Ayman worry free so he looked at Ummu and smiled,Ayman told Ummu and Abbu that he'd be leaving,he has to wake up early because there'd be a meeting in the office early in the morning,they answered him and he stood up to go,Ummu asked him to drive safe and extend her greetings to everyone at home,she also added that he should call her when he reaches home.

Ummu talked to Abbu about Ayman's maturity and sharp brain, Abbu said to Ummu that they should continue to pray for the best person for their daughter,Ummu nodded in agreement,she told Abbu how Ayman acted towards her when he came back to the parlour,Abbu appreciated Ayman's maturity and thinking.

Ayman left the house all happy,he has forgotten when last he was happy like he is at the moment,so he thanked Allah,read some few verses from the Qur'an and played a song in his car,he played "The heart wants what it wants" by Selena Gomez and sang along with her,he reached home happily, he called Ummu and told her and she thanked God and also blessed Ayman. Ayman entered the house grinning at everyone,they noticed how happy he Ayman is,so Mummy teased him and asked; has Amaani said yes to you?? He smiled,shrugged his shoulder and said; you won't know even if you ask Ummu,she doesn't know anything about it,he continued singing and said goodnight to everyone,he walked full of energy to his room which everyone noticed,his siblings were laughing at him along with his parents who were happy. Ayman entered his room,changed his cloths and laid down on the bed,he started recalling everything that happened between him and Amaani and he felt a sweet feeling in him which made him cover his eyes lightly and smiling at the same time,he prayed and travelled to la la Land happily.

Amaani went back to where Ahmad was waiting for her,the glare Ahmad gave her made her look at him in surprise and bewilder,she walked to where she was sitting before and he continued to look at her in that way but she averted her gaze to her wristwatch and said; Oops it's quarter past 9 already but I don't want to leave you Ahmad !!!...........

Hello dearies, howdy?? Hope you're doing well and enjoying the cool weather?? I think I'm in love with this cool weather 😍

How was the chapter?? Who else saw this coming?? Ayman or Ahmad??

What do you think Ahmad would say to Amaani and what type of glare do you think he gave Amaani??

Who missed Hajiya Ramla and her spicy hot  dramas??😂

The chapter isn't that long though but I'll keep updating inshaALLAH,stay tuned for more updates to come 🤸🤸

Curl up in the blanket,sip your hot steamy coffee or tea and wait for your very own Authoress to update.

Goodnight and enjoy😊

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