July 4, 1984 (Part One)

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It was Wednesday morning of July 4, 1984, and the city of New York was more alive than ever as it was preparing for the holiday festivities. Hot was an understatement as well for the city was getting hit with a massive heatwave with temperatures hitting above 100 for the last week. It was making sleeping unbearable and Stef's apartment was no different. With no AC the girls were cranky and miserable and it did nothing to improve the blonde's mood. Lena on the other hand was making the best of it as she went out and got fans so they could all get some relief.

"Oh my lord! If it's hot like this one more flippin' day I'm going to melttttttt." Frankie said as she threw on her tank top and shorts and stood in front of the fan feeling a bit of relief. "I'm just grateful I chopped most of my hair off but Jesus. Is it always this hot in the city?"

"Yup! Well the summer yeah. It's the heatwaves that are a killer. But it will let up for a few days then probably come back in August." Callie said putting her hair up in a ponytail as the two were getting ready for the parade. It had been about a month since Frankie had come for the summer and it was looking as if it would be somewhat permanent. Neither girl minded but each of them knew very well that Stef wasn't doing well even if she tried to hide it. "Hey you excited about the parade? Do they have one in San Diego?"

"Yeah they do. On the beach! You think Stef will come? Like will she get off early?"

"No. She usually works overtime on holidays. So she won't be home until much later."

"Bummer. I hope she's ok though."

"She will be."Callie said smiling as young Frankie returned it. "Don't worry she's strong."

"I know but I really hate where she works. Can't she change it?"

"Not sure. I mean probably. But she's ok there."

"I don't know I heard Mama talking to her about it. She wants her to change areas. But it didn't go over well with Stef. She sounded really annoyed." Frankie said as she turned her body around so the fan could blow on her back.

"If you haven't noticed my mom is horribly stubborn."

"No kidding!" Frankie chuckled. "I just hate to hear them fight."

"I know. But all couples do. It's how they work things out. It will be ok Franks."

"Ok." She said as the two girls continued to get ready for the parade and fireworks as they blasted the morning radio.

Stef Foster had in in fact left for work around 4 AM due to the usual craziness of the holiday. Her department was also short staffed so there was no guarantee that she'd get off at her usual time of 4 PM. The blonde didn't mind the overtime but if she was honest she had been damn annoyed that morning as she had been other mornings.

It seemed that Lena would not get off of her case about taking some time off from her grueling job, and it was getting to her more than ever.  Sure maybe the woman meant well but Stef was not used to answering to anyone since Mike, even if Lena was nothing like him, and she wasn't sure how this was going to play out. Did she love Lena? Of course! And she loved having her around but it was an adjustment and she knew her lack of patience was getting the best of her. The cop knew she wasn't herself, she knew she wasn't feeling great but it was damn difficult to let her guard down. Even with someone she loved as much as Lena.

The heat didn't help either as it was during this time, they'd receive many calls for fighting and domestic violence in the South Bronx. In all everything there just seemed to escalate crime wise especially at night and that made Lena nervous. She just didn't understand why Stef wanted to work such a dangerous area that was filled with nothing but violence.The kind of violence she never experienced and she knew Stef had not either growing up.  But she was also aware she couldn't continue to question Stef about that because the blonde fought hard for her freedom and Lena did not want to take that.

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