Christmas Day

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Christmas arrives and with it a blanket of snow that had fallen all night, as both Corey and Frankie are beside themselves with excitement. They had prayed and hoped for this very thing as they run into Stef and Lena's bedroom and swing the door open with so much enthusiasm. Usually they would knock but their excitement caused them to forget as both women can't help but laugh even if it was six o'clock in the morning.

"Moms!!! There's snow! There's snow!! It's Christmas morning! Wake up! " Corey hollers as he jumps on the edge of the bed with so much energy and excitement he could hardly contain himself. "Did you see it!!"

"Oh my god! Corey! I told you it's too dang early!" Frankie barrels into the room and jumps beside him. "Be calm!!"

"But you said we had to ask to go outside!" He protests as Frankie pushes him and jumps in between her Moms. "Can we, Moms?"

"How about some breakfast first, babe?" Stef smiles as she turns on the little nightstand lamp making sure to cover herself as much as she could for it's not even fully light out yet.  "And Merry Christmas babies." She says sweetly and kissing the girl's forehead.

"Merry Christmas, Mama Dukes! I love you!"

"I love you too."

"Merry Christmas Mama!" Frankie grins as Lena pulls the blankets and sheets higher around herself as does Stef for both women weren't yet dressed after making love the night before pretty heavily.

"Merry Christmas, baby. Now, remember how we make gingerbread French toast? And how you've always wanted me to let you make it? Well, gather Stefanie and Callie and have at it, babe."

"Ok! And I'll make you both coffee!"

"I wanna help!" Corey protests as Frankie happily jumps off the bed and leaves the room.

"They'll let you, love. Maybe set the table? Watch the bacon?" Stef smiles warmly at the boy as he stops frowning and jumps off the bed to join his siblings. 

"Then after we can go see the snow? Please, Mama Dukes!"

"Yes. Now get outta here! Go make me some breakfast, kid!" Stef teases as he runs out of the room and Lena buries her face in Stef's neck, completely embarrassed but laughing.

"Oh my god, I forgot to lock the damn door," She giggles softly as Stef turns to wrap her arms around her lover and kissing on her neck over and over.

"Awww, they know we sleep together, babe. I mean it's no secret my love." Gently she brushes a curl away from the woman's face.

"In what universe is it okay for them to be humiliated by making," Lena blushes as she looks into Stef's warm gaze.

The blonde moves her hand over Lena's ass and pulls her closer as she captures her lips with her own before whispering, "Well, they didn't, and it's okay. Now...let me taste you before breakfast, baby."

"What? We have to lock the door, Stef!" She giggles.

"I'll be quick," The blonde swiftly moves under the covers as Lena moves to her back, gripping the sheets around her.


"Mmm..." Stef moans softly as she proceeds to run her tongue over her woman's already swollen clit making it a morning Lena would never forget. "Merry Christmas, sexy."



"I think it's nice of your Papa Frank to have gotten you that film, sweets," I smile as Callie had just happily opened her gift from Frank.

Stef smiled warmly as well as she takes my hand in her own sipping on a cup of coffee as we had all just finished breakfast.

After their talk last night, my fiancé was a bit more relieved, wanting to do nothing but touch me and make love to me over and over again. Hell I wasn't complaining and I can only hope that Frank will continue to come around and maybe, eventually her mother.

"Well, I'm just glad he loosened up. I thought he was gonna have a stroke when Mama Dukes said she was a cop still," Frankie rolls her eyes as she passes out her gifts. "I don't get the whole man, woman thing."

"Frankie," I scold as my daughter hands me mine.

"What? It's the truth! I'm proud of Mom, and I hate that she has to go to work today, too!" Frankie juts out her lower lip as Stef pulls the girl into her lap making me smile.

"Listen here, silly girl. I don't leave for work until after lunch. So we'll get time together, yes?" She kisses the side of her head as Frankie moves to wrap her arms around the blonde's neck hugging her tight.

I loved how far these two had come as Stefanie moves to grab Stef's hand. The teen had still not said much to any of us really and we both knew she was still processing a good amount.

It had been hard for her, everything had been and I knew for myself I would need to talk to Tess. The two of us had a lot to sort out and she needed  to be honest with me once and for all and figure this shit out.

Putting that aside we happily continue to exchange gifts with one another  as my heart is full with these kids in front of me. God I loved each and every single one of them as Stef catches my gaze and winks at me. Smiling back at her I decide to get up and put on some Christmas music on our old stereo as the kids continue to chatter and finish opening their gifts. Making  eye contact with Stef once again I hold my hand out to her as she looks to me confused.

"Dance with me baby." I smile as she returns it getting up and holding me close to her. "I love you." Whispering to her she softly kisses my lips as I feel her press into my back pushing me closer to her our foreheads pressing together.

"MM I love you too.. And Merry Christmas my Lena." As we dance slowly together I can't believe that we are a who is happy and healthy and in harmony with each other, even Stefanie, and that hopefully with time, will be permanently tied together if even with a ceremony.

"Now can we go outside? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!" Corey begs as we snap out of our dance laughing at him for they had opened all the gifts.

"Oh my gosh! You are relentless, child!" I laugh as Frankie jumps up and down as well.

"But you've seen snow, Mama! We haven't!!!!"

"Yes, yes go ahead babies. Dress warmly please!" Stef yells as they all barrel out the room leaving Stefanie and Callie behind. "You two may go as well. Stefanie you may." Nodding her head Callie takes the girls hand as the two head to get dressed. "I wish I didn't have to go love."

"I know. It's ok. We all understand." I say as we sit back on the couch sipping coffee.

Stef pulls me close to her and kisses the side of my face, "But we always have know?"

I laugh as she says this and move to kiss her lips before sighing. "When does your dad leave?"

"MM...I don't know, love. I would guess sometime today. Although, I am surprised he's spending the holiday without my mom. I'm guessing they had a fight?"

I pull back and run my fingers through her short hair as I watch her face. "Ya? You think? What do they normally do?"

"I don't know, love. I mean...way back when, when Callie was little, and when I was still with Mike, everyone came to Albany and piled in the big house. I can only guess what they all do now."

I purse my lips as I continue playing in her short hair, and she looks right at me. "But I shouldn't have been so hard on you, Len. I knew immediately you meant well. I did. I was just...scared."

I run my fingers down the side of her face before leaning in to kiss her lips softly. "Forgiven." I smile as I kiss her again, but we are soon interrupted by a loud boy hollering.

"Mama! Mama Dukes! Look who's here! It's Papa Frank!"

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