Crab Feast

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"EEKKKKKK!! One, I'm excited about that ring on your finger which only took A MILLION YEARS to happen! And two, your hair! OMG, mama!! I mean I love your wavy thingy  you have going on, but I'm so over the top happy to cut it again!" Julius squeals with so much excitement that all I can do is roll my eyes and laugh at him. It's a good moment between us right now and I am truly happy that he has returned home for a few days and that he is ok. If I'm honest, I'm relieved that we were ok again too. "I feel like we are back in '69! Like, oh lordy, talk about full circle!"

"You are too much!" I laugh again lighting a smoke as he begins to cut my hair.

"I remember the first time I did this, you were so freaked! But it was the start of allll this. As in YOU! You became YOU, Stefanie Marie Foster! OH!!! Are you gonna take Lena's name???  I mean when you can and all?"

"I don't know, Jules, we haven't even thought that far and here you are jumping ahead already!" I laugh softly at his enthusiasm.

"Of course I am! And you have me to thank for all of this, honey bunny!"

"And how's that?" I ask taking a puff as I look at him through the mirror. He's giving me his classic Julius stare,  as he shakes his head and continues to chop my hair.

"Oh honey, I gave you style back then and got you out of that god awful hideous wardrobe. Although Lena would have wanted you regardless of that. Tess too."

"What? Julius!" I warn.

"Oh, please, that's all out in the open and that secret has risen above the ashes!"

"And why the hell are you resurrecting it?" I scowl at him hard, and he won't meet my eyes in the mirror.

"Because that's what I do, honey! But I'm teasing you!  I've loved watching you blossom all these years. You really have blossomed into this strong, beautiful woman. I'm proud of you."

"Yeah?" I say smiling at him as he finally catches my eye.

"Yes! I am. Proud that you came to your senses!! You and Queen Mocha!! Jesus, Joseph and Mary, did I pray on that and now it's happening!! Yay, Steffy!" Squeezing me and kissing my cheek all I can do is laugh at his silly self as I grab his hand holding it.

"Don't ever do that to me again. Ok? Just don't." I say in a serious tone as he looks deeply into my hazel eyes. Julius knows me well and he knows that right now I am not playing around. Not by any means.

"I won't, lil sis. I won't."


"I can't believe it's our last night here."  Lena says as she and Stef sit on a bench at the crab feast that night. Earlier, the kids along with her dad and mom had worked hard to dig a fire pit to bake their crabs for tonight. A few friends had also stopped by to see Lena and her family knowing that they'd be leaving in the morning.

The family was happy to enjoy this night together as Stef glances to the woman who had her entire heart since she was in her early 20's. It would always be this way in her mind and even if legally they couldn't get married just the fact she had a ring and Lena asked her, was enough for her right now.

"I know. It went too fast for me, babe. I had a nice time here and we needed it. Thank you," she looks to Lena as she says this.

"That, we did. I'm glad you came." She says linking her fingers with Stef's as she can't help but look into her eyes. "And that just gets me every time."

"Ha! Oh, yeah? Does it now?"

"Yes. Just like the first time you cut it. It''s hot." She grins gently placing her hand at the back of Stef's neck running her slender fingers through her hair and playing her new haircut.

"I see!" Stef blushes as she licks her lips.

"Get your asses in the front of the line, ladies!" Julius squeals breaking the pair out of their flirting.

"What?" Lena laughs as she sips her beer. She felt so relaxed right now, and if she was honest, she just didn't want to leave. Knowing that reality was right around the corner with her needing to get a job and enroll the kids in school, and it was making her stomach flutter with nerves.

"I think he's saying the crabs are ready," Stef leans into Lena and whispers in her ear sending goose bumps down the slender woman's arms.

"Ohhhh!" She giggles as Frankie runs over and takes Lena's hand and smiles up at her. Sometimes it really threw Lena off when Frankie showed any kind of affection towards her for she was still getting used to it. But she would never complain about it, ever for she loved their connection now.

"What's up, bug?" She squeezes her daughter's hand.

"Oh, nothing. I just love you, Mama."

"Well, I love you, too, sweetness. Very much!"

"Good god! We're half starved! Get your asses up here!" Julius hollers with impatience. "All ya'll do is hug, hug, hug and hold hands and all that mushy nonsense! People are over here starving and perishing to damm death!!"

"Aww but it's nice. We are a loving family!" Callie teases as Corey soon runs up to the family as well dragging his feet.

"Can we hurry Mama and Mama Dukes! I'm starvingggggg!!!."

"Ok drama king!" Stef laughs as she soon takes Callies hand and ruffles her sons curls. "Lets go before you pass out and die. Can't have that now can we!"

"Nope!" He giggles as the entire family heads over to the line to munch on tons of seafood. Stef wasn't even such a big lover of it but enjoyed the time with her family. Just being with them and having them all laugh, joke and tease each other was enough right now to make her heart content. If she was honest just like Lena there were parts of going back home she didn't want to deal with. Work, Mike dating Jenna, Lena's interview in the South Bronx and even her brothers death. Going back home she knew she would be hit with those feelings she tried to leave behind but she had to face them.  She had to face all of it but having Lena and the kids with her made it easier. Also the fact she had this ring on her finger that symbolized their forever love healed parts of her soul. She had fought long and hard for this, they both had and nothing was going to tear it apart ever again. Nothing.

"I love you my wife." She whispered in Lena's ear as she turned to face her blushing while the kids were enjoying the sunset on the sand. It was now evening and growing chilly to the point Stef had her arms wrapped around the slender woman tightly.

"I love you too baby. Forever." Hearing those words Stef gently kisses her temple as she soaks up the rest of the beach air.

"Quizzy time!!! Frankiechester quiz...quiz Stef!"

"Oh not this again!" Callie says busting out laughing as Stef shakes her head lighting a smoke.

"Uncle Julius I won't quiz, Stef, but I'll quiz my Mom."

"Ok then quiz Mocha!"

"No. Stef is my Mom. Forever." She says smiling as the blonde winks at her.

"Oh Jesus I can't keep up with you all!" He says dramatically as the entire family laughs enjoying their last night together in Maine.

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