Friday Evening

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While Stef is talking to Julius on the fire escape, I've been folding laundry just trying to keep myself busy. It had been such a long Friday and to be honest I am rather exhausted. Of course, my heart is broken for how everything went down earlier with Stefanie, and by now Jerry, Tess and she are in the air headed back to California. They caught an earlier flight deciding to leave today instead of Sunday.

Stefanie's behavior was sad, if I was honest, and the way it had affected Stef along with their relationship was heartbreaking. I couldn't understand why she had said those things and was so angry with my fiance. Why would she say such horrible things to her when the love she used to have for her was so heartwarming? It was evident their relationship would not be mended right now and we didn't know when it ever would be.


"Stef, I just don't know what to even say. I don't know why on earth she would ever say such a horrible thing to you." Tess says as we are all sitting in the living room along with Jerry. Stef had gone for an hour walk after her blow up with Stefanie and I could see how angry she was as she lit her smoke leaning against the door frame. "I didn't teach her that."

"I know, love."

"She will apologize. There is no excuse for that." She says as we see Jerry walk into the room with Stefanie who takes a seat on the couch.

"Go on tell you godmother what you have to say." Jerry presses rather sternly as Stef stares coldy at the girl.

"She's not my godmother. She said so herself."

"Stefanie, please. Don't argue." Jerry pushes and I can still see this girl has him wrapped round her finger.

" Fine, fine. Sorry." She mumbles.

"We can't hear you, Stefanie."

"Its Star, Daddy. I told you that."

"You aren't in a position to argue about your name. You apologize to your godmother right now. You apologize to everyone. Because not only did you hurt her with your language, but you hurt Lena, Julius and this entire family. Do you not get that?" Tess yells as I look to Stefanie who rolls her eyes.

"Yeah sure. Sorry. Can we go now? Back to California, Daddy?" She says getting up as I shake my head and look over to Stef who is steaming.

"Star, it wasn't very sincere. You can't speak that way." Jerry pushes.

"I get it. I said sorry. What more do you want? I did what you wanted."

"Ha. Yeah?" Stef butts in. "I don't need some half assed, forced apology, little girl. So do us both a favor and don't bother. Pack your shit and get on your plane and don't come back. Oh, and dont' let the doorknob hit you in the ass on the way out." She walks off more angry then ever, and I look to Tess who I know is dying inside.

"Whatever." Stefanie says walking off and out the door as Jerry looks at me.

"Lena, I'm so sorry. I am."

"I know. Just have a safe flight and let us know when you get back."

"I will. Thanks for everything."

"Of course." Walking off he heads out to find Stefanie as I sit beside Tess grabbing her hand.

"Lena, I'm done with that child. I have no fight in me anymore for her. I'm leaving Jerry."


There was no way in hell this is how any of us wanted the week to end, and the fact that nothing was really resolved doesn't sit well with me, for I know and understand how it feels to not know what to do with a rebellious child or whatever was going on. Tess was so much at a loss that she felt she was losing and had lost herself. Her solution was to leave Jerry which I didn't expect. But I could see the change in her from the last time I had seen her, for she was sad, was less talkative and she just wasn't her usual self.

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