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"I gotta do some paperwork first, babe, then we will grab some pizza, ok?"

"Sure." Frankie says taking a seat at my desk and putting on my NYPD hat which looked rather cute on her. I can only wink at her as she smiles wide at me. "Can I have some paper to draw with?"

"Sure baby. Right where it was the last time." I say as she grabs a few sheets of copy paper and I watch her sketch just like her mother. Sure I had a few things on my mind I wanted to talk to her about especially her anxiety. But I wanted to give my full attention to that and would wait until we grabbed lunch.


"Yeah baby?"

"I felt weird at the fireworks."

"How so honey?" I ask pulling my reading glasses off and looking at her sensitive eyes.

"I don't know. Like I couldn't breathe and it got really hot. I kinda felt like I was gonna faint sort of. Is that weird?"

"No, sweetheart. It definitely sounds like a panic attack. Have you had them before, love? MM?"

"Umm, back in California one time."

"Yeah? What happened?" I ask as her eyes go back to her drawing. It's almost as if she's embarrassed. "Babygirl, look at me. You know we look at each other when we talk right?"

"Yes." She looks at me, her cheeks flushed, and it's not lost on me that she's clutching her pencil tightly.

"Ok and there is nothing to be shy or embarrassed about. Talk to me."

"You promise you won't tell anyone? Please?"

"Well love, there are things I can't keep from your Mama. You understand that, yes?"

"Well yeah, but do you have to tell her today?"

"What happened, love? MM? What happened, sweetheart, in California that made you panic? It's ok."

Right now there was so much conflict on her face as she bit her bottom lip and let out a sigh. "It was sort of at school."

"Ok, keep going, love."

" was sort of over my friend."

"Ok, and what about your friend, sweets?"

"Well's too embarrassing." She begins shaking her leg up and down, and I reach over and gently place my hand on her knee.

"Babygirl," I say moving my chair closer to her and grabbing her hand. "Look at me." Shyly she looks into my eyes as I gently lift my hat up a bit from her forehead. "You and I, we are close, yes? MM?"


"I do not judge you. I never did. I told you that many times and on the beach that day, right?"


"Ok so whatever it is you go ahead and tell me. It's ok love, it's just you and me right now. No one else is around."

"Well...this boy...this boy liked me and asked me out."

"Ok. And do I need to go hurt him?" I laugh softly.

"No." She giggles as I am trying to lighten the mood for her.

"Ok then what happened, honey?"

"Well I didn't like him."

"That's ok."

"Well,n not really."

"Why is that? Mm?"

Fighting For Us - Book 4Where stories live. Discover now