Thanksgiving Part One

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"SOOO kiddies what in the heck is happening with your cousin?Has she really lost her mind and gone over the edge??" Julius pries as Frankie and Corey are out to the store with him picking up last minute groceries for the holiday dinner.

"You mean Star? I don't give a shit," Frankie chomps on her gum as she grabs the breadcrumbs and tosses them in the cart.

"Star???? Who is Star?" Julius stops in the middle of the aisle and folds his arms over his chest. He loves the drama, and things are only getting better and  better in his eyes.

"That's her new name. Or Starlette. Mom said it's a hooker name. Which it totally is! She such an idiot." Frankie rolls her eyes as Corey snickers beside her.

"Well it is certainty a rather interesting choice! Wonder where in tarnation she came up with that?" Julius starts walking down the aisle once more.

"It's dumb! She has a pretty name, named after Mom and now she wants to be a hoe bag! Whatever." Frankie grabs some green beans for the green bean casserole.

"Well, now, aren't you a spoil sport," Julius laughs as he pushes the cart. "But she was such a good girl. Dangit! It's always something with my little family!" He smiles as he winks at the kids.

"Not anymore, Uncle. She talks back to all of the adults and it's really bad.  Man, Mama Dukes isn't playing either. You should have seen how she was whippin her!  She almost gave me the belt this morning," Corey answers. "I've learned not to mess with her ever cuz all it took was one time, and my ass hurt for weeks!"

"We all know that, Cor! But, talking back? Mm-mm, man! I miss all the fun!" Julius laughs as they turn the corner, and Frankie rolls her eyes.

"Ya, you missed me almost beating her ass myself. I have no time for her dumb ass self. She's such a fucking hypocrite..."

"Woahhhh, little lady!" Julius cuts her off. "Slow your roll! Do your Moms know you cuss like a sailor out to sea?"

"She gets soap on her tongue when they hear her!" Corey answers for her while laughing.

"Shut up, dumb head!" Frankie frowns at her brother as Julius laughs his ass off and they get in the check-out line.

"Man! Soap! Let me guess...your Mama puts the soap on your tongue because she's the nice softer one? Cuz Stef...I mean your Mom would whip that small ass!"

"Yes," Frankie giggles.

"Well it should be a festive time! I'm happy to see you all again regardless of all this drama!"

"We are too, Uncle. We are glad you are here." Frankie says.

"Anddddd I brought photos!! Good ones!"

"What kind?" Frankie asks putting the items on the conveyor belt as she pops her gum.

"Good ones. Of when we all lived on base!"

"Really? Wow those must be super old!" Corey laughs as Julius looks at him.

"Hey! I'm not old! I'm still fresh and young! Your Moms are old!"

"Ha don't tell them that!" Frankie laughs as they pay for the items and head out.


As Julius had the kids out with him, Stefanie and Callie were in her room drawing and listening to music, Lena and Tess were baking pies, and Stef decided to take Lena's advice and try and talk to Jerry in a reasonable manner even if she was skeptical it would work.  If she  was honest she had tried for years to be respectful of him, but she often thought of what he had done to Tess. How he really had run her down and  changed a bit of who she was. Her frustration with him really showed up when they had their fight but she had to remember he was treating Tess well now, had gotten therapy and was trying. Running her nervous fingers through her short hair, she grabbed a second cup of coffee and poured one for Jerry as well as she motioned for him to follow her.

As they both sat on the fire escape, their coats snugly around them, Stef took a deep breath before taking a sip of her steaming coffee. Jerry started the conversation almost immediately, and Stef looked at him as he began. The man wasn't really sure how he felt about Stef but knew she had been there for Stefanie and Tess and sometimes that made him feel rather intimidated. She knew his daughter better than he did, from the time she was born, and he knew next to nothing.  But it wasn't his fault and he only had himself to blame in his mind's eye.

"I'm not some asshole, Stef. I'm really not, and Tess has told me everything.  We did have a talk with Stefanie since she overheard our conversation and is aware I used smack her around. That didn't make me feel good admitting that to her. At all and I know that what I'm doing isn't kosher, but shoot me for feeling like a hamster trapped on some kind of wheel! I just don't want her to be afraid of me! Both Tess and I agreed to not lay a hand on our daughter, but I should have known Tess was fed up because what she didn't tell you is that she whipped her with her purse in the airport before we flew out here!"

"Oh, she told us. I know she did, and Jerry, I shouldn't have gotten in your face like that. I'm...I'm sorry that we don't see eye to eye on this subject, and Lena...well, she reminded me why it is that you won't lay a hand on Stefanie. I get that, yet in the same breath, maybe I...I overstepped. Maybe I shouldn't have whipped her ass like that."

"No," he shook his head. "You did exactly what I've been wanting to do. And I should apologize for losing my temper with you. I'm sorry for that. You've have been really good to my wife and my daughter all this time from the beginning and you're right had I kept my hands to myself I had been in Stefanie's life from the beginning."

"Hey, listen, I didn't mean to throw that in your face. I really didn't. I guess..."

"I get it. You're her friend and it upsets you what I did to her. No excuse whatsoever. Will saw what I saw, and he never laid a hand on Lena," Jerry shakes his head in disgust at himself.

"Yeah but she loves you and Tess trusts you. So I've got to let it rest." The blonde laughed softly as she placed her hand on his arm. "Forgiven, okay? Can we start over?" Stef searched his eyes as he nodded in agreement. "I think we all need to work together and not fight about the past."

"No better time than now, Stef," he smiled softly at the blonde whom she was growing to respect each time they spoke.

"So, that stack of twenties...wanna explain? Is she stealing or what?" Stef asked as she sipped on her coffee.

He looked down then in embarrassment as he shook his head. "No. I'm the one who has made things a million times worse here, Stef. Damn, I bribe her with a twenty dollar bill just so she'll listen to Tess. I even bribed her to get on that damn plane! Shit! I'm a terrible father!" He looked up then, tears in his eyes.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Jerry," Stef moved closer to the distraught man as she set her mug down. "I didn't...I didn't mean to imply you were a horrible father. I just...Stefanie..."

"Stef, I've only been with them for a few years.  Only five and, and I don't know my daughter not like you or Tess. Did she ever behave like this? Anything?"

"No. She never talked back to Tess ever,  and me, never. No. She was always sweet, respectful, and kind. She still is but it's getting masked by something else. And I don't think You are the reason. I think it's partly this boy, I think it's her hormones and she's upset about things. What things I don't know but she knows You aren't a bad father, Jerry, but I do get it." Stef picked up her mug once more before continuing. "When Mike and I were married and Callie was little we fought horribly and in front of her.  We still do at times and it hurts her. A lot. I figured I was a terrible mother to do that to her, and for her to see how much her father and I can't stand each other.  So, none of us are perfect in life, we all make mistakes and sometimes our kids feel it." She pauses as he wipes his own tears.

"Point is, we apologize to them and try to make the future better. Look, Stefanie has never been a manipulative child. Ever. Unfortunately she runs to you because she knows you won't yell at her, reprimand her and you let her get away with things.  You are going to have to start letting her be mad at you, because with Tess? Well, there's only so much she can do and can take. I'm willing, if you want, to always help, you can leave Stefanie here during Christmas break and winter break, but we all have to be on the same page."

"I agree. I do. We'll talk to Tessy, okay? Get her input? And Lena's?" He looked at her more hopeful than he'd been in a long while.

"Good, and yes, we will," she smiles. "Now how about we go on inside and help with this food, huh?" She stands as he follows her inside.

"Sounds good to me!"

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