Gentle Waters

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"I'm quite impressed, babe," I remove my tank leaving me in my bikini and shorts as the sun is shining brightly. Lena has managed to drive her family boat with ease out away from shore, and I instantly feel the calm she has always claimed to have found out here in the middle of nowhere. It has been a long time since I even felt this calm, maybe even years and I was soaking up as much of it as I could. Feeling my wavy hair touching my shoulders that I was itching to cut I put it back in a ponytail and glance back over to Lena, smiling.

"Daddy taught me to drive this when I was ten. My mother didn't approve, but what she didn't know didn't hurt," she laughs as she walks over to sit beside me. "You remembered sunblock right? You'll burn to a crisp otherwise, love."

"You know I did. Put some on me?"

"Sure." She says as I turn around and she begins to rub it on my shoulders and back. Lifting my head up I let the sun soak on my face just loving the warmth of it as I feel her kiss my shoulder. "You smell good." She says softly in my ear making my stomach flutter. 

"Yeah? Do I now?" I turn my head some to look her into her soft brown eyes that I had been in love with since I was in my early 20's. God, that still felt like forever ago.

"Yes. And I was just thinking about the first time we went out together." She laughs continuing to lotion me as my interest peaks and I can't help but smile. "You were so shy, but so cute. And it was such a beautiful day kinda like today."

"I was awkward, babe." I laugh as I remember that day very clearly. The sand, the water, how we laughed and talked on the large blanket she had laid out for us. And how fucking nervous I was in my own skin. It was god awful and I hated remembered that part of my life and who I was back then.

"Maybe, but beautiful. You captivated me, Stef, and I wish we had slept together then."

"Whoa...listen to you!" I laugh now turning all the way around as she looks at me bashfully. "We barely knew each other and barely knew what, well, what it was we even were, baby. You would have?" My heart races at her confession, and it makes my insides boil just thinking about it. Shit that had been something.

"Maybe so, but when I think back, I thought you were gentle, kind, beautiful and shy. You opened my eyes to love. To what real love is and was." Playing with my fingers, I can feel and hear something in Lena's voice that I haven't ever heard, and I'm not sure what to think as my face turns red and not from the sun.

"Well, I...I was definitely drawn to you, baby," I say softly as she brings my fingers to her lips and begins kissing them one by one making this hot day even hotter as I close my eyes briefly.

"Yes. I could feel that tug between us even then even if we both ignored it in some way. I often...think back to that day and wonder what if," She giggles softly making my eyes open and look at her once more. The soft breeze blows her sunkissed curls around her face as my heart hammers in my chest. I can sense the fact that she's nervous, and I have no idea as to why. Maybe she has another truth bomb to throw at me to catch me off guard? I certainly hope it's not bad, but the cop in me detects something. What could be worse than her applying to the South Bronx to teach? Fuck.

"What if what, baby? MM?" I link our fingers now to hold onto something, anything to brace me for the worst.

"What if I had just kissed you then? I mean, you ran anyways," I laugh at the memory as she moves closer to me. She continues to play with my fingers, and I watch her with so much love in my heart, it feels as if it'll explode.

"I did, indeed! I was spooked, Lena, and it wasn't you. I was afraid of what I was feeling...all over, inside...everywhere. I found you so damm beautiful and I didn't understand those feelings." I look at her earnestly as I begin to relax. Maybe I was just imagining things earlier.

"But I don't want you think that I miss the beach so much that I'd leave you, Stef. I don't. You are the one I miss and I can't imagine being without. You!" She leans forward making sure I'm looking into her eyes. "I am so incredibly blessed to have met you, fallen in love with you and to have found you again. How many people get a second chance like we did? And get a second chance that actually works." Her voice catches, and I reach out to brush the side of her face. "I mean it got messy and I thought I lost you forever."

"Awww, babylove, don't cry. You didn't loose me sweets. Never. Yes we had some hard times, and misunderstanding but deep down you never lost me and I always loved you Lena. Always." I say feeling my own tears begin to form as she smiles. Sniffling she stands to her feet before reaching over to her bag she had tossed by the chair earlier. I take this time to grab my beer and sip it as I look out over the water.  God this was beautiful and I'm so entranced in the waves and dolphins swimming close by that I don't realize at first that she's kneeling in front of me until she grabs my beer and sets it off to the side before grabbing my one hand in hers. "Stefanie," she whispers my full name which grabs my undivided attention.

"What is it, love? MM baby?" I try not to panic. What if she's sick and dying? I don't think my heart could take another blow. Why my mind is reeling in the worst possible scenario, I have no idea, but it is.

"You are the absolute love of my life."

"Aw babylove so are you. Very much so." I say as her face grows even more sensitive as she continues.

 "I thought I knew love before you, but I didn't. I loved Will so much and it's indescribable but with you it was, so different and I couldn't find it after you, either. You are the very definition of what love is to me on this earth, and I'm so grateful for it for all of it and for accepting me for me.  You love hard, and I can feel it by a single look from you. You don't even have to touch me, and I can feel your warmth and your heart and soul. Stefanie, I'm tired of this endless wait, and I feel so incredibly stupid for having walked away from you all of those years ago."

"No! No, love, shhhhh, baby," I cup her cheek to try and sooth her, but she sniffles and holds out a box which completely throws me for a giant loop. I've never been one to be fooled in life, but somehow this woman in front of me has managed to do so. What was this? I ask myself as my eyes look right into hers.

"Before you say anything I know it's not legal, but I don't care. When it comes to you, I'd wait a thousand years and more baby. Far more and...and will you marry me, Stefanie Marie?" Her voice shakes as I look down at the vintage ring which is simple, yet stunning. It's two-toned with an illusion set diamond center and flower blossom accents. Tears spring to my eyes as I begin to shake slightly and meet her eyes once more.

"Are you...asking me?" I ask in shock which makes me smile softly as she pulls out the ring. "MM? Are you asking me to marry you?" Gently I stroke her cheek as I can't help but feel like my heart is going to explode.

"Yes, baby, I am. I'm asking you to be my wife."

"Lena..." I whisper softly as my voice cracks not know what to say as I look down back at the ring.

 "This was my mom's first ring, and Daddy gave it to me this morning. It's a symbol to me of what they went through back then. It was hard and complicated but their love made them strong. Very strong because they believe in it.  Baby, please say yes," She pleads softly. "We can do our own thing. Daddy and Mama did when it wasn't legal for them. They made it work, and so can we. And when it really becomes legal, we'll get our marriage certificate and we...

"You don't have to beg, my love," I smile widely and gently wiping her tears. "You do not have to beg one bit because my answer is yes.  Yes, I will marry you. Any day sweetheart, my love my love, my love." Holding out  my hand,  she carefully slides the ring over my finger which is a perfect fit. I then pull her into my arms and kiss her deeply, my fingers becoming lost in her hair. She clings to me as my hands move down and over her bare back as she whimpers into my mouth. "Baby, you know I was gonna ask you but you um beat me too it huh?" I laugh as she does at well.

"Yes slow poke!"

"Ha! Slow poke! I'll get you for that one!" I laugh as she straddles me kissing me more passionately then she ever has.  God, this was ultimate happiness right now and no one was going to take it away. 

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