Friday Morning

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"Ohhh come on, Steffy!!! It will be fun!! We can shop for deals!!" Julius says as we are all sitting around the table for breakfast. He is trying to get me to go Black Friday shopping with him, Callie and Frankie but that is not happening. I hated shopping and always had.

"What don't you get, Jules. I hate shopping. Period. And there isn't anything I want. Besides I have to work tonight." I say taking a seat and lighting a smoke as he loads his plate with pancakes along with Corey and Callie.

"Uhh!!! God, Stef, such a fun sucker!!! Buy something for your woman at least!" He says as everyone laughs.

"I don't need anything either, Julius. I have what I need and she's right at this table." Looking at me, Lena's cups my cheek and kisses me warmly on the lips.

"Ahh GROSS!!!" Corey says making a face as we pull back and laugh. "Can I eat in front of the TV? Just this once!!!!"

"Go!" I say to him as he happily runs to the living room. 

"Uncle, Mama hates shopping and always has. But me and Frankie are coming and maybe Stefanie, too."

"Oh goodness. She's tooo dramatic for me. Overly emotional teenager." He says as I remain quiet feeling Lena touch my thigh. "But whatever, it's company and we'll hit 5th Ave first!"

"I can't buy anything over there. I have enough for like Macy's maybe," Callie rolls her eyes as she sips her juice.

"I have! I can treat!"

"Um no." Lena says. "Christmas is coming so no presents, please."

"Ahh, Mocha, neither of you are fun! Neither of you!! Fun suckers." Laughing at him while we are enjoying our coffee, I happen to look up seeing Stefanie in some tight leggins and super tight top that swoops super low between her boobs.  Instantly, I feel the annoyance and aggravation hit me as she takes a seat acting as if nothing is wrong.

"Well, don't you look like your name!" Julius says as she looks right at him smirking. It was her new expression lately and fuck did I hate it. More than life.

"Thanks. Morning."

"Good morning." Lena says looking at me as she knows I'm ready to pop a vein.

"Sooooo are you coming with us?? Black Friday shopping!!"

"Oh I don't know." She shrugs.

"Why? What else do you have to do, honey? Come with us! It will be fun!!"

"Yeah, no. With Frankie. I don't think so!"

"I think it would be good for you, honey. You and Frankie may get along." Lena interjects as I can't help but laugh.

"That's okay. I'd rather eat glass."

"Well that's extreme! But how about before Black Friday, I take you and Cals for some coffees! If it's ok with Mama's?"

"It's fine. Just nothing too strong, girls," Lena quickly answers before I can.

"Cool, Uncle! I'll change my clothes." Callie says rushing to change as I look to Stefanie again who is avoiding my eyes. 

"You may go but not dressed like that." I finally say as she looks right at me.

"Why? This is what I wear."

"No, it's not what you wear. Maybe at home you like to dress like a hooker on the corner but here with me, it's not happening. Go put a sweater on and normal pants. I can see your ass not to mention a whole bunch of other stuff hanging out."

"Whatever. You're not my mother so I can wear what I want." She says getting up as I put my smoke down and get up as well.

"YOU DO NOT walk away when I'm talking to you, Stefanie Marie!"

"I am Starlette! How many times do I have to tell you, STEF!"

"Oh Jesus Lord!" I hear Julius in the background as I feel Lena grab my hand.

"Ok. Why don't we try to calm down. Ok? Both of you, let's try."

"I'm calm. But this is what I wear and you can't make me change. What are you gonna do? Beat me again? What makes you better then my father who used to beat my mother up. What makes you any different, STEFANIE?" She mouths off as I move closer to her and she backs up.

"Don't you even try to put some guilt trip shit on me. OR pull that shit. It doesn't work with me nor does it fly with me. You deserved getting your ass whipped the other day.  You are ungrateful, rude and obnoxious, and that does NOT fly with me! Never has! Or do you have a bad memory? MM?"

"Yeah? And you're a faggot dyke whom I can't stand!" She says so angrily as I didn't even see Julius get up, for before I know what's happening, he smacks her right across the face.

"You have lost it!! You have!! How dare you call her that! How dare you say that to your godmother a woman who helped raise you!!!! That is a horrible thing to say!  Didn't your mother teach you better? The Tessy I know would wail your little scrawny ass for saying such a thing infact I should!!!! You're being ignorant! Apologize to your godmother!! Now Stefanie!!" Julius yells in her face as we, all stand in shock, for not once have any of us seen him so angry in life.

"No. I won't apologize at all because it's true." Stefanie glares at the man who stands eye to eye with her as it's taking everything in me not to beat her ass again. All I can feel is Lena's hand in mine for I know she is just as upset.  She is for it wasn't the first time someone had uttered those words to me. Infact my father had and she knew how deep it cut me.

"True? TRUE? HUH????? Then you must feel that way about me, about Ryan, and about Mocha!! Are we all faggots to you? Huh!!! Faggots and dykes?? You disgust me right now and I'm not taking you anywhere. NOWHERE! Just stay out of my face!" He screeches at the top of his lungs, his face redder than ever as he storms out of the room.

"I think you should go to your room, Stefanie." Lena says calmly even though I know she is in no way calm right now. This is a gift of hers. Most of the time, she is capable of keeping herself even tempered when dealing with our crazy ass teens while I boil inside.

"Better yet, I'll call my father and tell him to come get me," Stefanie sneers as I clench my jaw for I'm angrier than a hornet now.

"Yeah, you do that." I finally say. "Because after this trip is over, you, my dear, are not welcome back here. You are not to step foot in here. I don't want to see you, talk to you, hear about you. Nothing. You don't want to be my goddaughter, then don't. You want to call me names , names you know that hurt, then I have no more words left for you. Go off and be ignorant, go off and smoke and drink your brains out.  Go off and be reckless because I'm done. So when your parents come, get your shit together and leave with them. And don't call Callie anymore." Walking off from her I leave the apartment feeling as if my heart had just gotten torn in half, for this pain was one of the worst yet as the door slams behind me and I struggle to catch my breath, something I hadn't done in quite some time.

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