Her Godmother

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"I don't understand where I went wrong? I don't understand. She never gave me a problem ever and it's like she's a completely different person. It breaks my heart and I'm so tired and worn down." Tess sniffles as she sits on the fire escape with Stef and Lena. Jerry had left with Stefanie to give her a talking to. The darker skin woman just didn't want to deal with it much less see her daughter right now. She just needed the comfort of her friends? "I thought I was a good mother."

"Oh, sweetheart, you are an amazing mother. You are and always were." Stef says grabbing the woman's hand as Lena rubs her back up and down. "Who knows why kids lose their way but sometimes they just do. Even the best of kids."

"It's like she knows she's hurting me. Like she knows and is doing it on purpose. You know she told me I was weak? I thought I was passed all of that."

As Lena glances to her fiance she feels horrible for their friend. She really does as she continues to rub her back.

"I know she knows Jerry used to hit me and we talked about it together. You know back when you told me, Stef? But it's like she blames me now. Like the sight of me disgusts her because of what happened with us, and I don't know what to do. I just don't."

"She's a child, love. You are not weak and you never were...ever, and it took courage to leave Jerry at that time and to have her on your own. That was not easy. That is something her teenage mind doesn't understand right now for whatever reason, whether it be this boy or not."

"Stef,I don't even know if it's fully this boy. I am trying with Jerry but he...he treats her like she's a little princess and she knows it. I'm the bad guy and I don't have any fight in me left for it. It's like...it's like what I went through with Jerry all over again. The name calling, the way she behaves, her moods. I don't even want to be around her and I beat her with my purse in the airport. I never thought I'd snap at her like that but I did. And I changed my seat on the plane. I just couldn't be near her."

"Well, she deserves it!"Lena says. "And your aren't a bad mother. You are an amazing mother and Stef is right. You took care of her for her whole life. And it's ok to feel how you do because you don't know what's wrong. It's ok that you need a break from her as any mother would. And for the record, you were there when I smacked Frankie across the face," she laughs as Tess smiles through her tears.

"I just don't understand how she got invovled in what she's doing. Drugs? Drinking and...and I know she's having sex. I just know it. And the way she speaks to all of us? I didn't raise her like this. Not at all."

"I know you didn't sweetheart. We know." Stef soothes as she is heartbroken. "Listen why don't you stay here tonight? MM?"

Tess wipes her eyes as she looks at the blonde then back to Lena as the curly haired woman nods in agreement. "Stay. I'm sure Jerry and Stefanie won't mind. I'm also sure Jerry is beside himself as well, and maybe tomorrow, you can switch. Go talk to Jerry and we'll keep Stefanie, okay?" Lena squeezes her friend's hand as she smiles.

"Okay..." Tess squeezes back.



"Put that away, now!" I walk over to Corey and fold my arms as he was on his video gaming system without permission once more. "You definitely didn't ask me or Mom! Because I've been with her all morning! Now give me your chords!" I frown as he looks down and slowly unplugs them. "What do you have to say for yourself, young man?"

"You slept in, and I was bored," he looks at me as he hands me the chords.

"I am unsure what that has to do with anything. You know better, and..."

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