Holiday Havoc

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"Please pass the potatoes," Corey says politely as we have just sat down to eat. Callie picks up the pea green serving dish and hands it to her brother as I see Stefanie pushing the chicken cordon-blue around on her plate.

"You didn't have to cook all this food, you, guys," Tess smiles as she looks at me and Lena. "We were going to take you out on the town."

"Oh no! It gets expensive! For all of us?" Lena laughs as I place my hand on her thigh under the table rubbing it. This dinner was a lot harder then I realized and it was making me insane, nearly driving me up a fucking wall as I eyeball Stefanie hating her new damn look. This is NOT the girl that had been here last summer, not at all, for her entire demeanor had changed.

First she had no so much damn eye makeup that I can barely see her eyes, her shirt was so short she might as well just be wearing a bra, and she had the longest box braids that went down to her butt. This girl I did not know, nor did I recognize and it hurt my heart. Horribly. As I watched her, along with Tess and Jerry, I really am trying, and going to try not to butt in but it isn't easy by an means, as Lena grabs my hand holding it while we each ate with our other.

"Nonsense! We'll take you out tomorrow! And don't say no,"Jerry laughs as he takes a sip of water. "Right, Stefanie?" He looks at his daughter who is looking sullenly at her plate not having taken one bite of food yet.

"Sure, whatever." She mumbles as I can't help but light a smoke, my hand beginning to shake slightly.

"So, Stefanie, how's school? Did you hear I got a job at Callie's school? I'm an assistant art teacher." Lena presses for the girl to at least look at everyone, and it works as she looks right at my fiancé and smirks and my eyes don't leave her as I exhale slowly.

"Do I look like I care? Because I don't. So what. Like how does that affect my life." She says in the rudest tone possible as I can feel my body grow hot and Lena presses her hand on my thigh knowing I'm two seconds from getting up and smacking the shit out of this girl.

"I'm sorry?! You..."

"Excuse me?" Frankie interrupts me and snaps immediately as I look to see Callie place her hand on the young girl's arm, my own heart racing with anger, so much anger in that Lena continues to hold my thigh as I puff on my cigarette again. This was not good...this was not good by any means and I don't know how much longer I can keep my mouth closed.

"Stefanie," Tess growls quietly as she only laughs. "You don't speak that way to your Aunt Lena. Apologize now!"

"It's Star. I don't know if my mother informed you, all, or not, but my name is Starlette, but you can, all call me Star."

I lick my lips as I laugh softly under my breath and sip my own water while beginning to bounce my leg under the table as Corey butts in excitedly.

"You have a new name? That's so cool! Starlette! Are you gonna be an actress?"

"No, dummy! She's an idiot!" Frankie sputters as Lena glares hard at our daughter. I can visibly see Frankie blush as she stuffs her mouth full of salad, and Stefanie looks at Corey and smiles. Hell, I can't yell at Frankie for she is saying everything I am thinking.

"Maybe so! I'd love to try! Daddy helps produce all of these big shot movies, and he thinks he can get me an audition!"

"Audition for what? A porn movie?" Frankie whispers as Lena almost chokes on her water and I see my god daughter roll her eyes at Frankie.

"That's so cool Stefanie, I mean Star!!" Corey grins as Tess glares at Jerry who flat out ignores what is happening. This is why Stefanie is acting how she is! He lets her and she is out of damn control! She really is and I can't take much more of this shit as I puff my cigarette and look right at this girl. She continues to ignore my gaze, but I don't give a damn.

"So, Stefanie, how are your grades? MM? Cuz you have to have passing grades in order to graduate and get into any type of job," I finally speak to my goddaughter as she immediately rolls her eyes at me.

"They're fine, Stefanie. And I'm Star. Just in case you didn't hear." She smirks as I jump from Frankie pounding her small fist on the table.

"Shut the hell up, you little heifer! Shut it!" She screams as Callie desperately tries to calm her but she doesn't hear.

"Or what? Huh? You think I'm scared of you, little weasel?" Stefanie stands, and in an instant Frankie is around the table in her face as I think none of us can believe what is happening.

"You take that back! You take it back now!!!!! Her name is God Mommy to you! Or are you stupid!!!!!"

"FRANCESCA!" Lena stands as well trying to stop the inevitable because I know my youngest and know she holds nothing back. Which I can't blame her.

"No! Apparently you're the stupid one to buy into all this make believe family of yours! It's so fucking fake! They can't even marry!!" Stefanie bites back as Frankie loses her temper and her fist lands in Stefanie's jaw.

"Shut the hell up, you little hypocrite!" Frankie screams as Callie grabs her around the waist as her fist flies again. By now Stefanie is holding her jaw and everyone is standing around in shock as I get up and grab Frankie.

"Babygirl, go on outside and cool off."

"Ma! I can't!!!! You heard her!! Huh did you?! Why am I in trouble?"

"You are not in trouble," I say seeing the tears of anger spring from her eyes. "But I want you to go on outside, to our spot and I want you to calm down. Callie, go with your sister, please, love."

"Sure, Mom." She obeys as I let go of Frankie feeling her body shake.

"It's ok, my girl, go on. I got this." I say as Callie grabs Frankie's hand and I'm so angry as I look at Lena who is as well. Jerry says nothing as I glance over to Tess who is mortified not to mention exhausted looking. I had kept my mouth shut long enough.

"Stef I'm sorry. Lena..."Tess begins as I walk up to this girl and stare her right in the eyes.

"You, have lost your mind. Completely. You can dodge my calls all you want, little girl, every single one of them and you can sit up here and pretend like your are big and tough but you are FAR FROM IT. You say another rude thing to anyone here, ANYONE and it will be the last thing you EVER do or SAY!?"

The look on her her face was so aggravating as she rolled her eyes at me and crossed her arms.

"I dodge your calls because I don't like you!!!"

"Damnnnn!!!!!" Corey gawks as he laughs nervously, and I hear Lena excuse him to the living room allowing him to take his plate and watch TV.

"Well, guess what?! I don't like you, either honey. I don't like how you're acting, I don't like how you're talking, and I sure as hell don't appreciate the hooker persona that's standing in front of me! I just picked up a Starlette a few weeks ago for hooking! And drugs? Are you doing those, too? MM?" I grab the girl's purse faster than she can think as she frantically tries to snatch it back.

"You don't have a warrant! You can't just dig through my stuff! It's not legal!" She shouts as I laugh once more and push aside some room to dump it on the edge of the table.

"Legal my ass! I'm a cop and your godmother I don't need permission. I can look through your shit anytime I damm well please babygirl!"

"Stef..." Lena tries to reason with me, but it's no use, no use at all, as I unzip pockets dump, and empty her wallet which contained a stack of twenty dollar bills. I slap it in front of Jerry as he looks away sheepishly, and I want to beat the shit out of him. How the hell does this child have almost $400 in twenty dollar bills? How???? Is he giving them to her? What the fuck!

"That's mine! Give it back!" Stefanie tries to reach over me, but I push her back as I finally pull out what I suspected all along, a small baggy filled with weed as we all hear Corey shout as he had apparently been spying around the corner.

"Is that Oregano??????"

"Yeah is it?" I ask looking right at her as her eyes fall to the ground.

"Stefanie, what, what is that?" Tess asks in horror as all I can do is shake my head.

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