He's Got a Girlfriend

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Despite Callie's party being beautiful which allowed the entire family to  enjoy themselves, right now they all seemed to be dealing with the events from the past few hours. Of course Stef's main focus had been her little girl turning 15, but with overhearing Lena speaking to her father about a job interview in the South Bronx, and then to Julius showing up and causing not only a ruckus but a blowout between himself and her head was pounding. This then lead everyone feeling rather disjointed, and now they were trying to calm down now and relax.

Thankfully Stef was feeling a bit more calm from speaking with her daughter but while the two were walking along the beach, and Lena was speaking to Julius about Stef and his disappearance, Dana and Stuart were in their room reading while Frankie and Corey were downstairs in the den relaxing for a bit. Both kids were super worried about all that had transpired only a short time ago, and Dana had popped them a huge bowl of popcorn and made them root beer floats while telling them to pick any movie they wanted to watch. After much debate, the siblings decided to choose The Karate Kid before settling down to chill with each other.

But Corey seemed super upset, and after much probing, he finally admitted that a girl he had met and was his special friend for the last few weeks had broken his heart. Frankie wanted to know more, but she was silent about it until half the movie was done before pausing it and looking at her baby brother.

"Who is she?" Frankie tossed a few kernels of popcorn in the air and caught them with her tongue before sipping her root beer float. Corey had been pouting since they went swimming, and she was determined to get to the bottom of it.

"You don't know her! You've been in New York all summer, dumbo!" Corey rolled his eyes as he kept his eyes on the television, but Frankie got up to stand in front of the screen so he would look at her.

"Her name. Tell me." She frowned as she stood with her arms folded in front of her younger brother who was now taller than her.

"I don't gotta tell you shit!" He folded his arms in front of him as well and she stepped closer before twisting his ear. "Owww! Okay! Okay! Her name is Kelsey! Let go! Good grief, Franks!"

Frankie frowned as she stepped back and put her fist to her hand several times. "Kelsey, huh? She broke your heart? Well that's not cool, little brother! Not cool at all!"

"Ya! But she's not a bad person, Franks. Just let it go. You're making too big a deal of this!"

"Your heart is broken and that's enough for me! Plus, you're no fun when you're pouting and not having fun." Frankie scowled as she took her seat once more trying to calm down so Corey would confide in her more.

"Ya, but I mean. I kinda deserved it. So don't blame her, okay? Just don't!"

"How so?"

"I told her that her ugly was showing, and I made her cry. She made me mad, but I shouldn't have said it, and I told her now I know why her last boyfriend broke up with her cuz she's moody."

"Well, what did she say to you to make you say that? Cuz I know you! You don't just say mean things like that!" Frankie sat forward, her glare grew harder as she tried so hard to keep control.

"I mean," he shook his head, "She said I was a stalker and that I was a weirdo. And...and she told a bunch of people who called me a serial killer. But I deserved it! And it's not like she called me that!"

"Why do you keep saying that? Huh? Why do you think it's all your fault? Where is this heifer?" Frankie smacked her hands together once more in annoyance as she jumped to her feet again, her face turning red.

"Just let it go, Frankie! Okay? We have Mama Dukes screaming at Uncle Julius, and...and Mama all sad! We have enough going on! I'm not important right now! It's Callie's birthday! It's our sister's day, and it's ruined!" The young boy's face grew red with the anger that was boiling beneath the surface.

"I won't let it go! Let the adults take care of their shit! You are important, Corey! You're my brother, and no heifer is gonna tell you all this shit like you're some awful person! There's nothing wrong you, little brother! And I'm gonna put her in her place!" Frankie began pacing the floor now as she, too, was angrier then she had been in a while.

"I said let it go! Stop!" Corey jumped to his feet and squared up to his older sister as he was towering over the smaller girl, but her attitude was through the roof and Corey knew his sister took no crap. But that didn't stop them as they soon started fighting, punching and wrestling each other slamming each other off of the couch and then the floor, making such a racket that Dana ran in to break it up.

"What in the world is happening!!" She screamed as both kids looked up at her, shocked.



As I stand and watch the interaction between Lena and Julius, my heart hammers in my chest as my stomach twists. I feel some kind of way about what I overheard Lena tell her father, and I'm trying my damndest to not allow it to take over right now. And seeing Julius is a huge relief even if we did receive the postcard from him a few weeks back. Just knowing he's okay helps even if I'm still massively annoyed at how he chose to go about this. I couldn't imagine if I had lost Lena as he had lost his life partner, Ryan.

"You think she'll ever forgive me?" I overhear Julius ask Lena, and I know that I'm just not ready to talk to him tonight.

"I think she will. Give her time. You know Stef. Plus, she's...well, she's kinda angry with me, too," I hear Lena reply softly as I decide whether or not to stand here and listen or follow Callie to get some ice cream.

"Mama! You coming?"

I'm thankful that my baby girl makes the decision for me as I smile widely and hurry up the steps to the deck and follow her inside. "Queen Mocha made sure to get my favorite!" Callie smiles widely as she pulls out a giant tub of ice cream, and as I pull down two small bowls, I overhear Dana in the other room.

"You, two, are way too big to be pounding on each other like that! Are we in a zoo? Last I checked you were respectable human beings, not cave men! Shame on you, Francesca and Corey! Just shame on you, both!" I hear Dana say as I'm now wondering what in the hell is happening with our other two kids as I roll my eyes and drop the spoon.

"No Mama, let Gran handle them. You know she can." Callie says grabbing my hand as I had started to head that way. "Your job is to eat ice cream then talk to Uncle."

I nod my head as once again, Callie brings me to my senses, and I grab the ice cream scoop from her hand and smile softly. "Let me, my sweet girl," I lean in and kiss her temple as she giggles.

"I love you so much, you know that?" I hand her her own bowl as I scoop mine.

"I love you, too, Mama! So, sooooo much!" She smiles back at me.

"SIT DOWN AND STOP BACK TALKING NOW! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR EVER LOVING MIND, YOUNG MAN?????" We both stop and look at each other, eyes wide open as we heard Dana address Corey. I laugh internally as I hear this knowing full well that Lena's mom would handle it and handle it well. Dana was no joke.

"Stefff can we talk mama?" I hear seeing Julius appear in the doorway.

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