New Partner

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"I gotta say Mike you are full of fucking surprises lately!" The blonde says walking to her patrol car as Mike walks beside her. The older man had changed precincts and requested that his ex wife be his partner a few days ago. Why? For many reasons as never in a million years did either of them see this coming. "Like really? You change to work the South Bronx and want me as your partner? What the fuck? Talk about blindsiding me." She says putting her smoke a zipping up her police coat.

"Stef, I wanted a change and you're the only person I trust with my back. I don't know these other guys here."

"Yeah?" She says laughing awkwardly as she snatches the keys from him. "I drive. Got it?"

"Sure. Whatever you say." He says getting in as the blonde drinks the last sip of her coffee tossing the cup in the trash along with her smoke. Rolling her eyes at this situation she gets in herself, for she was already in a shit mood. Her and Lena weren't able to get ahold of Tess or Jerry yet but she had called a few of her friends at the LAPD to pay Alby a visit. It was all she could do from getting on a plane herself and beating the shit out of him. It was all killing her inside and she knew staying home wasn't going to make it better. "We got along well at Thanksgiving, Stef, and I had a good time."

"Oh please, Mike. What's your REAL motive here? Not too long ago you told me I was too weak to be a cop and wouldn't last. Change of heart, huh?"

"Stef...I was wrong, ok? I was wrong for years. And I was wrong in how I treated you."

She looks over at him as she slides her key in the ignition. "Oh, well, you know you're gonna have to answer to my wife, right? I mean, she's not going to be too happy one bit." She pulls out of the parking lot to start their patrol for the night.

"Oh, you're married now?" Mike laughs as he sips his coffee.

"She asked me to marry her, but you know it's not legal or anything. Anyway, as soon as everything settles down, we'll start planning a little service."

"I see."

"Sorry you asked to be my partner now?" She looks over at her ex who shakes his head.

"Nah, I'm not. Meaning I'm happy for you. Seriously. I saw the ring at Thanksgiving and well, I'm sorry I couldn't make you happy." Turning to look at him Stef isn't sure what to say. Not in the least.

"Mike, what's going on here? Be serious and cut the bull. You dying or something huh? Kissing up because of your racist girlfriend? Last time I checked, Mike, you were homophobic."

"Stef, I've changed. And I broke it off with Jenna. It wasn't worth not having a relationship with my daughter. I was wrong about all of you, and Callie talked to me extensively. I mean your friends are a little weird, but they seem alright. She's umm...Callie's a wise girl and she told me about myself in a gentle way. Mostly she was happy we got along on Thanksgiving and really wants me to come over for Christmas. I mean if that's alright with you."

"Yeah, anything for Callie." She says letting it all soak in for this was not what she expected whatsoever.

"So, maybe we can be cool, you know friends? Plus you gotta show me the ropes of this war zone. And it takes balls to work here, Stef. And you got a set for sure." He laughs as the blonde joins in the laugher. "And you're not a dyke. That was wrong of me too. You're a good mom to Callie and that whole court thing and custody."

"Mike, it's fine. We don't need to relive it. I accept your apology. Ok?"


As the two ride in silence for the next few moments, it doesn't remain that way for Mike knew his ex-wife. More than she wanted him too. "Not to pry, Stef, but what's up. You seem on edge."

"Me? I'm fine, Mike."

"Look, I know a bit about you. Not as much as Lena but a little bit."

"Mike, it's nothing you would care about so let's stick to work, ok?"

"Callie told me your close to Tess' daughter, but that she's been acting up a bit lately."

"What is it with you? Why are you prying? You know if this is how it's gonna be, I'm going to..."

"No! It's not, Stef, but we're partners now, right? And partners are all about trust, and I'm not prying. But you and I need clear heads out here. You know that."

"I can do my job if you're suggesting I can't!" She snaps as she switches on her turn signal.

"Stef, look I never suggested that ever. But I know how shit goes. You know I had my fair share of shit too. I'm not that same asshole you were married to. Let's just try to move past this hump and possibly get to know each other all over again, okay? I have no secret motives or anything. I swear it. I'm just trying to be a good dad and hoping to become friends with my ex-wife as opposed to being enemies. I get you like to solve shit on your own, but I'm just trying to help."

"Lena and I just found out that Stefanie's boyfriend is kicking her ass, which I had no clue. I saw no signs or I was flat out stupid and didn't look hard enough. So I'm angry with myself and I just want to go there and ring his fucking neck."

"Wait hold up! As in Jerry and Tess's little girl?"


"I just saw her! I saw no signs either. She looked angry at the world but that's about it. Don't beat yourself up. I don't think anyone saw it to be honest."

"Ya, that's what Lena said, but I'm not so sure, Mike. You and I were trained for stuff like that. How could I not see it? Was I too emotional? All up in my damn feelings to even open my fucking eyes?"

"Hey, hey, hey! Stef! Look at me!" Mike places his hand on the blondes arm as she parks in their first spot of the night.

"What, Mike? Anything you have to say at this point is flat out bullshit! And you know it!"

"No it's not! Look!" He unbuckles his seat belt and turns sideways until Stef looks at him. "I'm not saying you should have seen it. Things happen. Even the BEST cops miss things. Why? Because we're human beings! And you'll nail the son of a bitch if I know you, which I do. You know now, and what happens from here on out is what matters."

Stef nods her head as she leans her head on the headrest, her mind running over a hundred miles per hour. What Mike said makes perfect sense, but why did she feel like shit still? Well because it was Stefanie and that girl was her life as well.

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