Burgers & Museums

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"I love this museum." Lena says to me as we sit up on the roof of The Met, smoking. It had been a nice day so far as we took the girls to the museum and out to lunch. Thankfully I had the day off for I needed it because if not I might loose my damm mind. With everything coming at me the last few days I didn't know which way was up but since I had started to really share my heart with Lena things seem to lessen some in my brain. It was true talking it out with her and sharing what was really on my mind help significantly so I made an effort to keep doing it. Of course there were times she needed to remind me but that was to be expected for I wasn't perfect and she knew this.

"Remember when I brought you here? MM?" I look over at her smile as she flushes a soft pink. Fuck she was beautiful. If not more then then day I met her on the army base when I was afraid of my own shadow.

"I do. That was a magical night," she smiles as she reminisces. "But ended kinda rough at the hotel." We both laugh at the memory.

"You were a bad girl, and I wanted you yet was scared even then."

"You were so mad, Stef," she puts out her smoke to look at me as my face softens once again. "And you had every single right to be angry with me. I just didn't know how to respond to your anger which again you had every right to be.  I knew you had a girlfriend but lost my mind and I wasn't thinking. I really wasn't. You were just so sexy, and I hadn't seen you in years, and in your uniform and I just...lost it."

"Sexy huh?" I smirk as she blushes even more.

"Very. I wanted you. And I was mad and insanely jealous."

"MM you jealous?" I laugh as she hits my arm. "I never would have thought my Lena would be jealous!" I joke even more remembering the few times she'd shown it and it made me laugh every time.

"Yes, yes I was, thank you very much! Goodness, was I ever!" She giggles now as I take her hand. "I was so jealous of your relationship with Luisa. Like beyond."

"Well Len, if we are being honest you were sexy too and I wanted to fuck you."

"Oh my god! Stef!"

"Oh like you had said no." I laugh taking a puff as she grins.

"I probably would have played hard to get. I wouldn't just give it up ya know."

"You looked like you rather enjoyed playing games back then," I smirk at her as she looks away. "Ohhhh, I'm joking, love! Come here! Don't be offended babylove." I finish my cigarette and wrap my arms around her as I kiss her temple and whisper. "If I were braver, I would have taken you several times when I had the chance. Licked right between your legs where I know you like it. Maybe hearing you moan my name a few times. MM?"

She giggles as I squeeze her tightly and whispers back, "I thought you hated me. You were downright hostile at the dinner."

"MM...I was thrown off guard, and I struggled to sit that close. And you weren't so friendly either."

"I know. I really wasn't. And I'm sorry."

"It's ok baby, don't stress that time."

"But, Stef, we never struggled with the...sex part...I mean...we always had chemistry," she says softly.

"That we did love. Still do and always will."

"Mom? Mama? Callie and I want to head downstairs to look at the Egyptian display again. Is that okay?" Frankie taps on my arm, and I turn to her smiling.

"Yes, but if you want to look around even more, check in with us in an hour so we know you're still here, okay? We will be sitting here."

"Okay, Mom," she grins as she runs off with Callie holding her hand as I can only smile.

"She really does love you Stef. Just incase you were wondering." Lena says looking to me smiling as I grab her hand rubbing it. "All your girls do even if Stefanie is having a hard time right now. I know it's hurting you. The way she spoke to you and what she said."

"I'm ok love."

"No you're not. She hurt your feelings. I can see it. You have been off since that phone call and I feel like that hurt you more than seeing Luisa."

"Seeing her was just annoying." I say rolling my eyes and lighting another smoke. "A big fucking annoyance and headache, ya know? I have bigger things in life and I've moved on. Moved on with you the person I should have been with in the first place."

"Well baby things happen for a reason. Maybe we just weren't supposed to be together then."

"You believe that stuff babe?"

"Yes. The universe talks."


"It does," she wraps her arms around me once more as we stand on the rooftop and watch the sun set together. "I love you, Stefanie Marie Foster," she whispers in my ear as my heart feels full.

"I love you too sweetheart. Always have."



"I'm skeptical, Mom," Frankie teases as we sit at the Smokehouse getting ready to chow down. After a long day of strolling at the museum and even the park I couldn't wait to eat. Both Stef and Callie had taken us here as they attest that they serve the best burgers in the city and I'm ready and willing to try anything right now.

"Hey, now!" Stef laughs as she sips her lemonade. "You can't make that assessment until you've tried it babe, right, Cals?"

"Right! I beg to differ with you, Franks. Give it try and then you can let us know what you think."

"Ha! Well, then you have never eaten at the Santa Fe down by Pier 21!" Frankie rolls her eyes which makes me laugh.

"No, they haven't, Franks, but we'll give this a try, right?"

"Surreee Mama."

"You have to try the onion rings! Oh my god! They're to die for!" Callie rolls her eyes in the back of her head making us all laugh.

"Ewllll! I HATE onions!" Frankie makes a face as Stef reaches under the table and slides her hand up my bare thigh. I look over at her as she winks and I can see the look on her face. It  was that look like she wanted to slam me up against the wall and fuck me.

As we order, the girls chat, and Stef spends most of the time making me super hot, and she knows it as I shift my legs unable to think. She is bad and she knows damn well what shes doing to me as her hand rubs up and down my upper thigh. Why did I wear this shirt? I laugh to myself as the girls head to the restroom.

"MM you ok?" Stef asks as I look into her eyes smiling.

"No. You know what you're doing."

"MM I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yes you do. You are making me horny." I whisper the last part as she grins wide.

"Yeah? Well our talk back on the roof got me hot. I um, wouldn't mind heading home and showing you what I really wanted to do that night at the Met. You know after you kissed me I wanted to turn you around and finger fuck you from behind. Had you wanted that? MM?"

With my shyness taking over the girls soon head back as Stef grins at me knowing I'm so hot and bothered. God we couldn't leave this restaurant fast enough and when we finally do I'm grateful the girls watch a movie as Stef fucks me over and over. It's a good thing the girls like watching their movies loudly because the way she touches me and the way she looks at me has me so hot and I struggle to keep my voice down especially when she buries her face between my legs.

As she manages to make me cum for the sixth time, I roll over, exhausted, yet happy as she lights a smoke and runs her finger down my jawline. "So...maybe we should talk about heading up to get Corey?"

My heart hammers in my chest as I roll on to my side and look her in the eyes. "You're wanting to really go then?"

Fighting For Us - Book 4Where stories live. Discover now