Ridiculius Conversation

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"There is no way I'm going back in there, Dad. How can you be with that biggot! Just how?!"

"Callie! Keep your voice down! Jesus!" Mike was beyond furious with his daughter as they stood in the hallway of the apartment building. Callie had been acting rude during dinner when Mike finally introduced her to his new girlfriend, Jenna. He never expected her to behave this way since his daughter had always been polite and very respectful.

"What is wrong with you? You don't even know Jenna! She's been nothing but nice to you! I've never seen you be so disrespectful in life! Ever!"

She folded her arms across her chest as she glared at her dad hard. "I know all about her! And you chose to be with someone who mistreated my mother! Fuck her!"

Mike was floored beyond belief as Callie rarely swore if ever and he had had enough of her disrespect. Getting in her face, he gritted his teeth. "Enough! You take your happy ass to your room and that's where you'll stay until you can find some respect! Your mother and I did not raise such a brat!"

Callie glared even harder as she didn't move an inch but jumped as her father boomed, "GO!"

"Fine! But I'm NOT eating with that racist!" Callie stormed off to her room as Mike was lost for words now knowing who had been in Callie's ear...her mother.

Right now Callie was just happy to be home with her moms and Frankie but she was stewing. She was stewing big time like a pot of hot water as the family was sitting down to enjoy their evening dinner. Stef had actually gotten home on time from work and both Frankie and Lena had prepared a meatloaf, green beans and baked potatoes along with apple tarts for dessert.

"Mama and I made the tarts, Mom. We found this recipe in Good Housekeeping." Frankie said as the family dug in to the amazing meal.

"Yeah? Well it looks amazing, my love." Winking at the girl Stef couldn't help but glance toward her daughter who had been more quiet than usual. "So love, how was your time with Dad? Have a good weekend?"

"It was ok." She shrugged while not making eye contact as Stef and Lena looked at each other almost immediately. They both knew instantly that something was off with the girl.

"Ya? Just ok? What happened?" Stef inquired as the girl still had not made eye contact. "Babygirl, eyes please."

Looking up, Callie let out a sigh as everyone stopped eating and looked at her. "Dad and I had a fight, okay? And he...he kinda grounded me."

"What? A fight about what? What happened, Callie?" Stef asked in a rather stern tone as Lena gently placed her hand on her leg to calm her. No, the blonde wasn't mad, but she wanted to know why her daughter had not spoken to her sooner about this. Did she think she'd be in trouble with her as well?

"Cal, what happened honey?" Lena asked softly hoping to calm the tense tone in the room.

"I got in trouble for mouthing off to Dad about that racist biggot he's dating!" Callie spit out. "I won't tolerate her at all, Mama. I won't. I know how she treated you both and Uncle Julius."

"Who?" Frankie looked between the three rather confused as the blonde looked to Lena beyond furious and as she lit a smoke.

With everything going on she had almost forgotten about Jenna and had hoped it would blow off. But that did not seem to be the case for it seemed the woman was now in New York and she wondered if she lived with Mike. One thing was certain was she didn't want that woman around her kid at all and she would let her ex know that for damn sure.

"And I wasn't trying to be rude, Mama. I know you taught me better but I just don't tolerate that. I don't and I'm not interested in going over Dads if she's there. She's an ugly heifer."

"Who's an ugly heffier?" Frankie asked once again as Stef puffed her cigarette, rather frazzled.

"No one, honey, just finish your dinner, ok sweetheart?" Lena signed she glanced toward Stef once more, who had not said a word, then back to Callie, who's face was beat red. "It's ok, honey, we will talk about this later. Let's just enjoy dinner, ok?"

"But, Mama..."

"Not now, Francesca," Lena gave her daughter a hard look which told her she meant it.

The small family was able to somewhat calm down as they managed to make small talk and enjoy each other for the rest of the dinner, but Stef was more than annoyed. And she knew what she needed to do.



"Stef, love...tonight? Really? Can't it wait?" Lena tries to block our doorway which annoys me even further.

"Move, Lena," I say in a low voice as I give her a look.

"No! You're...you're pissed, and I don't see how barging over there will solve this!"

"Don't tell me how to parent my child, Lena! And don't tell me how to handle this! This is between me and Mike!" I feel my temperature rising and I know I'm being unfair right now with her, but I need to get this over with.

"Wow. So, that's how it is? Your daughter? Between you and Mike? Okay then." She puts her hands up in the air then back down as she pushes past me, and I sigh as I run my fingers through my hair. Dammit sometimes I really put my fucking foot in my mouth!

"Love, come on! You know what I mean! I need to deal with this fool! This is my...our daughter!"

"Oh? Our daughter? Yours and Mike's, you mean?"

"Why are you doing this? I'm not...not mad at you! I'm upset with my small minded husband! And I didn't say what I meant correctly. He was actually calming down and had stopped being a dick! Now he...he brings that heifer whore into his house with OUR daughter? How is that okay? How? He didn't talk to me about this! None of it!"

"Well, to be fair, you didn't talk to him about bringing me to live with you," Lena sits on the edge of our bed, and I frown as I lean on the dresser.

"Come again? I didn't bring you to...to live with me."

Lena looks at me with so much hurt and anger right now, but I don't see it as I see nothing but red as I rub the bridge of my nose. But I'm startled as her voice is inches from me, and I look straight into her angry brown eyes.

"That's fine, Stefanie. Tell me when I get to be a part of yours and your daughter's life. You know what? Go! Go beat down Mike's door and scream in his face. Hell! Yell and have the cops called on your ass for domestic disturbance for all I care! I'm not even here!"

She yanks her pillow and blanket off the bed as she charges towards the door leaving me to wonder what the fuck is happening as I call after her. "Lena! I didn't...mean it." I whisper the last part as she had already slammed the door hard behind her. I sink onto the bed as I exhale, trying to calm myself, for one thing was certain: I had allowed my anger towards Jenna to cloud my choice of words tonight towards my girlfriend, and maybe she was right. Maybe I needed to cool off before visiting Mike.

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