Missing the "One"

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As soon as Callie finished her last final of the day, she quickly looked at her watch to see that it was only one thirty in the afternoon, and since Lena had given her permission to go to Macy's as long as she met her for the one train back to their apartment, she quickly headed to the station and decided to go ahead with her plan.

Earlier that month, she had managed to buy a baseball mitt for Antwon as well as a whole bag of candy, and she had used money she had saved. For she was certain that he wouldn't have a very good Christmas otherwise. Callie had managed to visit him a couple of times since she got into trouble, and she made sure not to bring anything with her that could be stolen or that she would miss, for she had learned her lesson.

But seeing the type of household Antwon lived, broke the young girl's heart, and she just couldn't bring herself to ask her mother or explain it to her. This was something she only told Mariana about in confidence, for as much as she loved Frankie and Corey, she was afraid they'd say something on accident.

"What are you looking at, heifer?" A woman dressed like a hooker snaps her gum as she looks straight at Callie on the train. But Callie isn't intimidated as she turns herself around and pops open a book to pass the time to her stop. Transferring to the six train she got off at Grand Course instantly putting herself more on guard.

First off, she knew that this was not what she was supposed to be doing and she felt bad for lying to Lena. But it was something she needed to do as she headed towards PS 157 remembering where he went to school. Antwon was the young girl's little buddy, and for some reason, she felt a real connection to him and wanted to see him smile.

One thing the girl was also forgetting was both of her parents worked the South Bronx, and for one reason or another it slipped her mind. Or she figured it was big enough that there was no way she would be caught since she only planned on giving Antwon the mitt and heading right back to meet Lena.

Coming up to the school she quickly makes her way over to the gate that surrounds the school yard seeing the kids running around playing. She can only smile as it brings her back to herself when she lived in Washington Heights and loved playing with Mariana and Kiana. She missed those times where she was rather carefree and had no sense of real fear. None at all but as her eyes looked for Antown she was suddenly knocked out of her thoughts by a familiar voice.


With her eyes widening the girl turns around to see not only her mother but her father as well step out of their police cruiser. Right now she was debating if she should run but that would do nothing as she froze, gulping. Looking between both her parents, Stef walked up to her as Mike followed behind, the two now glaring.

"Oh man, you better have a good explanation for being here, kid." Mikes says as Callie looks again between both her parents her eyes landing on Stef.

"Yeah like why you AREN'T in school and WHY you are in this neighborhood AGAIN!!" The blonde cop appeared more furious than Callie had ever seen her, and as her heart beat wildly in her chest, she still had enough nerve to walk up to Stef and say proudly.

"I bought this for Antwon so he would have a nice Christmas, and I'm headed over to give it to him now, if you don't mind."

"You must have hit your fucking head!" Stef's voice had now risen an octave as she begins laugh cynically and turns to Mike. "She must have actually hit her damn head! Your daughter has lost her ever loving mind!"

Mike shoves his hands in his pockets now as it seems he is trying very hard to hide the smirk from his face. It was possible that he was quite amused by the fact that their daughter was everything like his ex-wife, and that Stef was seeing parts of herself she didn't think existed. "Callie, why didn't you just ask one of us to take you," he gently asks as the blonde is even angrier than before.

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