Late Night Talk

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"Hey, love, what's up? What's wrong?" Stef steps into the hallway as Cinnamon had just knocked on the door, and it was well after midnight causing major concern on Stef's end as she pulled her shirt over the gun in the back of her jeans.

"Ummm, I hate to bother you, Stef, but I just got off a shift, and I came straight here," she laughs awkwardly as she scuffs her boot on the ground. "I wasn't thinking of the time. I'm sorry, and..."

"Want to come in? I can make us some tea."

"Nah, it's okay. I need to get home and sleep. I work at eight in the morning again."

"What's up, love?" Stef reaches out and runs her hand down the young girl's arm. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I would have called, but I wanted to come and ask you in person. Do you happen to know a Deidra Sommers?"

The blonde furrows her brow as she thinks and shakes her head. "Don't believe I do. Who is she?"

"Fuck if I know, but this guy has shown up three times now telling me that she's looking for Will."

"A guy? He's searching for her? And why Will? As in Lena's Will?"

"Shit, you don't miss anything," she plays with her fingers nervously. "Yes. He keeps telling me that he knows I'm lying, and that I know a William Adams. I tell him he's crazy and to get away, but today? Just before I clocked out, he came in half drunk and said Deidra Somers was looking for Will, and that I better tell him where he is or else. I don't understand. I told him that he's dead and to fuck off. My boss wasn't too happy either. Said to take my personal business elsewhere, and I don't want to be fired. But if he shows up again, I'm gonna knock his ass out cold."

"How does he even know you were Will's friend?" Stef props her foot behind her on the wall as she folds her arms.

"God, I don't know. I didn't get that far," Cinnamon laughs awkwardly as she sighs. "But I'm telling you, he's gonna fuck up my job, and I can't have that happening. It took me a long time to get where I am!"

"What did he look like? Did he tell you his name? When and where did he ask you this before tonight? I need to know all of this. I'll look up this Deidra chick too," Stef glares hard wondering what the hell was happening.

"Fuck! I don't know all of this, Stef! I...I told you this already! But he can't come to my job like this again!" The younger woman looks distraught and exhausted, and Stef reaches out to take her hand in her own.

"Hey, listen. He shows up again, give him my card, got it? MM? Look at me, Cin."

Cinnamon takes the cops hand and nods. "Okay."

"You still have my card, yes?" Stef steps closer making the girl look her in the eye.

"Of course. I have it."

"Give it to him. Have him call me. Now, go get some sleep. You sure you don't want to crash here tonight?"

"I'm sure, Stef."

"Okay. Call me when you get home, got it? I still worry even if you are a tough girl," Stef smiles as she brushes Cinnamon's cheek.

"Fuck, yes," she laughs softly as Stef pulls her in for a hug.

"Give that fool my card. I'll deal with it," Stef squeezes the younger woman before swatting her behind. "Now go home! Go to bed!"

"Got it!" Cinnamon laughs as she pulls out a cigarette as she walks away leaving Stef to wonder what that was all about.



With it being me and Stef's first Christmas together as a family I am driving myself mad with making sure everything is set up in our small apartment and decorated. I probably am going overboard with decorating it, shopping for presents, and preparing a Christmas and Christmas Eve menu, but this is just like me and I want everything to be perfect.

As I help set up the classroom for the last week of school before break, I can't help but smile at Callie's recent photographs. They really are beautiful as she took many of trains and everyday life in the city. She has a real talent and I amso happy I got the new camera for her.

I'm also over the moon that the kids all seem to enjoy each other and our life in New York, but I can't help but think about what Stef said about living so far away from Tess and Stefanie. Should we be continuing our life here in the city or move back to California where it would feel more like home in the long run?

"I love your class, Mama."

I look up to see Callie leaning against the doorframe, her book bag slung over her arm and camera in her hand. "You're out of class early," I smile as she nods.

"I finished my final early so we got to leave when we were done. Can we still go to Macy's after school today? Before we head home? Mom works late and I warned Franks about it; so, she said she'd start dinner for us."

"Oh, I don't know, Cals. Honestly, I completely forgot and I need to head to the grocery store after school."

"Oh, I can go alone, Mama. Honestly, I've been doing it for so long."

I look at my oldest girl who is looking at me with hopeful eyes, and I shake my head. "Okay, Cals. But here's a the thing. You head to Macy's then meet me at the 1-train by six. Got it? I'm serous. I don't need your mom coming after me because you didn't listen, okay?"

"Thank you, Mama," she runs over to pull me into a tight hug. "I promise to meet at six."

I kiss her forehead before heading back to finish my preparations for my next class. I can't wait for the actual holiday week to start even if Stef wouldn't be able to take off at all. We still would be able to do some festive things when she was off, and plus, she'd at least be off for Christmas Eve. That alone made me happy.

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