Up In Maine

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It was now the day of Callie's 15th birthday and Lena was going over the top with preparing for it, for she wanted to make this a birthday the young girl would never forget. It wasn't about spoiling the child but more about the fact that she wanted to show Stef and Callie how much she loved them both.

Lena had gone to the store and bought a ton of balloons, party decor, snacks as well as had the food catered. Between her and her parents and friends, she was able to obtain what seemed like enough presents to last the young teen a year.

But as Stef sat back and watched this all unfold, in her mind she was wondering why her girlfriend had gone way overboard for Callie, and as she helped set up the plates of food, she decided to try and find out.

"I just want everything to be perfect for her party, baby." Lena was quick to explain.

"Well, love you certainly out did yourself. This really puts me to shame." The blonde laughs as Lena looks to her now feeling badly. "Meaning the most Mike and I have ever done for Callie's birthday was cake and ice cream with a few balloons. I do wish you had not spent so much, honey."

"Oh. I...I didn't mean to...to make you feel badly. I guess I'm used to throwing big parties. I...I didn't really spend that much. I promise. If Julius and Ryan were here...I guess I..."

"Hey, hey, hey! It's ok, honey." The blonde says walking over to the woman and wrapping her arms around her waist pulling her closer. "It's very sweet of you, babe, and I'm sure she will love it. She will know who to go to when she wants to be spoiled, and I can't be mad at her Mama for that, now can I?" She says twirling one of Lena's curl with her finger and softly smiling. "You are a softy and I love you for that. And this? Thank you, baby."

"You sure it's ok?"

"Love, it's beautiful. It really is. Now lets get the rest of this set up." She winks pinching the woman's ass as Lena giggles.

"Ahh gross!!!" Corey says walking into the room and immediately exiting as both woman bust out laughing.

"You will understand one day, my boy!!" Stef calls after him.


"It's really nice out here. I love New York and even the Bronx, but I miss the beach." Frankie admits as she and Callie are sitting on the sand sipping on cherry colas.

"I figured you must. San Diego is beautiful, and I would miss it. But I gotta say I love having you living with us, Franks. It's really cool having a little sister."

"It's really cool having a big sister, Callie." The girl smiles as the two look back out at the ocean.

"So um, when was the last time you were here?"

"MM? After that horrible funeral."

"You mean your dad's?"

"Yeah." She shrugs drawing hearts with her finger in the sand.

"You know you never talk much about him."

"Nothing to say I guess. I don't really remember much. Mostly photos. I mean he left my Mama alone to raise me and Corey. I try not to be angry, but I don't know. It's kinda hard not to feel some kind of way even though Mama said he really loved us."

"Well, it's ok to be angry. You're only human, Franks, and I'm pretty sure he loved you and Corey. What's not to love?" Callie's says as Frankie looks to her smiling. "Look, it's no excuse, but the war did do a number on people. I mean it did to Stefanie's dad, Will, and Uncle Frank. It messed a lot of them up and even my dad has his moments, too, with nightmares."



"But he didn't leave you and your mom, and Stefanie's father came back. So, I don't get it." The younger teen blinks back tears refusing to let them fall.

"Maybe so, Franks, but the truth is no one's perfect in life and I know it hurts bad sometimes. I know it. It's not the same thing, but I get pissed at my parents sometimes."


"Because they fight. Sometimes they can't even be in the same room with each other, and it sucks so much. I know they're better off apart, Mom being gay and all, but still. It hurts they can't be friends at least."

"I think I heard them once. And Mom was rough with Mike." Frankie takes Callie's hand in hers as the older girl squeezes it.

"Yeah, she usually is with him. I mean they both play their part in it, sure. But I know for a fact that your dad loved you and if you're up to it, we can always go visit him. Bring flowers or something."

"Ahh, I don't know, Cals. I'd need to think about it. I know Corey goes every Sunday. But he's not like me. He forgives so easily. I kinda stay mad forever," Frankie laughs softly.

"Well, I've kind of wanted to go visit my Uncle Frank, but I don't know if I want to go alone. Maybe you could come with me?"

"Sure, Cals." Frankie smiles as she lays her head on her sister's shoulder. "So, I called Stefanie when Mom was in the shower a few weeks back, and I sort of told her to fuck off."

"Wait what? What? Why?"

"Cals, you didn't hear how she spoke to Mom. I know I shouldn't be one to talk, but I almost got on a plane and was ready to kick her ass!"

"What do you mean? How did she talk to her?"

"Rude! So rude! Like telling her they aren't close and being fresh! Like how I use to talk to her because she has some boyfriend now she thinks she can talk like that to Mom and everyone else."

"That doesn't make any sense. She's like the most polite person ever to Mom."

"Well she's not anymore. She won't even talk to her anymore so she can fuck off! I told her never to call Mom again in life! Like I said, I know I'm not one to talk but she's an asshole now and Mom was upset. I heard her crying to Mama. Have you spoken to her lying ass?"

"Honestly not in some time. I mean we write letters and stuff but I didn't know any of that. Who is this boyfriend?"

"I don't know. But I'm done, finished and it's over. You're not mad?"

"I definitely am angry because that's not cool and not like her at all. I'll call her and see what's going on."

"Well apparently she won't take our calls anymore. She's rude to Aunt Tess too and her "daddy" got her a car." The girl said rolling her eyes as Callie again looked surprised.


"Yup and she uses it to sneak out and go bang her boyfriend. All I know is she better not show her face again because she won't get away with how she spoke to Mom. I will rearrange hers."

All Callie could do was sigh for what in the hell was wrong with Stefanie. Whatever it was she would get to the bottom of it.

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