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"You are kinda hard to reach on the phone, missy! Why are you avoiding me, Stef?" Tess asks the blonde as Stef lights a smoke on the other end.

After her talk with Lena the other night she was feeling as if a weight was lifted off of her shoulders. Stef knew very well she had to continue to communicate with her girlfriend even if it was difficult for her at times. Most of the time she just didn't want to think of everything painful that affected her but she needed to for Lena and their kids.

"Ahh I'm not. I guess I just have a lot on my mind, Tess. It's hard to explain Lo..Tess."

"Nice try. Wanna try that again?"

"What? It's true! I just have been...busy, and...and working a hell of a lot overtime, and..."


"Okay! Fine!" Stef laughs as she sits back in the kitchen chair. "You know me too damn well. I felt if I actually spoke to you, you'd know...they've come back."

"Panic attacks?" Tess asks softly. "I was wondering. And it's nothing to be ashamed of, Stef. Have you told Lena?"

"MM...not at first. But now she knows. You know how stubborn I am. I can't help it at times I guess. But I'm sorry I was so distant love. You ok?"

"Definitely, I'm fine and I understand. I know you very well. But hey, I called again not only to check on you but also because well, how do I put it? Ummm, it's...Stefanie."

"What's wrong with my baby?" Stef sits forward in her chair as she puts down her smoke. "Something wrong? She ok? What's going on?"

"Honestly Stef I don't know. She's been acting weird. Very snappy, distant and not herself at all. And when I question her she gets so defensive."

"Really? That does not sound like her at all. When did this start?"

"I would say a few weeks ago. It was gradual. She doesn't even seem to be into cheering much anymore. And um...well..."

"Well what?"

"I think she has a boyfriend."

"Really now?" The blonde says taking another puff and growing even more concerned. "She said so or is she hiding this shit?"

"She said she doesn't. I have nothing against her dating, neither Jerry or I do, but she knows the rules that we need to meet him. I've only seen her talking to one boy in particular after her cheerleading practice. Jerry went over to say hi to him and Stefanie got angry. Said Jerry embarrassed her."

"Well tough crap. She knows the rules. Let me talk to her. I'll be nice."

"Sure. Just don't mention what I told you."

"I won't love." She says puffing on her smoke and wondering what the hell was going on with her goddaughter.

"Hello?" Stef finally hears on the other end and she too notices Stefanie doesn't sound as happy as usual. Usually the girl was very excited to talk to her but now it almost seems like she doesn't want to be bothered.

"Hey love. How are you doing?"

"I'm ok. Just busy with school and stuff."

"Yeah? I haven't heard from you in awhile."

"Busy. Phone goes both ways too, ya know." Stefanie snaps.

"I'm sorry? You want to try that again?" Stef stands to her feet not believing how the girl was speaking to her.

"I've just been busy." Stefanie says with so much attitude that Stef is ready to smack her which was a feeling she never had. Ever in regards to her.

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