Back To Work

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With it now being 1985 Stef and I wanted to really focus on planning our ceremony for this year. It had been rather crazy last year and we were determined to slow down now. As Callie and I jump on the one train to head downtown to LaGuardia this is one of the things I love...the fact that we can commute to school together.

"Mama I'm gonna take a few shots." Callie shows me her camera.

"Sure, babe." I say smiling at her as I pull out my planner looking through the tasks I need to do for the day. My job as an assistant art teacher was not ideal but I was grateful to be working. As I close my planner and stick it in my bag I continue to watch Callie enthusiastically take photos as she soon takes a seat back next to me. "Get all your shots, love?"

"Yeah. Some good ones too." She smiles as we get off and head up to the school. "See you later, Mama."

"Ok, baby. You have a good day." I say as we both go our separate ways and I start to set up the art class.

I also had to go through all the students' artwork and grade them, something which I wasn't really a fan of. I never really was, but my boss had continued to stick me with this job. Truth is, art is so subjective that it almost feels cruel to do so.

I head into the art closet and get out the extra paint as I hear heels across the floor as I walk out into the room. Thinking it's Ms. McGowan it is anyone but that as I am now standing face to face with Luisa.

Good Lord. It's no secret that her son Jesus is in my class but I never let that get in the way of my teaching. Ever. Yet the look on her face tells me that she's pissed and I know why immediately.

"I need to talk to Ms. McGowan about Jesus' grade. Is she here?" She asks rather rudely.

"Good morning, to you as well." I say as she narrows her eyes at me. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Yeah, get my son needs a new art teacher because the grade she gave him is NOT the grade he deserves!" She says rather coldly as I make myself remain calm.

"I graded him."

"Do you even draw? Sketch? Paint? Are you literate in art?" She asks in a condescending tone as I frown. I will not be spoken to in this manner by this woman or any parent for that matter. I never have allowed it, even in California.

"What seems to be the problem, Luisa?" I deadpan as I remain calm outwardly, but inside, I'm anything but that.

"Jesus is an artist. He wants to be an artist, and with a C+ he won't be able to raise his grade in time! This is insane!" She hollers as I take a deep breath.

"Well, Jesus would have gotten a better grade had he followed the directions he was handed by Mrs. McGowan," I answer calmly as her face reddens.

"I saw the directions, and I don't understand the confusion!" Her eyes narrow, as I fold my hands in front of me just as Mrs. McGowan enters the room.

"Is everything okay?" She looks between an irate Luisa and me.

"No! No, it's not! Are you aware that Jesus got a C+ on his project?"

"I am," Mrs. McGowan calmly replies as I step back, for she just might lose her cool if Luisa didn't stop complaining about her son's grade. Hell I was aware that Jesus loved to do his own thing when it came to art, and it was okay...but Mrs. McGowan was another story. I had no choice but to give him the grade he got.

"How? I mean do you see how talented an artist my son is? This will ruin his GPA and chance to get into the art school he wanted!"

"Ma'am, I stand behind Lena and her decision for this grade. So, please, kindly make an appointment if you would like to discuss this further, but for now, class will be starting, and we can't have you in hear causing a scene."

I could feel my own temper flaring as this woman had thrown me under the bus, blaming me for the grade, but I knew that I had to stay silent as I watch Luisa goes off in Spanish and storms out of the room.



I'm beyond furious as I walk beside Stefanie and Frankie back to the apartment, for not only had they been suspended for an entire week, but also, Frankie would serve in school detention for an entire month when she returned. Stefanie was another story, for now her attendance was on the line and we had to try to convince them to allow her to actually attend the school.

This entire situation has managed to piss me the fuck off...much more than I'm currently letting on as both girls walk in complete silence. When we reach the apartment, they don't even look at me for they both know better and truth was if I opened my mouth I'd say something I would NOT regret. Taking my gun belt off and locking my gun up they stand awkwardly in the kitchen as I take a seat at the table looking over our mail.

"Should we go to our room?" Frankie hesitantly asks as I look up at the both of them staring coldly. I don't answer them as I open another bill and they remain standing.

"I...I think we should go to our room, Franks," I hear Stefanie whisper to Frankie, and I can see the older girl take Frankie's hand in her own.

"Mama Dukes! Should we go to our room?" Frankie sounds more annoyed than ever as I pull out my reading glasses and slide them on my nose. I begin working on our bills, ignoring both girls, for I was very sure that if I did take care of this now, I'd end up whipping the fire out of both of their asses until they couldn't sit for a month.

"Frankie! Come on!" Stefanie whispers hoarsely trying to drag her little cousin who is more furious than ever, and I look up to make intense eye contact with her, for I would not put up with her all and she knew this. It had been months since the last time she dared to mouth off to me and it was evident she forgot who she was talking to.

"She's clearly not deaf, and I guess she's just gonna pretend we don't EXIST!" She hollers the last word as Stefanie clamps her hand over Frankie's mouth just as I stand to my feet, my heart pounding in my chest.

"You DO NOT refer to me as she! You know my name so you say it!!! Have you lost your ever loving mind talking to me this way?!!!"

"But you act like you don't see us! How in the heck are we supposed to know what to do if you are mute!"

"I DARE you to come closer and say that to me!! I dare you!!!" I scream walking towards her as Frankie backs up. "Go ahead you come closer to me and mouth off and it will be the last thing you do!!" My eyes narrow and it's a good thing that Stefanie manages to drag Frankie out of the kitchen, for one more minute of Francesca mouthing off, and I would have charged at her.

Fighting For Us - Book 4Where stories live. Discover now