Christmas Eve Night

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I knew Stef was still very angry with me as I was getting all the food on the table for our little Christmas Eve dinner. Maybe she was right and maybe I had a bad habit of calling people and not telling her. But I couldnt help it for I could see and hear that not having a relationship with her father had really torn her up.

It was bad enough she lost her brother and that her other brothers barely spoke to her but her parents? That was just another story, and I knew how much she missed her dad most of all. For they had a special bond, one that had been severed all these years. And if I could help bring them back together, maybe she'd finally understand why I do what I do.

Being aware they disowned her for being gay I just wanted to tell them, especially her father how much it hurt her. But it seemed he was hurt just as much and missed her...deeply, even if he was too proud to admit any of it.


"You did what?! You can't be serious! LENA!" She says getting up and looking completely furious with me. "How could you do that?! Huh?! Why..why..why?!"

"Stef, baby just listen I..."

"No Len! First my father, of all people! Why?! He disowned me!! I...I can't even...I don't understand why you would do this to me! I cant talk to him much less listen to my mother pray for my fucking soul!! You had no right!! No right at all to pry!!!"

"Stef!! I wasnt trying to pry!! I just thjnk it was a misunderstaning and he cares but..."

"He does not care!! He made it clear how he feels about me! He said I was a disgrace!! That...that I was trash!! That I was nothing to him!!! And that I didn't deserve to be his daughter! And then testifying against me!! How is that a misunderstanding?! Huh??" Stef hollers now, her face beat red.

"Stef!!! I tried!!! Don't you think I thought this through? I did! I thought it through! And I could have listened to his wishes and NOT told you! He asked me not to tell you, but we promised no more secrets! So I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't!" I holler right back and pull my hair up on top of my head. My heart is racing out of control and I'm just as angry right now.

"Just leave me alone! Leave me alone and enjoy dinner tonight with them because I am not coming! You dug this hole, honey!!"

"What! That is a cop out!! Your father wants to talk to you, Stef! I think he regrets all those things he said to you!"

"You had no business, Lena! None! Stay out if it!!!"

"You won't even let me talk!! I'm done trying here! But you better fucking be at that dinner! We have four kids out there waiting for their first holiday together! So get your ass calmed down and join us! I'm not playing!" I shout before flinging the bedroom door open and storming to the kitchen to cut the veggies.


I brush the back of my hand over face as I sigh and lean over the sink. I had just snapped Frankie's head off for grabbing four colas to bring to her room, and I still need to shower for tonight. I blink back hot tears, determined to make the best of it. I can only hope and pray that Frank and Sharon aren't asses tonight or I'm not so sure Stef will ever speak to me again in life. It was bad enough Stef had left for work and we had not said a single word to each other. Something we both had tried never to do but it was apparent she needed to cool and and so did I.



I run my comb through my hair before grabbing my lip gloss and sighing. I know Lena meant well, but having to face my parents tonight is the last thing I really wanted.

Just thinking about them puts an instant knot in my stomach as I look back at myself in the mirror. Twenty years ago, even 15 years ago, I looked so different as I had worn my long dresses that buttoned up to my neck and went down to my ankles, my hair was long with bangs to cover as much of my face as possible and I was shy not to mention awkward.

I spoke only when spoken to, I did everything my parents told me to do, never contradicting them ever. In some sense I had no voice when internally I was screaming to be myself and I think the only person who understood that was my big brother, Frank Jr.

My heart was trying not to be angry with Lena but I didn't know what on earth got into her to call them or why my parents would even agree to come over here. Last time I checked they were not fond of anyone who wasn't white much less being around anyone gay.

Closing my eyes a bit and swallowing hard I exit the bathroom and see how nicely Lena has decorated the kitchen as the kids are helping her lay everything out and finish getting ready themselves. Making eye contact with her we had not said much since I had gotten back from work as I walked up to her and gently grabbed the bowl of candied yams letting a small smile escape from my face.

In return she gently grabs my hand squeezing it as we hear a soft knock at the door and Callie instantly looks at me.

"I'll get it, Mama."

"Yeah, babe." I say now feeling Lena clutch my hand harder.

"I'm here. Ok? And that means I will defend you and us always."

"I know, babe." I say as I now hear my father's gruff voice and try not to panic as I myself take a deep breath and Lena keeps my hand in hers as we walk towards the hallway.

"Thanks, Papa! You didn't have to get me anything!" Callie says as I can now see it's just my father. My mother is nowhere to be found, and I don't know whether or not to internally cheer or feel badly. Maybe this was for the best?

"Oh I can't not get my only granddaughter anything! Of course I would." He says smiling as he turns now to look right at me. "Why don't you put that stuff under the tree, kiddo."

"Sure." Callie looks right at me as I wink at her letting her know I'm ok and she walks off to put the gifts under the tree.

"Hi, Frank. I'm glad you could come. Dinner is just about ready." Lena says as he nods his head. "Would you like me to take your coat?"

"Thank you." He says as neither of us have still said a word to each other and I hear Frankie, Stefanie and Corey behind me and see his facial expression change to confusion.

"Of course. And these are our kids, Frankie, Corey and Stefanie. Kids this is Mom's father and Callie's Papa."

"Hi." They all say rather quietly as I feel someone grab my hand. Thinking it was Frankie I look over seeing it was Stefanie.

"Hi." He says back looking more awkward then ever.

"Um would you like to sit, can I offer you a drink? Or we can just start eating. Is your wife joining?"

"No. She couldn't make it."

"Ok. Um why don't we go sit. Frankie and Stefanie put the last of the food on the table, ok? And Corey make sure everyone has silverware."

"Sure." They say as I watch them all head into the kitchen leaving my father and I alone in the hall.

"Hi, Daddy."

"Hi, Stefanie."

I fold my hands in front of me, and he clears his throat. "You look well. Got a brood of kids I see. I know you always did love kids."

"Umm, yes. I love them like they were all my own. Uhhh, do you want to come in?" I nervously point towards the kitchen as he nods as I'm not sure how this will go as my nerves are getting the best of me.

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