Working Together

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As summer slowly fades into fall, I can't help the knot that forms in my stomach every single morning as I get up bright and early to make breakfast for my little family. Even though Stef has assured me that we are fine and are going to be fine, she still stubbornly refuses to allow me to use any of my savings to help with anything. It had already been a fight in terms of me paying for Frankie and Corey's private school tuition with the money I had saved. That alone gave me a migraine for days, for I never met someone as stubborn as my fiance.

At times it's still so hard to believe we are engaged, but Stef is still the love of my life and the kids were excited when we told them about it. So excited to the point that they were planning the entire thing! It would have to be a small celebration, that sadly wouldn't be legal, but we would all know what it would mean and that meant the world to us. Who knew if the times were ever going to change but we didn't want to wait around for that.

"You guys are engaged!!!" Frankie said happily as she ran to both of us hugging us tightly as Callie joined her.

Corey could only grin widely as he walked over to Stef and hugged her waist. "That is soooo awesome!!! I love you, Mama Dukes!"

"Aww, well, we are happy you guys are excited!" Stef says rustling Corey's hair as she winked at me.

"It's not legal, but we will have something small for the family. If this is ok with you all." I say as Callie looks to her mother's hand admiring the ring I gave her. We were both happy the kids were excited for we just weren't really sure how they would feel. They were ok with us being in a relationship, but this was something different. This was more permanent.

"I wanna plan it! Oh can I, Mama's?" Frankie claps her hands together as I had never seen her this excited. Neither of us had and it was making us happier then we ever could be.

"We will talk about it, okay? Let's just get back to the city, get you, guys enrolled in school, get Mama a job, then we'll revisit this, yes?" Stef smiled at the enthusiastic girl who was really warming my heart and bringing tears to my eyes.

"And I'll take the pictures!" Callie smiled as Corey butt in.

"And I'll help seat people and be an usher!"

"Come here, you, guys! Come here!" Stef held out her arms as the kids and I and she hugged each other as tightly as we could.

"Family hug!" I smile as I look over their heads at the love of my life, and I saw the tears of joy and love there.

"I love you," she mouthed.

"I love you, too."

For the most part, Stef and I are still learning how to function as a couple, and we have had our fair share of days. At times we tend to clash in terms of disciple for she is much rougher on the kids then I ever was or could be. Sure, at times, I know it's what they need, but other times I feel they could benefit more from a softer hand. Working through this has proven to be a bit difficult, but the best thing about it is when we each realize that the other doesn't agree, yet we don't say anything until the kids are out of earshot. This was something we both were adamant about: not allowing our disagreements to be loud enough to scare our children because we could be loud if we wanted.

When this past month Stef paid for Frankie and Corey's tuition, by busting her ass and working overtime, before I could pull the money from my savings, I decided to do something for Callie as I knew that she needed a camera for her one photography classes, and just knowing how much art meant to her, it was a huge burden on my heart. And for that reason, I went out one morning and purchased a brand new Nikon with the intention of telling Stef it was a late birthday present. Of course, Stef didn't take it too well, and we had argued that evening after the kids were in bed.

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